Why are my seedlings purple?


So I have a problem I've never come across, not that I'm super experienced. I'm using:
600w mh/hps grow lights
Soil, with worm castings and organic compost
For nutes general hydroponics flora trio
2 strains, Nirvana Aurora Indica and Ak-48
Average temperature is about 75 with 35-50% humidity. Ph around 6.5
The Aurora sprouted first, and from the time they sprouted never had healthy green color, and as you can see in the picture has a purple color to it. The AK looks sprouted two days later and looks decent, almost ahead of the Aurora just not as tall. So my main question here is this a some type of phosphorus deficiency or maybe just genetic? The first two pics are the arouras, second is the ak


Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
It's way to early to worry about color......In fact for seedlings, that's rather common and should shake out as the plant grows.

I might ask just how your feeding and just what soil was used?


It's way to early to worry about color......In fact for seedlings, that's rather common and should shake out as the plant grows.

I might ask just how your feeding and just what soil was used?
Watered yesterday and gave it it's first quarter dosee of flora micro (5-0-1)
And I used a mix of earth's organic mushroom compost, miracle grow all natural potting soil, which I've heard isn't great but has done well for me. And also Pennington pure worm castings


I wouldn't feed for the first few weeks . The plenty of goodness in the soil for a while . Good luck and happy growing .
Thanks! Yeah it does have a bit of nitrogen, so I guess around the one month mark start adding something like 5-0-1 or 2-1-6?


Well-Known Member
Yeah after the seedling stage , just follow the instructions on the bottles only at 25/50% unless your useing organic or something you know what I mean. Good luck bro and keep us posted on what you did and how it worked . I'm looking forward to see you fix it . When my leaves started showing yellowing I thought it was N def but my damn ph meter was broke by the time I figured it out it was too late.
Peace out bare


Well-Known Member
You in no way need any nutrients yet brother. Your soil is already ammended. Even if it wasnt you still wouldnt need any for at least a week

Edit: sorry disreagard this you are already on top of it. Ive smoked quite a bit this morning :D