Second Hand Blunt


Well-Known Member
I just finished a blunt of Santa Cruz Og and now I'm smoking a glorious second hand blunt comprised of 10-12 blunt roaches wrapped in a dutchmaster honey leaf. If I somehow knew the way dog shit tasted, I would directly relate the taste of shit and the way this blunt tastes. I should have smoked the dirt blunt first, but I wasn't thinking!



Well-Known Member

spider mite control lol. i used some homegrown ghost peppers made into a tea and sprayed my plants. two weeks after i could still tell it was there when smoking a j.

my hands are all burnt up from handling peppers everyday for the past couple of weeks.

the spray is straight mace
Lol Mexican weed
couldnt taste any pepper but could definitely feel it..

ill probably be cooking most of this grow if any more buds make me die like that again


Well-Known Member
Lol. Well. It's either spay with peppers or some other crap. I'll take my chances with the high doses of capsaicin.