Germinated seeds and lights


OK so I just put my first germinated seed in the soil...... My question is do I put light on it right away or wait a few days for it to pop up more??


Well-Known Member
OK so I just put my first germinated seed in the soil...... My question is do I put light on it right away or wait a few days for it to pop up more??
Hey how are you, yeah pretty much cover with plastic, tape it down and put it under the light, it will "greenhouse" until the baby is ready to pop up. When you see it pop up remove the plastic, and keep it as close to the light as is okay for the back of your hand not to burn. Peace, be safe MD.


Hey how are you, yeah pretty much cover with plastic, tape it down and put it under the light, it will "greenhouse" until the baby is ready to pop up. When you see it pop up remove the plastic, and keep it as close to the light as is okay for the back of your hand not to burn. Peace, be safe MD.
OK thank you something like this then??



Well-Known Member
Awesome I'm using a 250v metal halide so should I keep a small fan pointed toward the light to keep it cool its in a closet so its a little warm with the light running
If you're worried about electricity, then don't worry about a light until you have your first set of leaves. Plant doesn't do anything with light until it has real leaves.
Good luck!