Simple Newb questions


Hello fellow growers! :)

So, I am quite sure my sexy lady is flowering but there are some things that have me worried...
She is getting quite tall, about 10 cm from my lamps. Should I tie some branches down?
Lower leafs ar dying. Should I cut them?
There are some places where shes starting to change color to purple. Is that ok?
There are quite a lot of leaves. Is it too late to cut them?

This is my first plant, sooo.... Please help. :)
She is a Candy Kush Express.
And folks... English is not my first language, so pardon my grammar. ;)


Hello fellow growers! :)

So, I am quite sure my sexy lady is flowering but there are some things that have me worried...
She is getting quite tall, about 10 cm from my lamps. Should I tie some branches down?
Lower leafs ar dying. Should I cut them?
There are some places where shes starting to change color to purple. Is that ok?
There are quite a lot of leaves. Is it too late to cut them?

This is my first plant, sooo.... Please help. :)
She is a Candy Kush Express.
And folks... English is not my first language, so pardon my grammar. ;)
Depending on space, yes, tie them down. What are your temps? If it's cold you can get purple. Defoliation is controversial here, just don't take branches, and think about light penetration. There are many other factors involved, so read up as much as you can, then more.
Depending on space, yes, tie them down. What are your temps? If it's cold you can get purple. Defoliation is controversial here, just don't take branches, and think about light penetration. There are many other factors involved, so read up as much as you can, then more.

Take a look at my posted pics. ;)
Temps are between 19-26 C (66-78 F) approx.
Didn't quite get the idea of defoliation. English is not my first language. :D
I have read a huge amount of info and it seems that everybody has their own way, that is why I am asking here to see what most of you folks choose to do. :)
I remove the older yellowing leaves from the lower plant. Then kind of move the light blocking leaves around to create holes for the light. Sometimes I will remove 1 or 2 fingers from a leaf to let more light to a lower bud. Trim sparingly!!
I remove the older yellowing leaves from the lower plant. Then kind of move the light blocking leaves around to create holes for the light. Sometimes I will remove 1 or 2 fingers from a leaf to let more light to a lower bud. Trim sparingly!!

Thanks! So trimming leaves isn't that bad if you trim those who block light?
Thanks! So trimming leaves isn't that bad if you trim those who block light?

Removing select leaves to create holes for light will benefit your yields. Also gives better air circulation around the canopy preventing mold.. I know a lot of people disagree but I've always believed in productive thinning...
I haven't the experience or research to weigh in on defoliating. I would rather move the leaves then to cut them.

Try SUPERCROPPING to take care of your height problem
After checking your pics... I would just trim the lower part of the plant.. the upper part can be rearranged by bending branches and or leaves. Don't remove all of the fan leaves.. your plants aren't really that thick and a certain amount of light goes through the leaves... they are doing fine!!
After checking your pics... I would just trim the lower part of the plant.. the upper part can be rearranged by bending branches and or leaves. Don't remove all of the fan leaves.. your plants aren't really that thick and a certain amount of light goes through the leaves... they are doing fine!!

Thanks a lot! That was the answer I was hoping for! :) I'll be back in a couple of weeks with new questions. ;)
This was very helpful. :)
Greetings from East Europe.
I haven't the experience or research to weigh in on defoliating. I would rather move the leaves then to cut them.

Try SUPERCROPPING to take care of your height problem

The top of the plant holds her biggest buds, I can't chop them it would kill me inside. :(
supercropping is when you squeez the stem until it starts to pop and do that a few spots in a section you want to make an angle with. you're just weakening the stem to bend it perpendicular to where it was growing. itll form a knuckle when it heals and be stronger than normal stems.. it's like LST without the straps and gives stronger branches.
get the light as high as you can

try for a temp drop of 10c max at night in 2 more weeks this could be made more dramatic to force a colour shift but a temp shift of more than 12c or so at night makes them get taller

you`re past the stretch stage now the plant your growing is a fast indica

so plenty of triacontanol or seaweed extract and it would of never got that tall in the 1st place

just get the lights as high as you can and if you have an in fan aim it near the top of the plants

I like one in fan at canopy level and one a bit lower giving fresh are near the root zone level
Take a look at my posted pics. ;)
Temps are between 19-26 C (66-78 F) approx.
Didn't quite get the idea of defoliation. English is not my first language. :D
I have read a huge amount of info and it seems that everybody has their own way, that is why I am asking here to see what most of you folks choose to do. :)
Combining LST with selective defanning will increase yields.
Didn't quite get the idea of defoliation. English is not my first language. :D
Don't worry your English is better than many American's English. Hell, we only speak one language in this country and people can't even get it right so to be able to speak multiple languages, you're doing great! Good tidings over there in E. Europe.