In House Genetics Thread

I respect so many people on the forum but if you not a black man you will never ever truly understand what it feels like to be a black man in this country. Hands up was def the man in Tulsa but I don't care about this and that the politics who makes money so fucking what. I do know for a fact that people killing unarmed black people is not held accountable and if a lot of this stuff wouldn't have been caught on camera it would've been swept under rug like so many have been. Like @Beemo said how does someone causing immenant danger to people yet he lives. Its sickening but I don't even think this is something anybody should really be discussing with me right now and def not in this thread
I respect so many people on the forum but if you not a black man you will never ever truly understand what it feels like to be a black man in this country. Hands up was def the man in Tulsa but I don't care about this and that the politics who makes money so fucking what. I do know for a fact that people killing unarmed black people is not held accountable and if a lot of this stuff wouldn't have been caught on camera it would've been swept under rug like so many have been. Like @Beemo said how does someone causing immenant danger to people yet he lives. Its sickening but I don't even think this is something anybody should really be discussing with me right now and def not in this thread

1000% this.
I do know for a fact that people killing unarmed black people is not held accountable and if a lot of this stuff wouldn't have been caught on camera it would've been swept under rug like so many have been.

Like....Chicago is swept under the rug?


No Sharpton in Chicago. No Hillary, no Jackson, no Obama, no BLM. Who protests and riots in the city where more unarmed black people are killed than anywhere else in the world?
Nobody. Why is that ?? Anybody got an answer to that?

I respect so many people on the forum but if you not a black man you will never ever truly understand what it feels like to be a black man in this country................... I don't even think this is something anybody should really be discussing with me right now ...

No problem.
LOL indeed. Thanks, Obama!


Wait 'til hope and change comes to your town. All the free Walmart goods you can steal !

Maybe Denver is next? Smash some windows, and grab some clones !


The racist police officer who pulled the trigger in Charlotte. Watch your back @akhiymjames , amigo.


IHG buds.

View attachment 3786985
Sorry wheres the bud? The stick or twig with a few caylx on it? "In house"DangerDog Bud.....So many keyboard tuff guys seems..Dog who cares about looting wallmarts when a life is lost it should be honored by those who cared for it , not televission ,no country lives this way as in life is what the screen tells us, New World Order is movin much faster then i thought but i dont watch tv read news or radio so i might be out touch with all tje horrible parts of humanity but i am in touch with my life family friends and animals..simplify yourself to enjoy the gift of just being alive and conjure your own thoughts to form an opinion before wolf blitzer or whoever tells you it, as ive travled realized why Americans are not liked and i agree, think were free, but our minds are jailed and limited!! like by way of making presidential memes which wernt even funny and humans are a selfish breed! But Americans are that and biggest Narcissistic country alive.. Humble your self and never forget history and telling James to watch his back because hes a black man shows ur lack of simple communication without skin or race or dem or rep being involved..go take a walk in your local forrest and soak in the tangible things in life and dont make quoting tv or news as it...bun that! 3 hats 2 aces.....barely know James but what i do is a smart family man that deserves more attention for that then pics of wallmarts memes and jabs, straight up on the rocks punto..find learn something possitive about yourself to as i sadly see none....its very sad Keyboard tuff guy ..ruff tuff rude boy..doesnt have to be


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Like....Chicago is swept under the rug?


No Sharpton in Chicago. No Hillary, no Jackson, no Obama, no BLM. Who protests and riots in the city where more unarmed black people are killed than anywhere else in the world?
Nobody. Why is that ?? Anybody got an answer to that?

No problem.

Sorry bro had to sleep on this stuff especially with it being right in my backyard and 20 mins away. First off what's going on in Chicago is totally different than what's going on when police officers mainly white are shooting unarmed black people. Chicago is gang war zone Chiraq movie is telling the real and that's neighbor on neighbor crime so I'm tired of people bringing that up into the subject of police shooting unarmed black people. We know as blacks that we have to do better by each other and people like Sharpton, Rowland Martin, Eric Dyson and many others have acknowledged this but it has nothing to do what's going on. So I'm tired of people always throwing that into the conversation of police shootings

But Chicago has had the same police shootings too and plenty of them everywhere else I could make a list so damn long it sickening. We as black people have been dehumanized our lives are not valued the same as others it's always been this way and people are fed up. Why you think they won't release the tape? Police Chief saying there's no definitive evidence that shows he ever pointed anything at the officers family lawyer spoke and said he was back up with hands up. Sounds completely different than what they were first saying. You can believe what they say all you want I know hey lie it's too much proof of it especially coming to this just like the dude in charleston who ran from police if that didn't get caught on tape that man would've been labeled a criminal who tried to kill an officer and there is plenty more evidence of this with it being caught on video. That's the only reason why we even having a conversation about this because it's being caught on tape.

