The feminizing process does nothing to the dna of the plant, nor does it introduce hermies to the gene pool if they're not there already.. so, if you start out with wank genetics, you'll get wank offspring, but this holds true for regular seeds as well as fems..
spraying a plant with a chemical such as collodial silver is the only reason the plant will grow stamenite flowers, no chems, no balls.. so long as the plant is not hermie prone to begin with, the fem'ed process will not do anything to make an otherwise healthy plant grow balls.. no chems, no balls..
this goes for regular seeds, or fems.. so long as you start out with stable plants, the offspring of those plants will also be just as stable as the parents..
It does suck though because the flower in the pic shows that it has unleashed full force. When it gets to this point there is enough pollen to get the whole crop. Cannabis is a wind pollinated plant so the pollen will travel your air flow and stivl to anything it can. I have visited my outdoor crops to pull males before come back take my clothes off outside. Hit the shower and then finally visited my indopr garden. I ended up finding a few seeds in my indooor bud on that round. I was using very stable genetics at the time.. Cloned from a mother never had a male or hermie problem. i only really can point to the fact that i had pollen all over me after ripping at least 10 large flowering males and brought it back with me