Edux10's WidowCindy Grow


Well-Known Member
Cloneville - your getting to be the clonemaster like TLD. Very green too.

Did the yellow one have any green on it when you put it into 0 light? May be too sick to withstand the shock of no light.

Areo/Hydro - I know everyone says soil tastes best but I think if you do it right either areo or hydro can be just as tasty. We should do a test with Earl. Hydro/aero, as TLD says takes a little finesse but one you have it dialed in not hard at all. You can DIY on the setup like Earl's which I will try after the next 2 soil grows. Soil is much more forgiving so people perceive it as easier. I do water quality so Im use to ppm, pH, EC ect. You are right it does take a little more capital investment too. Decisions, decisions.

Rocks in the bottom are good for drainage. Use the screen just above the rocks to hold in the soil. You can get either type, nylon or metal. The rocks on the top also help with algae formation on the top of the soil.


Well-Known Member
Wuddup Edux,

i got my OFFICIAL grow journal up finally after a month n a half of growin n random pic postin. Check it out if u feel froggy, just click link in sig.

Thanks brothaman

sa weeeeet man. I just skimmed through it really quick:leaf:. Looking really green. I am envious! Keep it up. I like the idea.

I want to get more people I know growing. This is really good to show them how simple it could be and how good of a quality of plants can come out of it. Way to go :clap:


Well-Known Member
Cloneville - your getting to be the clonemaster like TLD. Very green too.

Did the yellow one have any green on it when you put it into 0 light? May be too sick to withstand the shock of no light.

Areo/Hydro - I know everyone says soil tastes best but I think if you do it right either areo or hydro can be just as tasty. We should do a test with Earl. Hydro/aero, as TLD says takes a little finesse but one you have it dialed in not hard at all. You can DIY on the setup like Earl's which I will try after the next 2 soil grows. Soil is much more forgiving so people perceive it as easier. I do water quality so Im use to ppm, pH, EC ect. You are right it does take a little more capital investment too. Decisions, decisions.

Rocks in the bottom are good for drainage. Use the screen just above the rocks to hold in the soil. You can get either type, nylon or metal. The rocks on the top also help with algae formation on the top of the soil.

The one that was really yellow did have some green starting back on it. It was light green so I don't know if it will totally make it. I don't have my expectations that high like I said for that one, but even from the get go it was kind of weak looking. Very lanky, even the one that was the tallest before and all lanky bushed out more than the yeller one. Might have just not been 'keeper' material. It doesn't really look like it has may spots for nugs to grow or anything so we will see.

You can tell by my grow soil is a lot more forgiving!!

I guess it really comes down to a taste test and seeing how may grams you could pull for the whole soil v. hydro/aero. That and I guess what is easy for you. I really like the DIY space shuttle from Earl. My first grow was DIY and it worked great. We didn't have a lot of things that we could have use but we made it. Off 1200 watts we pulled like 12 oz. Not really that good but it worked. I think after electric and nutes we must have lost $$ but gained experience and as we all know exp is everything, you cant really put a price on that.

That is why all your guyses help means so much to me. You can't even pay for good help these days. Thank you very very much everyone for helping me so much so far. I know we still have more than 2 months to go but you will not be forgotten. Like I said I always look after my people.


Well-Known Member
I really wouldn't mind writing a book when I get better at growing. I know it is hard to start out if you have never done anything like this. A lot of people are out there wondering where to start. It needs to be a list like you need a 400watt light pots soil and seeds. A lot of people give up before they ever get that far. And on top of that everyone wants a ballpark figure of what their yeild will be like. It needs to break that down with they money that they will be spending on eveything like electricity and nutes. Then it needs to show equipment costs and so on. There are a lot of med patients now but they are very overwhelmed to start growing. Clubs probably want people to buy dryed flowers too instead of growing it themselves, for money reasons. Well, I gotta go but we will talk more about this kind of thing later. I am down though and I know you guys have the exp


Well-Known Member
A lot of people just don't know where to start. Its sad. I have always been into it and thinking about ways to do it. Just now am in at a point to actually do it. I don't know if people are scared or what but now that people have their mmj recs and most people realize what is going on with the laws....
I can see where you can become quite lost in where to actually start. Maybe if you just told someone here is the starting spot and here is the end they could do it. Growing has got to the point where there is a lot less guesswork too. We can do the math and figure out the problem if you know what I am saying. We know how many watts will produce such and such and how much nutes they use and how tall to grow just putting it down for others to understand. We could get really far into this and probably shouldn't get too off topic.... soon enough


Well-Known Member
Today will be day one of flower. Oh, that reminds me, Im going to put my camera on the charger and later I will be doing a full guide on the WC before and after their trim.

I will be showing the ones that gave their lower brances for the next generating. I am either going to have 3 or 4 different clones all with slightly different characteristics. One may be male so we will be finding out for sure soon but I know there is at least 3 different ones that will be made.

We need names for them!! I don't want everyone to be confused or me either about "is this 'F' or 'H' or what" needs a catchy name but nothing has stuck yet..... hhhhmmm maybe characters from a movie or a video game? I need 4 name asap. They have to be good though...

I told my friend we should call one 'Crabman' from the show 'My Name is Earl' but he said that he would never want anything name 'Crabman'. I agreed. hahaha


Well-Known Member
well, I don't think that any of the spider names are particularly good... nor the Nintendo Characters, but they did remind me of something.... A Traditional perception of my family is that every plant is individual like people, grows like people, and has a character like people. Soo... what I would do is look at the plants and try to figure our what you would say their "character" is, and then name them after that Character.... how does that sound?