This isn't the first time it's happened where I live. Jonathan Ferrell ex football star got into car accident knocked on someone door for help resident calls police to say black man is trying to break in they come to the scene. Ferrell is coming to them for help he's injured and they shot him over 10 times. Over kill always with these police shooting most of the time. That's why people are going crazy areound here cus that officer got off and they wouldn't retry him. There in no accountability for there actions and people want justice in a system that was mad completely against them.

People can stand up for whatever they believe in I don't care but I'm not racist I was raised to love all people and that's how I treat all people. All lives do matter and I stand up for any nationality of people who are being oppressed. This is dead wrong and until some billionaires speak on it won't anything happen. But as I said before people will never understand what it feels like to have this skin color to be in fear of being castrated, lynched and so many other despicable things. I don't even try to talk political on here that's not what I'm here for but when I'm brought into it I will. People can hate me just like Kaepernick I don't care but right is right and wrong is wrong and this is dead wrong and must stop. If this is something anybody wants to talk with me about pm me it's not for these threads. I've said my peace
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Like....Chicago is swept under the rug?


No Sharpton in Chicago. No Hillary, no Jackson, no Obama, no BLM. Who protests and riots in the city where more unarmed black people are killed than anywhere else in the world?
Nobody. Why is that ?? Anybody got an answer to that?

No problem.
The difference there Amos is the man who committed that crime has been caught and facing chrages. Can't say the same for cops, they get paid leave.
Like....Chicago is swept under the rug?


No Sharpton in Chicago. No Hillary, no Jackson, no Obama, no BLM. Who protests and riots in the city where more unarmed black people are killed than anywhere else in the world?
Nobody. Why is that ?? Anybody got an answer to that?

No problem.
You act like anybody really care about any of them names....

@Amos Otis is Obama black....or black & white?
..barely know James but what i do is a smart family man that deserves more attention for that then pics of wallmarts memes and jabs,e

I don't know you, and you don't know me. Period. "Sticks and twigs", you say? "Keyboard tuff guy" ? I fart in your direction, and move on.

You act like anybody really care about any of them names....

What do you care about? Besides weed?

The difference there Amos is the man who committed that crime has been caught and facing chrages. Can't say the same for cops, they get paid leave.


Sorry bro had to sleep on this stuff especially with it being right in my backyard and 20 mins away.

No problem, amigo, we've been friends for some time, and I hope we continue to be.

NOW THEN. Let's move to the next post, which is where I'll state my position thoroughly, with no confusion, and no ambiguity - and no attacks.
I don't know you, and you don't know me. Period. "Sticks and twigs", you say? "Keyboard tuff guy" ? I fart in your direction, and move on.

What do you care about? Besides weed?


No problem, amigo, we've been friends for some time, and I hope we continue to be.

NOW THEN. Let's move to the next post, which is where I'll state my position thoroughly, with no confusion, and no ambiguity - and no attacks.
The few acres I live on,and my close family and friends.....what else matters?

Now answer my question..

Black ....or black & do you see Obama?

If you’re a little confused about what’s going on in Charlotte, North Carolina, allow me to explain: a black cop shot and killed an armed black man, so a bunch of black rioters decided to burn down a black neighborhood and loot black-owned businesses in order to protest racism against black people. Make sense now?

No, I suppose it doesn’t. There are many questions that immediately come to mind. Questions like: Why are they claiming Keith Scott was unarmed when all of the evidence clearly shows he had a gun? And no matter if the shooting was justified or not, why are they shouting “white cops are devils” when the cop who shot Scott was black? And even if the cop was white and even if all white cops are devils (which seems unlikely, theologically speaking), why are they destroying their own community in response? And perhaps the biggest and most confounding question of all: Why are we still calling this sort of brutal violence, mayhem and criminality a “protest”?

At this point, it seems like too strange a coincidence that literally every single Black Lives Matter “protest” involves chaos and bloodshed. I almost said it “descends into” chaos and bloodshed, but that wouldn’t be quite accurate. After witnessing this play out in cities across the country for the past couple of years, I think we can now officially declare that chaos and bloodshed are the point, not just unfortunate byproducts; not the result of an otherwise peaceful demonstration “devolving” into something decidedly less peaceful.

