Club 600

Never brought any amber nectar with me either oldman. Got a new whisky to try when i get home. Bought it from my neighbour who has just opened a whisky shop up the road.

We've been taking it easy on hols, eating in as its easier. Decided to go out for food tonight, lmfao. Nice fish place, we both had monk fish and prawns skewers. yin 1 spewed all over his dinner plate and we spent the rest of the time picking up stuff that yin2 kept throwing on the ground (awesome game that). Plus point was the bottle of rose cava i got to drink (wife normally has a glass or 2 at most). Was nice and fruity and dry, crisp finish. Could have had 2 bottles but bed time stories and what not took precedent.
Never brought any amber nectar with me either oldman. Got a new whisky to try when i get home. Bought it from my neighbour who has just opened a whisky shop up the road.

We've been taking it easy on hols, eating in as its easier. Decided to go out for food tonight, lmfao. Nice fish place, we both had monk fish and prawns skewers. yin 1 spewed all over his dinner plate and we spent the rest of the time picking up stuff that yin2 kept throwing on the ground (awesome game that). Plus point was the bottle of rose cava i got to drink (wife normally has a glass or 2 at most). Was nice and fruity and dry, crisp finish. Could have had 2 bottles but bed time stories and what not took precedent.
I remember those days with kids
Youngest was terrible in public

Sounds like a nice wine, I dont like too sugary
With my youngest you couldn't drive around the block without him barfing all over
and he was a head shaker. We didn't take a vacation until he was 9.
Now he's 34 and I still don't go anywhere with him.

My daughter hated being in public and screamed and cried.
Like maybe social anxiety diisorder, and was terribly afraid of any bugs.
She would scream and cry if there was a flay around.
Nice fish place, we both had monk fish and prawns skewers. yin 1 spewed all over his dinner plate and we spent the rest of the time picking up stuff that yin2 kept throwing on the ground (awesome game that).
Dude!!! @DST this sounded like our last holiday 2 years ago, 2 year old and 4 year old. I couldnt help but lmfao here at your expense buddy. Kids are fun. I wouldnt trade them for anything in the world, oh wait what dabs, just kidding.