Big Smo - Amare tech se-450 and mephisto genetics.


Well-Known Member
Yes it's better when they are young but doing it slowly works. Little per day. I still pull mine away even in full flower. They grow so uneven
So how would you say to go about it with mine and not screw up the plant lol........

Big smo

Well-Known Member
Away from the light is best when they are young. Since its in flower and not really growing it doesn't matter much. Lower it goes the lower your light can go


Well-Known Member
You definitely should pull that big stem over to even the plant out. If you pulled it down away from the light you could lower the light about 6 inches and your lower leaves would love you.

But it needs to be supported. Enter The Cube. Bought it at Bed Bath and Beyond- Discovery something or another, for kids to make tents

First 2 pics are previous snapped main cola pre and post snap. Next 2 are current grow All are/were under Amare SE 220


Big smo

Well-Known Member
Day 40 from seed. Plants are short, 36 inches but 40 inches left to right. Scrog and lst helped tremendously!

Just did the first PK feed. 75%b and 25%a from flora duo. Also added a few tsp of koolbloom 0-10-10, floralicious, bio weed, calmag, sugar daddy, microbe life amino acids, fruit and vegtable yield enhancer. Sweet raw and aurora soul. Feel like a chemist lol. Funny part is I went to the duo for the simplicity. Oh and some squid juice. Forget the name now.

Tide and ?? Wait for no one. @Hybridway.
The far end is my little water/nute room and also where I start these little autos up to day 30-35. Since I'm half way through these I have to drop 12 more. But not sure where I can add in 6 plants in here. Check the leaves, still at full prey mode towards the Amares.


Big smo

Well-Known Member
Little closer. 6 plants in the 3 trays. Now I watch a lot of grows under regular cobs and even done some growing under my own DIY but these past few Amare runs are proof the enhanced white spectrum is where it's at. ANNNNND these are only day 40+ from seed and not clones. No 70 day flower cycle left these will be chopped in 30-40 Days from now. I'm impressed with the results of you can't tell.
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Well-Known Member
Day 40 from seed. Plants are short, 36 inches but 40 inches left to right. Scrog and lst helped tremendously!

Just did the first PK feed. 75%b and 25%a from flora duo. Also added a few tsp of koolbloom 0-10-10, floralicious, bio weed, calmag, sugar daddy, microbe life amino acids, fruit and vegtable yield enhancer. Sweet raw and aurora soul. Feel like a chemist lol. Funny part is I went to the duo for the simplicity. Oh and some squid juice. Forget the name now.
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Tide and ?? Wait for no one. @Hybridway.
The far end is my little water/nute room and also where I start these little autos up to day 30-35. Since I'm half way through these I have to drop 12 more. But not sure where I can add in 6 plants in here. Check the leaves, still at full prey mode towards the Amares.

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You've done a real nice job on your room. Neat & functionable.
It's crazy how big & fast those autos go. Damn! Like nutz type crazy! Those will keep you on your toes.
So, are you not supposed to loli-pop autos? I see most of your bottom branches stretched out & actually are getting light. So full though. Side-lighting would gain you a few zips each plant I bet. 4' ,4 bulb t-5's using about 220w gained me 1/2 lb. off every 2 plants they covered. So a Quap extra each plant catching 1/2 the T-5. That adds up to substantial gains throughout the garden.
Can't wait to use some led side-lighting aside from my Lowes specials.
I mention this because your plants are so full, there's allot more bud to be had. I found that if you give em light, they will give you bud in return, even below the canopy.
It's the thickness of the branches that matters. I'd cut back the real skinny ones inside & around the plant just prior to flowering. I guess you control when that is w/ your autos & you've gotten even better at that recently right? Might be worth checking into. Cutting back the non-producing pop-corn skinny branches should allow the plants to focus their energies on the sites worth flowering & exposed to light. It will also allow air flow throughout the plants further preventing the probabilities of mites & PM.
Early into growing I couldn't bring myself to cut sites away & looked for ways to utilize as much as possible. That worked out when I was able to jack the plant up to the trellis & spread her wide. And only w/ certain strains. I eventually learned how really important it was to prune & shape my plants. Especially now with all these differant strains. One was a bit to full & either susceptible or Systemically got PM. I quickly yanked it out of the room to finish out flower in the ICU closet. What a bitch. But, if it stayed in there, it would've further spread to infect any plant that couldn't fight it off. I may have prevented that all together by simply eliminating sites that weren't getting adequate light. So, it's deffinetly important w/ some strains more so then others. But playing it safe is the way to go & it will assure you all good bud.
I'm super impressed w/ your growing these autos & Amares. I feel our plants are reacting to their fullest potential using the Amares. Of course all other factors matter allot too but from a lighting standpoint, I don't think there is anything better.
Good job homie!

