thats pretty ignorant dude
its not like we can just go to our city office and say okay make pot legal please and its done no problem... you guys dont have a majority of the kind of people we have gun toting mary j hating ingnornt fucks
most of the country isnt as open of a place as cali is you guys are supposed to be like 20 years ahead of the rest of the country right?
you cant get mad at somebody for not wanting to deal with ignorant marijuana laws anymore and therefore moving to where is less looked down upon its the USA and its still (dont know how much longer) a FREE country so he or i or anybody else can move wherever we want. its not our fault we were born on the other side of the country... if i was born in cali thenno prob but i wasnt... dosnt mean i dont belong there
there might be lots of "wanna be" growers moving there but what if hes a good grower? what if he makes a sweet new strain and sells it to your local dispensary, just sum what ifs but
main point, dont hate on people for wanting to go where they cant get arrested (i know federal blah blah blah) for doing something they could get arrested for very easily in another state