I'm not gonna block you...you are entitled to your opinion, as am I. The fact that those opinions are opposite just makes the conversation interesting. I may comment about my dislike of LP's and your support of them, but that doesn't mean I don't think your opinion counts, just that I don't agree. We all have things to learn...I buy my eggs from Gloria at the farm up the road......I understand that point of view. And I acknowledge that not everyone can afford some of the things that I've been blessed to have the opportunity to earn.
Please keep in mind that I to suffer from chronic pain from years of abuse that I put my body through in order to now afford these things.
You can say that egg farmers are being starved out of business by large grocery chains that continue to low ball what they are willing to pay for their products. So I should not buy eggs from my supermarket, because in order for me to have eggs for breakfast I have to buy from a business the is relentlessly cutting costs and choking out the small family run farms?
I appreciate your reply and I'm open to constructive criticism.
I'm here to learn and share. If my choices or topic does not agree with the beliefs of most of the board, then it's easier to block me or ignore my posts.
Take some time to read your posts and translate it to a version of English that can be comprehended in order to have a discussion.on and on with excuses to back themsleves up.on why you wetn south and bought shwag weed from the morons who push SHIT FOR MEDS!!!!
using the kid excuse or wife excuse wont cut it fuckwit. YOu're not alone in that regard and dont think for a second what you are getting at has anything to do with LP WEED.... please spare us all the ruderic.
" invest in LP "
shoulda bought Aurora months ago...![]()
Please find the post where I spoke about the quality of the meds.get off to your childlens mr... why are you here again. No time for this ..remember??
Oh thats right..you here because of??
Oh thats right..you buy shwag weed and claim its good !
cheers to that eh ?!?!![]()
Guess you didn't find that post? If you read a little further back you'll actually read that I've only commented on its appearance. Where I clearly stated that I would chose dispensary meds over LP meds all day everyday.look man... i'm not the kid who uses KIDS as an excuse to treat themselves.
Sorry you don't get it!
cheers older ears ?!?!
far from a rant...seems thats what yer here for
just pointing out what you dont seem to realize and you still can see that ...so..
its a waste of my time now.
My problem with this is that cannabis is not a pharmaceutical. It's a plant that the government now sees profit in...just like you.Thank you for the welcome.
I will give growing another shot in the new year. Unfortunately, I can't grow indoors. With 2 little kids running around I barely have any room for all the stuff that comes with kids and parenting.
I'll be doing quite a bit of reading over the winter and I'm going to try and register to grow my own. Just haven't gotten around to reading about the process yet.
And yes I know that investing with LPs is 'profiting' from the sick, but pharmaceutical companies are a huge part of the market. And not exposing myself to that segment would be silly when as an investor I know it's a growing segment. I just happen to invest in cgc, mt, aph, sl and a few other companies that are bound to explode once the receipt market opens up. Sure I can invest in tech or financials which I also do. Just keep in mind that investing in tech is investing in companies that provide a free service in exchange for your personal information, most of the time without your knowledge. ie facebook or apple even Google collects your information in order to sell advertising.
ya thanks for the imputThis is pretty much all you get in the canadia section
So where dem pics at?And some people like message boards. So they Google for message boards that cover content they would like to learn more about. Then they find an active board, with people they can relate, in their country about things happening in their city. Then they lurk for a while. Until they get the confidence to ask for help. And the response is helpful and positive. So you learn and you read and feel a connection then you contribute when you feel it adds value.
But then you say something against the grain and all of the sudden people resort to name calling and being incoherent.
I'm sure a lot of people go away.
Not this guy though. I like it here. Though some could spend some time polishing up their communication skills. It's still a relevant board in a topic that I find very interesting.
Some of the personalities on here are hilarious. Not just funny, but also sad and bitter. Which makes for great conversation when it's between 2 old foes that respect each other.
Other times its just sad and hateful.
This thread has been fun for me.
Ps. I'm finally the antagonist, love it.
@Bigger ^^what he said^^So where dem pics at?
You see the more you talk...without posting pics...the more people will think your here to shill. Newbies to our forum tend to get vetted pretty hard here...dont take it personal
Guess you didn't find that post? If you read a little further back you'll actually read that I've only commented on its appearance. Where I clearly stated that I would chose dispensary meds over LP meds all day everyday.
I'm far from a kid.
Sorry that my chronic pain effects how I can interact with my family, and using cannabis to manage that pain is somehow an issue? On a message board dedicated to people who use cannabis to manage pain?