Open Show n' Tell 2016

From Seedfinder:

Humboldt Seed Organisation - Green Crack

One of California's most famous cash crops has now become a global icon.

HSO is proud to introduce this elite selection, branded with the classic Skunk#1 x a pure isolated Afghani. The exquisite sweet mango essence is one of the most important features of this strain. The other main feature is, it produces more than most strains. Grows vigorously and flowers quickly and profusely. Multiple bud sites allow for a huge yield, making her a queen cash cropper.

Flowering Days: 60-65 days
THC: High
Production: High
Outdoor Height: up to 4.5m

Green Crack
Breeder: Humboldt Seed Org.
Location: indoor, outdoor
Type: mostly indica
Flowering: ~63 days
Only female seeds.
Identity confirmed as a Rove beetle. Hired.

I've got an undocumented alien applying for a job on my pest management team. Can't tell if he's a double agent. Or a he, for that matter.

Dark brown/black
1/4" long, slow, short legs, no visible wings, no visible damage to plant.
East Coast zone 5B. Found on the underside of a younger leaf.

A cookie to the gardener who identifies it.
Please say juvenile Rove beetle.



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From Seedfinder:

Humboldt Seed Organisation - Green Crack

One of California's most famous cash crops has now become a global icon.

HSO is proud to introduce this elite selection, branded with the classic Skunk#1 x a pure isolated Afghani. The exquisite sweet mango essence is one of the most important features of this strain. The other main feature is, it produces more than most strains. Grows vigorously and flowers quickly and profusely. Multiple bud sites allow for a huge yield, making her a queen cash cropper.

Flowering Days: 60-65 days
THC: High
Production: High
Outdoor Height: up to 4.5m

Green Crack
Breeder: Humboldt Seed Org.
Location: indoor, outdoor
Type: mostly indica
Flowering: ~63 days
Only female seeds.


Green Crack
5 out of 5 based on 4 customer ratings
4 customer reviews Give us your feedback!
Green Crack by Humboldt Seed Organization is a Sativa-dominant feminized cannabis strain conceived for cannabis connoisseurs. If you buy Green Crack cannabis seeds, you will discover a rounded, stable, high-yielding, fruity plant that grows incredibly fast. Read more >

  • Feminized seed
  • Genotype: 60% Sativa / 40% Indica
  • THC: 18%
  • CBD: 0.1%
  • Indoor flowering: 60-65 days
  • Indoor yield: 10-15+ oz/yd2
  • Outdoor yield: 35-106+ oz/plant
  • Outdoor height: 3-10+ ft
I guess they cant decide lol, thats from HSO website
hahaha, I can attest to the high is similar to a sativa (up beat) though to be honest Ive not had something couchlock me in fucking years, I mean 15-20 years

Yea, I hear so often from non smokers, that shit just makes ya lazy and sit on the couch...What strain where! I would love to have some more "sit the fuck down and relax...whether your brain allows it or not weed."