Donald Trump

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Well-Known Member
Like many animals, they can sense evil and are naturally repelled by it.

Also, bad idea for that one pic....NEVER let children around him at all, especially little girls.
very true.

trump is on trial for raping a 13 year old child.

trump cannot be trusted around children.


Well-Known Member
very true.

trump is on trial for raping a 13 year old child.

trump cannot be trusted around children.
Just one girl? I've had a gut feeling for years that it's much more grotesque than familiar with Caligula? What about those 'Purge' flicks?
Drumpf, jr. = 'American Psycho' ?

People are endorsing this creature?


Well-Known Member
Just one girl? I've had a gut feeling for years that it's much more grotesque than familiar with Caligula? What about those 'Purge' flicks?
Drumpf, jr. = 'American Psycho' ?

People are endorsing this creature?
well, his ex-wife did accuse him of rape in 1990, but he settled that rape charge. he was involuntarily institutionalized at that time for stalking his ex-wife, which is why they both made a sudden move yesterday to seal the divorce records.

and he did indeed rape jill harth in 1997, and ended up settling that one as well to avoid getting formally charged with rape. but nonetheless, he was charged with rape and chose to settle the charge rather than fight it.

and now he is on trial for raping a 13 year old child, and there is a witness. and it happened at the house of his friend jeffrey epstein, who is a convicted pedophile.

so yeah, it looks like trump is a rapist and pedophile.


Well-Known Member
True when trump stumbles its very different

Donald Trump stumbles on David Duke, KKK

Trump slips on Constitution particulars at House GOP meeting
Hmmm...lets see, the David Duke thing again. He disavowed Duke before that interview and after. With that and if you actually watched it, his bad earpiece explanation seems legit. Stumble..ok, Misrepresented by the left and their media...certainly. Did anyone die sayyyyy like in Libya? No.

Secondly, not sure its much of a stumble if Donald does not know all the Articles in the Constitution. He is no lawyer. That's a good thing. Did anyone die...Like sayyyy a drone strike oked by Hillary's State Dept. that killed innocent women and children and no terrorists. In any case, Hillary is a lawyer...who got kicked out of the Watergate hearings for dishonesty...her husband a disbarred one. That's a bad thing.
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Well-Known Member
Hmmm...lets see, the David Duke thing again. He disavowed Duke before that interview and after. With that and if you actually watched it, his bad earpiece explanation seems legit. Stumble..ok, Misrepresented by the left and their media...certainly. Did anyone die sayyyyy like in Libya? No.

Secondly, not sure its much of a stumble if Donald does not know all the Articles in the Constitution. He is no lawyer. That's a good thing. Did anyone die...Like sayyyy a drone strike oked by Hillary's State Dept. that killed innocent women and children and no terrorists. In any case, Hillary is a lawyer...who got kicked out of the Watergate hearings for dishonesty...her husband a disbarred one. ,
All the shit you drool.doesn't change the fact that Trump is a fucking conniving buffoon.

FYI a stupid fuck, like you, should keep their posts very brief. No one reads long shitty drivel of an asswit.


Well-Known Member
I cannot believe that this fucking thread made it past 2 pages, let alone 900. Anyone with a quarter of their brain function left should be able to see that TRUMP! is a fucking orange, shit-for-brains-fuck-stain that is intent on flipping our country for a profit.

Did you guys see his fake "medical records" that he put out? He paid a gastro-doc to say the most basic shit - but the best part, imo, was where it stated that TRUMP! has never once touched a drop of alcohol in his life. That shit cracked me up. Coming from a shit-bag that tried to build his own label of Vodka (which he eventually bankrupted - costing several hundreds of jobs - just like every business he has ever started). I lol'd. Then I wiped my b-hole, logged off my phone and started worrying about more important stuff - like what flavor BBQ sauce I'm gonna use for my next grill-sesh.

He is the garbage of the human race. Preys on the poor and uneducated. I have never heard any of his supporters give a reason why they would vote for him besides the fact that he is planning to further fuck over the hard working immigrants that keep this stagnant country moving, and that he wants to put more money into the pockets of the richest families in America.

Every morning over my cup of coffee, I light a smoke and pray that someone will shoot this orange, racist, fuck-mop in the chest, and end this fucking nightmare of an election season.
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