Well-Known Member
What is the name for? Clone or Bud sales? Bud sales usually get there name from either the cross or the place they are from or the high you experience. Im still a little confused (normal) about why you would change the name Earl gave it "Widow Cindy." Are the phenos that much different? Im thinking you may have to wait to smoke test them to determine what to call the bud (Im sure TLD and I could help you with that task :weed:. Why dont you call them Widow Cindy XXXX (headbanger, sleeper, racers edge, Ventura, Purple Widow Cindy, Moon ride, meditation, dosage, Space shuttle, dirt devil, etc.). If its for a clone, it will be hard for anyone other than us to truly understand what pheno is what based on a name; however, if your bud name becomes a real popular bud and by word of mouth is sought after, people will want that specific clone. I guess I would go about it that way. Name the bud based on the high (consensus) and then name the clone the same thing for that pheno. Just MHO.


Well-Known Member
What is the name for? Clone or Bud sales? Bud sales usually get there name from either the cross or the place they are from or the high you experience. Im still a little confused (normal) about why you would change the name Earl gave it "Widow Cindy." Are the phenos that much different? Im thinking you may have to wait to smoke test them to determine what to call the bud (Im sure TLD and I could help you with that task :weed:. Why dont you call them Widow Cindy XXXX (headbanger, sleeper, racers edge, Ventura, Purple Widow Cindy, Moon ride, meditation, dosage, Space shuttle, dirt devil, etc.). If its for a clone, it will be hard for anyone other than us to truly understand what pheno is what based on a name; however, if your bud name becomes a real popular bud and by word of mouth is sought after, people will want that specific clone. I guess I would go about it that way. Name the bud based on the high (consensus) and then name the clone the same thing for that pheno. Just MHO.
Oh, I am not changing the name of the Strain. That is WidowCindy as named by Earl and will always be that. It would be messed up to change it, for it is his hard work that went into making these.

I just wanted to name the phenos. That way when people get the clones they know what is what.

They are different. No two are exactily alike. You can see in the pics and I will do a better side by side later when the lights come on. The flowers will all just be called WidowCindy when they are done cuz most people wouldn't understand the name but for clone purposes I think that they should have individual names to keep them apart. I just don't really like when it is one Strain but there are a couple phenos so you don't know exactily what it is. If you really like one you should be able to have it again.

I will have to see when they are harvested what the different characteristics are but I do belive that they will be noticabally different. Also for growing porposes these are all a bit different. Too different to call them all the same thing.

If the whole naming thing is too confusing then I guess we can just give them letters like they currently but letters are easier to forget of mix up.

I really just want to keep everything staright. Maybe it is too much if they all come out the same but like I said I think there will be variation. See like what if one is purple and one looks just like it but won't turn purple. I think that those two cuts should be told apart.

See, it would be cool if one clone started to go around and people like it, then they find out there is a sister that maybe yeilds less but has a more unique taste. Now these people know there is a sister they are going to try to find it, and it may be hard but when they do they will know. Just my idea.


Well-Known Member
Please don't think I am trying to change the name of Earls work. I would never do that. It is totally not my place to do anything like that.

It should be like listed as Im growing WidowCindy the XXXXXX cut/pheno"

and also I am not trying to name it anything special to "make it sell" I could really care less about that and I know people will really want this stuff no matter what the name is. To bad I grow for personal use only and I really dobut I will even get enough to make it to next harvest.


Well-Known Member
I got three PC phenos,
I call them PC-1 PC-2 PC-3,
but now that they are cured,
I call them grape, lemon, and thai.
but they are all Purple Cindy.


Well-Known Member
I found this recipe in a magazine do you think it would be good to do this? I am not going to do it right now but soon after these ones are done.

Veg Stage
1 gallon water - Reverse Osmosis water, rain water, distilled, etc.
1 teaspoon black strap molasses (unsulfure)(1-0-5): Be sure to use onlt the unsufured variety. This is because sulfer kills microlife, especilly fungus (unless its elemental sulfer in very small ratios.)
1 teaspoon liquid Alaskan fish fertillizer (5-1-1): Fungus and bacteria both love fish ferts and go nuts reproducing when its included.
1 cup earthworm castings (vermicompost) or good outdoor compost: Vermicompost provides humates, enzymes, protozoa, nematodes, bacteris, fungus, trace elements, secondary and primary nutrients.
1 teaspoon FoxFarm Peace of Mind All Purpose (5-5-5): Food for the microlife that balances the pH of the tea (to about 6.5-7.2)


Well-Known Member
Flower Stage
1 teaspoon black strap molasses (unsulfured): An excellent source of potassium durnig flowering; bacteria perfer these simple sugars, whereas the fungus prefer more comples sugars delivered from various organic matter.
1 teaspoon FoxFarm Peace of Mind All Purpose (5-5-5): Food for the microlife that balances the pH of the tea (to about 6.5-7.2)
1 teaspoon High Phosphorous Bat Guano (0-4-0): Fungi love the nutrient and will deliver it to the plant roots.
1 cup earthworm castings (vermicrompost) or regular compost: Good balance of nutrients (trace and secondary). Also a source for microbes and beneficial elements.
1 teaspoon Maxicrop or kelp/seaweed extract (dry): A fungal favorite, this is a key tea ingredient that produces a good ratio of happy fungus. It's also booming with trace elements, some nitrogen, and some potassium.
1/4 teaspoon Micronized (soft) rock phosphate: Fungus attach to th rock phosphate and grow on it. Also a prime source of phosphorous, magnesium and sulfur.