Direct sunlight question


Well-Known Member
image.jpeg Hey everyone I have a question on direct sunlight and if my plant is getting enough of it. I've done some research but only find general answers. My plant is a sativia and is in the flowering stage. Possibly the 3rd-5th week. That's just a guess as I did not keep track of the plant as I did not expect it to survive. But upon all my research my guess would be its in the 3rd-5th week of flowering. I generally put the plant outside(it's in a 3 gal pot) around 8-9am every morning and the sun is just starting to get higher in the sky at that time here.

It gets direct sunlight from 8-9am until around 4 maybe a tad after and for the rest of the day it does not receive direct sunlight but I keep it outside til sundown(8ish)pm and then put it in complete darkness until the next morning. Other than one half of the plant dominating the other half (One side of the plant is noticeably larger than the other and the bud sites are much larger) it seems really healthy.


Well-Known Member
The plant looks fine man, the more sun the better but it looks to be doing alright, remember to keep an eye out for mold


Well-Known Member
The more sunlight you give the more growth you get "is it enough sunlight " are you happy with the growth ?
I'm happy with the one side of growth which you can tell is much much bigger. The buds are really starting to come together and are about a couple inches in length vs the other side seems very behind as you can tell by the picture and kinda seems popcornish.
Maybe they will start to take off soon here as I believe the plant is now far enough along that its focus is bud production now and I think in another 3-4 weeks it will be ready. I try to keep the runt side of it in the sunlight more as it catches shade from its taller side and fan leaves. This is the only time I'm doing anything outside next run will be strictly indoors and controlled.


Well-Known Member
Why are you bringing it inside at night?
I'll try to make a really long story a short one. I have a bunch of different strains from the tude but don't have the equipment yet. I'm going on a major vacation in another month and a half and will have someone house sitting this time around because I'll be gone for well over a week.(I don't take vacations like this often, usually once every few years). Anyways I don't want someone house sitting and coming across an entire setup so I'm waiting until I get back to do my setup.

As for my plant I got some really off the wall dank shit from a friend and it was probably some of the best shit I have ever had. I happened to find 1 lonely seed in it decided to throw it in a small container in some miracle grow and it grew about 7" and almost died on me literally. It was down to nothing but a stem basically.. So I had an undisclosed person take it off my hands who has a tent setup and he had it for awhile and got it back to an amazingly healthy plant. He thought it hermied so he was gonna toss it. I said don't toss it it's already in flower I'll let it finish out here. So I bring it inside at night because I live kind of in the country and we have a ton of wild life around my house. Skunks, deer, fox's coy dogs etc. and being September it's getting really cold here after the sun goes down so between the temps plummeting after dark and deer virtually coming up to my house at night I'm sure it would be gone in hours if I left it.

I don't sell or anything like that I'm not about that life so I'm not worried about monster yields just potent buds. I do it strictly for personal use as id rather that instead of shoving pills in my body for my anxiety/depression and insomnia. Sick of spending 400 a month on it when I can just do it myself.


Well-Known Member
Cool looks good
Thanks Jamico, I plan to do pretty much only autos(non ruderalis dominant strains) as I know ruderalis sucks. And the regular ones I do end up doing I will be doing a lot of topping to keep them shorter and bushier again not looking for monster yields but potency. I'd honestly be happy with a few ounces per plant.


Well-Known Member
Thanks Jamico, I plan to do pretty much only autos(non ruderalis dominant strains) as I know ruderalis sucks. And the regular ones I do end up doing I will be doing a lot of topping to keep them shorter and bushier again not looking for monster yields but potency. I'd honestly be happy with a few ounces per plant.
What strains you plan on running


Well-Known Member
What strains you plan on running
Dr. Krippling dizzy lights, Dr. krippling sucker punch, Dr. Krippling Roulette, Auto seeds dreamberry, Humboldt S.O lemon kush headband, there's a couple freebees I got that I can't remember the name. But with those I definitely have my hands full for awhile. I'd love to eventually run the StarKiller strain and my absolute to do list will be to try some Exteme Genetix strains as from the pictures of their different strains and what I've read on some of them they seem like they would be incredible all around.


Well-Known Member
Hey Spazz! I am a new member here and I am, like you, just a hobby/medical grower for personal use!

Your girl looks great, healthy and flowering! Seems to be just fine with your "light" schedule!

Nice story about her being brought back from the brink!



Well-Known Member
I'll try to make a really long story a short one. I have a bunch of different strains from the tude but don't have the equipment yet. I'm going on a major vacation in another month and a half and will have someone house sitting this time around because I'll be gone for well over a week.(I don't take vacations like this often, usually once every few years). Anyways I don't want someone house sitting and coming across an entire setup so I'm waiting until I get back to do my setup.

As for my plant I got some really off the wall dank shit from a friend and it was probably some of the best shit I have ever had. I happened to find 1 lonely seed in it decided to throw it in a small container in some miracle grow and it grew about 7" and almost died on me literally. It was down to nothing but a stem basically.. So I had an undisclosed person take it off my hands who has a tent setup and he had it for awhile and got it back to an amazingly healthy plant. He thought it hermied so he was gonna toss it. I said don't toss it it's already in flower I'll let it finish out here. So I bring it inside at night because I live kind of in the country and we have a ton of wild life around my house. Skunks, deer, fox's coy dogs etc. and being September it's getting really cold here after the sun goes down so between the temps plummeting after dark and deer virtually coming up to my house at night I'm sure it would be gone in hours if I left it.