Big smo

Well-Known Member
Thanks hybrid! A lot of people hate on these type of flowering because they can't necessarily do things to them like photos but they do have their benefits. Most high stress training is harmful to these fast growers though. Being a 75-80 days full life cycle things that stress them can cost a lot of recovery time which could in turn lead to 10% of its life. That's the bitch. But next run I'm doing some major experimenting with them to see exactly how beneficial or harmful stress is for them. I completely agree id love to chop away all the lower and do some major work on then but not till I figure the strain a little more. Then see how they react to life and me before any tests. In time though. The full room pic I have a little isle way to the back and I'm sticking 6 more plants in there under a DIY Cree cob light I built so things will get full quick. I don't have high hopes for the Plain cobs but need something and they have worked ok in the past. The Amare is the recipe though hands down. I haven't seen autos this big at this stage in any room or journal. Daily increasing in size by 10-20% and not slowing down.



Well-Known Member
Thanks hybrid! A lot of people hate on these type of flowering because they can't necessarily do things to them like photos but they do have their benefits. Most high stress training is harmful to these fast growers though. Being a 75-80 days full life cycle things that stress them can cost a lot of recovery time which could in turn lead to 10% of its life. That's the bitch. But next run I'm doing some major experimenting with them to see exactly how beneficial or harmful stress is for them. I completely agree id love to chop away all the lower and do some major work on then but not till I figure the strain a little more. Then see how they react to life and me before any tests. In time though. The full room pic I have a little isle way to the back and I'm sticking 6 more plants in there under a DIY Cree cob light I built so things will get full quick. I don't have high hopes for the Plain cobs but need something and they have worked ok in the past. The Amare is the recipe though hands down. I haven't seen autos this big at this stage in any room or journal. Daily increasing in size by 10-20% and not slowing down.
Nice! Did you decide on 2 plants per tray it looks? Yeah, I didn't think you could prune them being autos but I haven't a clue.
Seeing how you're getting so good at DIY, have you considered enhancing your cobs?
like maybe a skinny colored mono rail on each side of a cob bar?
I love how the plants react to this enhanced spectrum. Yup, Amare got it down pat!
You have differant strains going?
They grow so fast. Better drop them seeds soon.

Big smo

Well-Known Member
I'll let victor handle the cob enhancing. my DIY is just a cheaper way to fill the gaps. Buying a few more would be perfect but also wasteful since they aren't needed all the time.

Yep 2 per tray and even that's getting tight. image.jpeg
11 hubbabubba, 1cash crop and 2 deep cheese. I took the 3 smallest ones from the tray and they are the closest to the left. Not going to amount to much and the small ones under my bar are day 20 or so. Here is the bar again for anyone who may have missed it. image.jpegimage.jpeg

Big smo

Well-Known Member
9 more hubbabubbasmellascope dropped last night. Rapid root plug straight in soil. This is the best way, last 2 I dropped in a 3" peat pot it was about 2 inches tall when I transplanted it and since they haven't moved a mm in 4 days. