Club 600

I think in is the marijuana community at fault...

If all it takes is half a million donation,to get a group to sway your way. then why not put up a 1 million dollar donation
To get what "we" want?

Just like laws & can only fight from the inside,not being a sideline warrior.

Did anyone want to be a politician when they was growing up?
No, similar to being a lawyer. I think even at 5 years old I knew they were sleazebags
I had a place at University to study law. A few months after leaving school I was caught up in a bust at a dealers house. Possession of a controlled substance quickly put a stop to any potential law career, as the judge said, "your record will be your punishment" sure can suck on our side of the fence.
I had a place at University to study law. A few months after leaving school I was caught up in a bust at a dealers house. Possession of a controlled substance quickly put a stop to any potential law career, as the judge said, "your record will be your punishment" sure can suck on our side of the fence.
Yeah its horrible the way that power is swayed to fuck lives up. If you can find it, have a look for BBC Special called "The House I Live In"
Off to the beach for a week next week. I think I'll be doing a week of abstinence as the wife hates me taking weed on planes. Always love coming home after being away and having my first joint.....rocket fuel!!!:) Def don't ask me to drive after that lol. I use to drive on lsd when I was young, lordy lord haha, how times change.
Off to the beach for a week next week. I think I'll be doing a week of abstinence as the wife hates me taking weed on planes. Always love coming home after being away and having my first joint.....rocket fuel!!!:) Def don't ask me to drive after that lol. I use to drive on lsd when I was young, lordy lord haha, how times change.
Where ya going to the beach? Hell, grab a few spliffs there, dont take it on the plane! Yeah I wouldnt drive on any other "goodies" any more, but cannabis or hash, its like smoking cigs for me, without the cigs
Though I do hear you on after not smoking for a week, but I would like to enjoy my time away with cannabis. I always take things with me or if flying, I pick it up there. Theres 9/10 chance someone will look at me and offer me cannabis wherever I go, and I mean pretty much anywhere. The only places that didnt happen were Singapore and Sakhalin Island, Russia. My wife hates that too because she always thinks Im going to get popped.
I made a few tubs of pesto recently, but have to make it without garlic......wife hates garlic more than weed, lol.

And I'll be in Spain at the beach so can always call for back up if required (about an 1 1/2 hours from our now defunct farm).
Ah right. I have a mate just round the corner from that defunct farm, same area. He loves it over there. Was talking to Jig about it a while back
moondance glad to see you back bro hope all is well now. :wink:

Thanks Brother I had some hypertensive high blood pressure like 200 over 120, and apparently I was also diabetic and none of the doctors over the last year never checked, so my brain and eyes and I guess organs were swelling with sugar. I took two plane rides that way and a bunch of other shit (most of which freaked my family out) ended up in a mental ward of all places for a month last year due to it all, had a case - almost did like 5 years for it but a sole cop was cool as shit and i did probation. Had a hernia surgery and they caught my sugar 2 months ago, so for like a year I hadnt wanted to do anything out of watching tv, eating and sleeping, sucked ass never felt right. We changed our whole diet and life style to get off pop, high fructose corn syrup and all the nasty shit that can kill you, and were both felling much better. I take pills now for the blood pressure and the diabetes. I freaked when I realized a year plus had passed and I really didnt notice, so the past month since recovering from surgery I have been fixing everything I can get my hands on to get the house and vehicles back into working order. Reworking my grow room back to vertical really soon just have to build 2 walls and hang some panda film. Your pics were looking good man, good to see your still growing and doing well. MD
Thanks Brother I had some hypertensive high blood pressure like 200 over 120, and apparently I was also diabetic and none of the doctors over the last year never checked, so my brain and eyes and I guess organs were swelling with sugar. I took two plane rides that way and a bunch of other shit (most of which freaked my family out) ended up in a mental ward of all places for a month last year due to it all, had a case - almost did like 5 years for it but a sole cop was cool as shit and i did probation. Had a hernia surgery and they caught my sugar 2 months ago, so for like a year I hadnt wanted to do anything out of watching tv, eating and sleeping, sucked ass never felt right. We changed our whole diet and life style to get off pop, high fructose corn syrup and all the nasty shit that can kill you, and were both felling much better. I take pills now for the blood pressure and the diabetes. I freaked when I realized a year plus had passed and I really didnt notice, so the past month since recovering from surgery I have been fixing everything I can get my hands on to get the house and vehicles back into working order. Reworking my grow room back to vertical really soon just have to build 2 walls and hang some panda film. Your pics were looking good man, good to see your still growing and doing well. MD
Glad your back on your game man, I have the big D also but pills and diet work wonders.
Waiting to see your vert again bring on the fire!