I don't sell or anything like that I'm not about that life so I'm not worried about monster yields just potent buds. I do it strictly for personal use as id rather that instead of shoving pills in my body for my anxiety/depression and insomnia. Sick of spending 400 a month on it when I can just do it myself.
Next round just go with a bigger pot that you can set outside the whole time, what I do is set up chicken wire when there young and in there final home, not too big of a diameter I'll leave a pic to give you an idea of how much space I give the large main stem with the chicken wire, I also go with the 2"x2" chicken wire, then I throw some of the larger cages around the whole outside of my hole or pot I grow in, that should take care of all the wild life.

Not only that, training your plants when using the cages makes it so much easier.



Well-Known Member
Next round just go with a bigger pot that you can set outside the whole time, what I do is set up chicken wire when there young and in there final home, not too big of a diameter I'll leave a pic to give you an idea of how much space I give the large main stem with the chicken wire, I also go with the 2"x2" chicken wire, then I throw some of the larger cages around the whole outside of my hole or pot I grow in, that should take care of all the wild life.

Not only that, training your plants when using the cages makes it so much easier.

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This will be my only and last semi outdoor run. I'm going indoor after this as I like the idea of not only being stealthy and having no chance of someone seeing it (someone already stumbled upon it that shouldn't have) but luckily even though I know they seen it they don't know that I know and they didn't say anything. She almost got chopped down immediately when I spotted said person walking past it. Even though I know the person wouldn't go blowing me in, now I'm paranoid X150 million so I just can't wait til it's done at this point.

Plus winter is right around the corner here and can't do anything in the winter outside. If I do anything outdoors next year it'll be whatever freebies I have that I really don't want to waste my time on so I'll get them going good and throw them in some private woods and I'll just let nature do its thing. But thanks for the tips even my freebies I'll have to do that too because of the wild life around here!


Well-Known Member
i only get about 6hrs of direct sunlight now. my plant is doing fine.
Good to hear, mine are getting 8 or so hours of direct sunlight and the 4ish other hours its just outside Figured it out for sure and I'm 35 days into flower. I'm a little unhappy with where it's at but I'm hopeful the next two weeks the buds get a lot bigger and denser.


Well-Known Member
Good to hear, mine are getting 8 or so hours of direct sunlight and the 4ish other hours its just outside Figured it out for sure and I'm 35 days into flower. I'm a little unhappy with where it's at but I'm hopeful the next two weeks the buds get a lot bigger and denser.
Post a pic of it. Interested to see how it compares to mine. I had late start, seed sprouted June 1st. My plant is getting pretty decent sized, especially the 4 main colas are fairly big. I've been only getting 6hrs lately since the days are getting shorter and the sun's path as shifted.



Well-Known Member
This will be my only and last semi outdoor run. I'm going indoor after this as I like the idea of not only being stealthy and having no chance of someone seeing it (someone already stumbled upon it that shouldn't have) but luckily even though I know they seen it they don't know that I know and they didn't say anything. She almost got chopped down immediately when I spotted said person walking past it. Even though I know the person wouldn't go blowing me in, now I'm paranoid X150 million so I just can't wait til it's done at this point.

Plus winter is right around the corner here and can't do anything in the winter outside. If I do anything outdoors next year it'll be whatever freebies I have that I really don't want to waste my time on so I'll get them going good and throw them in some private woods and I'll just let nature do its thing. But thanks for the tips even my freebies I'll have to do that too because of the wild life around here!
Fear and paranoia should not intrude on the joy you get from growing them beauts.

If you fear of crop theft and incarceration, is it really worthwhile to keep going like that, or at that point take it all and get rid of that stress.

It was very premature, but I smoked a little bud from a lower branch I had cut off at about week 3ish and hung to dry for a week. Lo AND behold it still got me high.
Harsh and coughee (no cure), but High.

Post some pics though. And where are you growing that winter temps are around the corner? I'm guessing north of 49th. Or on top of a mountain.

Cheers. I'd say wait as long as your comfortable... 3 weeks, 3 days, tomorrow whatever and yeah just enjoy it. The only other time I grew I had 12 plants stolen a week after I said to myself "give it another week". Horrible sight to see all your love and labour cut down to 3" stumps.

Good luck.
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Well-Known Member
20160913_082247.jpg Hey all...I agree with Kidbruv in that you should enjoy nurturing your plants watching them grow...worries about theft or getting "caught" would suck! Of course living in a legal state is a bonus too...

Now on 3 get first morning light and direct southern exposure for about 8+ hrs and then when the sun hits the west it is indirect until girls waking up above! Very cool nights now and day temp still high 70's+


Well-Known Member
View attachment 3781262 Hey all...I agree with Kidbruv in that you should enjoy nurturing your plants watching them grow...worries about theft or getting "caught" would suck! Of course living in a legal state is a bonus too...

Now on 3 get first morning light and direct southern exposure for about 8+ hrs and then when the sun hits the west it is indirect until girls waking up above! Very cool nights now and day temp still high 70's+
Thanks ktmac. Your plants look great. When I first glanced at it I thought it was all one plant. Still impressive! Funny you posted that because I took a pic of mine from almost the same perspective today.... IMG_20160915_1324280-01.jpeg

Dan Drews

Well-Known Member
My last grow site was the side of my house that was only about 4 feet wide and right next to my neighbor. That side of my house ran east to west but I only got about 4 - 6 hours of direct sun due to 2 large trees to the east and west which filtered or completely blocked the morning and late afternoon sun.

With 7.5 gal pots to keep the plants short and the low amount of direct sun, I could grow 5 - 5 1/2' tall plants which developed awesome colas with fat, tasty buds. I would only get about 6 - 8 primary colas per plant that yielded a few ounces per plant but it was plenty for my needs.

It's amazing how forgiving these plants can be.