Hillary can't be trusted

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Well-Known Member
People are like onions. LAYERS!

lol. Everyone uses metaphors. They are not racist. If calling syrian refugees a bowl of skittles is racist then why are skittles every color of the rainbow? If he wanted to be racist wouldn't he use almonds or something one color and brownish?

Just a bunch of irrational knee jerk reactions from the PC snowflakes.
your posts are getting "likes" from a guy who has "WHITE POWER" tattooed across his back, and no one else.

think about that for a second, pie.


Well-Known Member
while were talking about "weeds" let's all hold hands while we take a walk down memory lane with Hillary & her mentor Margret Sanger .

Sanger quote.
Black people are like "weeds" and should be exterminated !
end quote.

without using a trump meme or some compare this to that analogy please explain exactly how Hillary walks back from that,knowing full history recorded Margret Sanger to be a racist hate filled hag,a cunt who used public $ to exterminate the black race via sterilizations & abortions,how with good conscience can Hillary claim Margret Sanger as a mentor & somebody to look up to ?

since ones race has became such a huge talking point with this election its a fair question no ?
your shit has already been debunked, neo-nazi.

Screenshot 2016-09-21 at 3.34.13 PM.png


post a picture of your "WHITE POWER" tattoo, neo-nazi.


Well-Known Member
In 1969, a young black couple, Haywood and Rennell Cash, sued after being denied a home in Cincinnati at one of the first projects in which Donald Trump, fresh out of college, played an active role.

Mr. Cash was repeatedly rejected by the Trumps’ rental agent, according to court records and notes kept by Housing Opportunities Made Equal of Cincinnati, which sent in white testers posing as a young couple while Mr. Cash waited in the car.

After the agent, Irving Wolper, offered the testers an apartment, they brought in Mr. Cash. Mr. Wolper grew furious, shoving them out of the office and calling the young female tester, Maggie Durham, a “nigger-lover,” according to court records.

“To this day I have not forgotten the fury in his voice and in his face,” Ms. Durham recalled recently, adding that she also remembered him calling her a “traitor to the race.”


I got that beat,.....

... In Sept 2016 a bunch of blacks destroyed yet another town with riots and looting and plan more the following day. All because a Black guy with a gun would not follow the police instructions and got shot. Someone told them he had a book not a gun.

So I concluded that they`ll believe anything and say anything, even if it`s not true, just like your story.


Well-Known Member
I got that beat,.....

... In Sept 2016 a bunch of blacks destroyed yet another town with riots and looting and plan more the following day. All because a Black guy with a gun would not follow the police instructions and got shot. Someone told them he had a book not a gun.

So I concluded that they`ll believe anything and say anything, even if it`s not true, just like your story.

and terrence crutcher was trying to reach into his vehicle. through a closed window.

get the cop dick out of your mouth you dumb old racist.


Well-Known Member
No, that is not what he is proposing. You are being deceived. He is offering to set up and maintain safe zones for them.
Practically all US terrorists in the last decade were born in the US. Trump's campaign is all about the perception of danger from Syrian refugees and foreign born Muslim people. In other words fear mongering. If we want to make our streets safe from terrorists, we should ban all domestic born Christians. That's what the numbers say. Of course I'm being ridiculous but only to make the point that Trump Jr's skittles comment has no substance. Europe isn't seeing "poisonous skittles". Practically all their terrorist events have been perpetrated by natural born citizens of Europe and not Syria.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
you're just not that bright, pie.

WOLF BLITZER: How does the United States get out of this situation? Is there a way out?

DONALD TRUMP: You know how they get out? They get out. That's how they get out. Declare victory and leave. Because I'll tell you, this country is just going to get further bogged down. They’re in a civil war over there, Wolf. There's nothing we're going to be able to do with a civil war. They are in a major civil war.
It wasnt until later that he heard tbat the military generals were warning against pulling out of iraq and that it would lead to a power vacuum.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
In 1969, a young black couple, Haywood and Rennell Cash, sued after being denied a home in Cincinnati at one of the first projects in which Donald Trump, fresh out of college, played an active role.

Mr. Cash was repeatedly rejected by the Trumps’ rental agent, according to court records and notes kept by Housing Opportunities Made Equal of Cincinnati, which sent in white testers posing as a young couple while Mr. Cash waited in the car.

After the agent, Irving Wolper, offered the testers an apartment, they brought in Mr. Cash. Mr. Wolper grew furious, shoving them out of the office and calling the young female tester, Maggie Durham, a “nigger-lover,” according to court records.

“To this day I have not forgotten the fury in his voice and in his face,” Ms. Durham recalled recently, adding that she also remembered him calling her a “traitor to the race.”

Sounds like mr. Wolper was the racist.


Well-Known Member
Obama fired the generals already. He kept letting them go until he got a yes man.
so trump only flip-flopped on his support of the iraq withdrawal after listening to obama's yes-men generals?

do you realize how far detached from reality you are? your delusions are hitleresque.

the jews are coming to kill you.
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