Hillary can't be trusted

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Illinois Enema Bandit

Well-Known Member
Not the way a debate works. Being a soft white boy might make you feel entitled to demand explanations .
as opposed to the macho white guy that'd be u

show us a pic of your bicep you ruffian :lol:

meanwhile let's enjoy the notorious right winger newsman Cenk Uygar shed light on Hillary's $32 million dollar arms for donations to the Clinton foundation scam



Well-Known Member
Maaaannnn, for a withered old hate-monger this guy sure has a heap of energy! Extra sugar on the bran flakes this morning? Fox just announce an 'orange terror alert'?

Keep that heart rate UP!


Well-Known Member
Ok Rocky, I get it. You don't mind a government official telling her people to delete emails at a point where they know they are working under a perservation order. I get it. you're a fucking tool.
why don't you link me another story from Kentucky cause you thought rkymtnman meant i was from Kentucky

i get it, you're a fucking inbred dunce.

Illinois Enema Bandit

Well-Known Member
Maaaannnn, for a withered old hate-monger this guy sure has a heap of energy! Extra sugar on the bran flakes this morning? Fox just announce an 'orange terror alert'?
Keep that heart rate UP!
this post of yours is a shining beacon of your hypocrisy as well as the hypocrisy of many other self titled " liberals " here,while proclaiming to be defenders of civil rights u shit on all who stand in your way,exposing your hypocrisy with every unfounded claim of racism u lay on people with zero proof

thousands of kids have killed themselves over suffering the type viscous slander your gang lives to use,hopefully nobody u know ends up like these kids after running into somebody like u on the web

yup,were true liberals while were guilty of committing hate crimes everyday :dunce:


Well-Known Member
this post of yours is a shining beacon of your hypocrisy as well as the hypocrisy of many other self titled " liberals " here,while proclaiming to be defenders of civil rights u shit on all who stand in your way,exposing your hypocrisy with every unfounded claim of racism u lay on people with zero proof

thousands of kids have killed themselves over suffering the type viscous slander your gang lives to use,hopefully nobody u know ends up like these kids after running into somebody like u on the web

yup,were true liberals while were guilty of committing hate crimes everyday :dunce:
Incoherent bag of farm animal feces. STFU you hideous idiot.


Well-Known Member
this post of yours is a shining beacon of your hypocrisy as well as the hypocrisy of many other self titled " liberals " here,while proclaiming to be defenders of civil rights u shit on all who stand in your way,exposing your hypocrisy with every unfounded claim of racism u lay on people with zero proof

thousands of kids have killed themselves over suffering the type viscous slander your gang lives to use,hopefully nobody u know ends up like these kids after running into somebody like u on the web

yup,were true liberals while were guilty of committing hate crimes everyday :dunce:

Illinois Enema Bandit

Well-Known Member
Your idiot stench draws maggots and @Flaming Pie . Creepy, stupid and tiresome as fuck, only pie csres to change your diapers.
another hypocrite fake liberal guilty of the hate crimes he claims to stand against :clap:

the thread topic is " Hillary can't b trusted" ,I'll go first with another Clinton scam on C-span referencing Hillary's involvement in Benghazi

try real hard to stay on topic


Well-Known Member
another hypocrite fake liberal guilty of the hate crimes he claims to stand against :clap:

the thread topic is " Hillary can't b trusted" ,I'll go first with another Clinton scam on C-span referencing Hillary's involvement in Benghazi

try real hard to stay on topic
That benghazi toy has been wedged up your ass too too long. Pull it out and release all those fecal emojis and your deep thoughts and flaming pies dreams. Simple pasty ass.


Well-Known Member
try staying on topic,concentrate real hard & push aside your desire to commit more have crimes,I offer up yet another Clinton untruth showing "Hillary can't b trusted"

Hillary's emails she claims are not classified even Congress isn't allowed to view them & there are more than 3,a whole bunch more than 3 :mrgreen:
"More have crimes" ?

take a deep breath you rabid moron


Well-Known Member
why don't you link me another story from Kentucky cause you thought rkymtnman meant i was from Kentucky

i get it, you're a fucking inbred dunce.
That is a rather large leap but a good example of a weak retort from someone who was just shown a mirror. Fucking tool.


Well-Known Member
"More have crimes" ?

take a deep breath you rabid moron
He's really off the chain today....maybe he accidentally downed a few bennies thinking they were his Geritol??
Going so far as to reference the insane Trey Gowdy several times - the Ken Starr of the modern age! :lol:

download (83).jpeg

Illinois Enema Bandit

Well-Known Member
That benghazi toy has been wedged up your ass too too long. Pull it out and release all those fecal emojis and your deep thoughts and flaming pies dreams. Simple pasty ass.
the meltdowns are epic :lol:

OK I see now,u don't like hearing Hillary's lies about Benghazi :cry:

let's talk about her & Obama using the IRS to target GOP members who refused to play ball :bigjoint:
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