How can you smoke dmt in a bong?

Heh. I've been wondering this myself. Also. Where!? Where can I get some. This is on my bucket list of things to try.

Already crossed shrooms and weed off my list. Just got DMT, LSD and Mescaline left.
DMT can't really be found you gotta extract it your self its not that hard check out this forum I've used it over 200 times
Just put the deems on top of the bowl like kief n don't put the fire to the bowl just lightly suck to vape and after it melts into the bowl rip the shit outs it and hold it in as long as you can
Do yourself a favor, find the most sketchy looking gas station you can, and go buy yourself a meth pipe. Not a crack pipe, you want the one with a round ball on the end of the tube, not just the straight tube.

Drop your dmt into the glass ball, take your torch for dabbing or w/e and slowly heat up the sides of the glass.

** If you simply hit the dmt through the glass with the torch, it will melt, once it's a liquid it will run away from the heat, up the cool sides of the glass. When this happens you might only vaporize a small portion of the initial dose**

If you heat up the sides of the glass ball slowly, the dmt has no where to run to once the heat gets down to it and it turns into a liquid. It will just sit there in a puddle while it vaporizes.

I've found this is the easiest way to smoke it and ensure you get a good hit. And it doesn't ruin your bong. No joke, if you smoke dmt out of a bong it will forever smell and taste like dmt.
No it wont. Isopropyl alcohol 94% and salt will clean ANY GLASS.
No it wont. Isopropyl alcohol 94% and salt will clean ANY GLASS.

It comes clean. But that smell will never go away. And it's such a strong smell I always taste is as well.

I tried Iso and salt, hot water, orange clean, the 710 bong cleaner you can get at headshops. Nothing took the smell away.
Naw that's the shitiest way to do it its harsh and its hard to break through you need more control over the pipe and that gets hard at the end. Best is something called the machine also I often use a straight shooter also called a crack pipe. You get fat very quick hits and its a hit and forget pipe.

The shitiest way to do it is sprinkling it on top of a bowl of keif and using your lighter. How does smoking it out of a meth pipe make it harder to break through compared to using a crack pipe...that doesn't even make sense.

How is it harsher than using a crack pipe and what makes it harder to control?

It's the same thing except you can control the puddle of Dmt in the glass ball at the end rather than sucking the liquid dmt up the stem towards your lips when using a crack pipe.

I'm just giving you my 2 cents, I've tried various ways and the meth pipe is by far the best.
The shitiest way to do it is sprinkling it on top of a bowl of keif and using your lighter. How does smoking it out of a meth pipe make it harder to break through compared to using a crack pipe...that doesn't even make sense.

How is it harsher than using a crack pipe and what makes it harder to control?

It's the same thing except you can control the puddle of Dmt in the glass ball at the end rather than sucking the liquid dmt up the stem towards your lips when using a crack pipe.

I'm just giving you my 2 cents, I've tried various ways and the meth pipe is by far the best.
Have you tried dabbing it? Read its insane 1 hit blast off
The shitiest way to do it is sprinkling it on top of a bowl of keif and using your lighter. How does smoking it out of a meth pipe make it harder to break through compared to using a crack pipe...that doesn't even make sense.

How is it harsher than using a crack pipe and what makes it harder to control?

It's the same thing except you can control the puddle of Dmt in the glass ball at the end rather than sucking the liquid dmt up the stem towards your lips when using a crack pipe.

I'm just giving you my 2 cents, I've tried various ways and the meth pipe is by far the best.
U don't know shit, my best breakthroughs were with a bong on top of weed..and yes iv used a meth pipe, crack pipe, foil and dabbed it
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Not so much like then struggle with. I've used quite a bit of meth, coke, and extacy. Meth ruined my life
meth is a big problem down south eh? seems like everybody has experience seeing it or doing it

if i ruined my life with drugs it wouldn't make much difference cause its ruined it enough as it is