The media keeps saying — as it has reported about every BLM riot before it — that Charlotte “started as a peaceful protest” and then became violent. But that’s like claiming a drive-by shooting “started as a peaceful jaunt through the city” until the passengers starting firing indiscriminately out of the driver’s side window. That may be true, in a certain sense, but the drive was always leading inevitably and purposefully to the shooting part, just as these “protests” are, from the beginning, merely a staging ground for savagery, looting and destruction. The riots are not aberrations. They are not surprising and unexpected developments in the midst of otherwise peaceful demonstrations. They are planned, coordinated and widespread. And they seem to only be getting worse with each successive incident.

Wednesday night, a person was shot and nearly killed by another “protester”; businesses were looted and vandalized; journalists were viciously assaulted; swarms of people ripped cash registers out of stores and grabbed fistfuls of cash; white bystanders were brutalized; roadways were blocked and motorists were attacked; a white pedestrian was stripped, kicked and dragged through a parking garage; rocks and bottles were thrown and several police officers were injured; and so on. Perhaps the most disturbing incident happened when a group of “protesters” set a fire and seemingly attempted to throw an unconscious photographer into it.

That’s where we are now with these “protests.” They’re trying to burn white people alive in the middle of the street. One can only imagine what would happen if a group of maniacs at a Tea Party rally attempted to incinerate a black man. Well, I think we all know: The Tea Party would be forcefully disbanded, outlawed, declared a hate group, and all of its leaders would be in federal prison by the end of the week. But when Black Lives Matter does it, we’re told that we have to understand the “hurt” and “frustration” of these poor, misunderstood people. If they torch a couple of honkies here and there, no big deal. It’s just a little collateral damage in the fight for social justice. Besides, who are we to judge? These people are mad. They’re mad because they heard a black guy was shot by a white cop while sitting in his car reading a book. Yeah, sure, it turns out the “book” was actually a gun, and the white cop was actually black, but that doesn’t matter. Stop focusing on the details, bigot. They’re upset, OK? That’s the point. And sometimes you burn down a city block or loot a Wal-Mart or assault a white dude when you’re upset, and that’s all right.

Of course, those of us who are not insane (a small demographic, admittedly) are rather sick of trying to “understand” the emotional needs of rioters and looters. We’re tired of being lectured about our “closed-mindedness” as we watch a bunch of thugs rampage through our communities. We don’t care about their message anymore. If you can’t get your point across without setting things on fire, your point doesn’t deserve to be heard. You lose the right to have your “movement” taken seriously the moment you throw a cement block through a convenience store window and run in to snatch an armful of souvenirs.

If you simply can’t manage to get together for a “protest” without causing millions of dollars worth of property damage, you don’t deserve to be listened to. There is, it turns out, a word for people who use destruction and violence against the innocent to bring about “social change,” and the word isn’t ”protesters.” It’s “terrorists.” What we’re seeing in Charlotte — just as we saw in Ferguson and Baltimore and Dallas and in so many other cities — is terrorism, by definition. And that’s what we should call it, once and for all.

But many people refuse to call it what it is because they’re more concerned about protecting a narrative than protecting our communities. Indeed, the only thing more shameful than the barbarians who loot, maim and destroy are the cowards who sit off at a safe distance and make excuses for them. They’re as much a threat as the rioters themselves because they’re the ones who legitimize this madness. They’re the ones who give the crooks and terrorists “space to destroy,” in the immortal words of the mayor of Baltimore, by stubbornly refusing to condemn the sort of behavior they would certainly condemn in any other context.
No doubt I’ll be called a racist for using rude terms like “thug” and “terrorist” to describe people — black, white or otherwise — who flip over cop cars and beat innocent bystanders, but the real racists are the white people who don’t use those words. If BLM militants had any self-respect, they’d feel profoundly insulted to hear these pompous white liberals on cable news explain why black folks can’t be blamed for throwing rocks at police or setting gas stations on fire or whatever else they decide to do. It’s called “the bigotry of low expectations,” but it’s even worse than that. It’s the bigotry of no expectations. The bigotry of paternalistic, condescending panderers who claim the laws against assault and arson should apply only to the white race.

I, on the other hand, believe firmly in equality. I hold everyone to the same standard. I don’t care where you’re from or who you are or what you believe, if you take part in the kind of violent pandemonium we saw in Charlotte last night (or Ferguson or Baltimore or Dallas or …), you should be arrested and locked in a cage. And if you’re part of a group that roams from city to city creating havoc everywhere it goes, and doing it all for political reasons, then you are a terrorist. Plain and simple. And you deserve to be treated like any other terrorist.

You’ll notice that few people are insisting we be sensitive to the feelings of Ahmad Rahami. Few are demanding we sit and listen as he explains the deeper meaning behind his decision to rig an explosive device in the middle of Manhattan. That’s because most of know that we can’t allow a terrorist to “spark a conversation” by blowing people up. The moment we stop and say, “Yeah his methods are unorthodox, but he has a point,” is the moment we actively encourage more terrorism. Terrorist groups deserve to be scorned, rebuked and resisted. They shouldn’t be heard or empathized with or understood. That applies to Black Lives Matter just as much as it applies to ISIS. The only difference is that ISIS has not even come close to causing the kind of damage to American cities in the last two or three years that Black Lives Matter has. ISIS must be incredibly envious of BLM’s success in that regard.

I’m sure they’re looking on with envious eyes — and taking notes.
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I don't know you, and you don't know me. Period. "Sticks and twigs", you say? "Keyboard tuff guy" ? I fart in your direction, and move on.

What do you care about? Besides weed?


No problem, amigo, we've been friends for some time, and I hope we continue to be.

NOW THEN. Let's move to the next post, which is where I'll state my position thoroughly, with no confusion, and no ambiguity - and no attacks.
Are we really acting like that isn't just a publicity move to stop the Protests? Pretty sure they don't ever plan having her do time.
The few acres I live on,and my close family and friends.....what else matters?

Now answer my question..

Black ....or black & do you see Obama?


As he is not on your few acres, it doesn't matter to you. It also doesn't matter to me.

How do I see Obama? As a total failure as president. Like Jimmy Carter. Which I also believe will be the case with Hillary. [white folks]

So tell me - is Hillary black...or white..? Doesn't seem relevant, does it?
As he is not on your few acres, it doesn't matter to you. It also doesn't matter to me.

How do I see Obama? As a total failure as president. Like Jimmy Carter. Which I also believe will be the case with Hillary. [white folks]

So tell me - is Hillary black...or white..? Doesn't seem relevant, does it?
Just sad....
Sorry bro had to sleep on this stuff especially with it being right in my backyard and 20 mins away. First off what's going on in Chicago is totally different than what's going on when police officers mainly white are shooting unarmed black people. Chicago is gang war zone Chiraq movie is telling the real and that's neighbor on neighbor crime so I'm tired of people bringing that up into the subject of police shooting unarmed black people. We know as blacks that we have to do better by each other and people like Sharpton, Rowland Martin, Eric Dyson and many others have acknowledged this but it has nothing to do what's going on. So I'm tired of people always throwing that into the conversation of police shootings

But Chicago has had the same police shootings too and plenty of them everywhere else I could make a list so damn long it sickening. We as black people have been dehumanized our lives are not valued the same as others it's always been this way and people are fed up. Why you think they won't release the tape? Police Chief saying there's no definitive evidence that shows he ever pointed anything at the officers family lawyer spoke and said he was back up with hands up. Sounds completely different than what they were first saying. You can believe what they say all you want I know hey lie it's too much proof of it especially coming to this just like the dude in charleston who ran from police if that didn't get caught on tape that man would've been labeled a criminal who tried to kill an officer and there is plenty more evidence of this with it being caught on video. That's the only reason why we even having a conversation about this because it's being caught on tape.

This isn't the first time it's happened where I live. Jonathan Ferrell ex football star got into car accident knocked on someone door for help resident calls police to say black man is trying to break in they come to the scene. Ferrell is coming to them for help he's injured and they shot him over 10 times. Over kill always with these police shooting most of the time. That's why people are going crazy areound here cus that officer got off and they wouldn't retry him. There in no accountability for there actions and people want justice in a system that was mad completely against them.

People can stand up for whatever they believe in I don't care but I'm not racist I was raised to love all people and that's how I treat all people. All lives do matter and I stand up for any nationality of people who are being oppressed. This is dead wrong and until some billionaires speak on it won't anything happen. But as I said before people will never understand what it feels like to have this skin color to be in fear of being castrated, lynched and so many other despicable things. I don't even try to talk political on here that's not what I'm here for but when I'm brought into it I will. People can hate me just like Kaepernick I don't care but right is right and wrong is wrong and this is dead wrong and must stop. If this is something anybody wants to talk with me about pm me it's not for these threads. I've said my peace

This, again 1000%. People are sick and tired and if the guy had a gun they would have quickly released the tape. I for one do not value insured property over lives taken for no good reason.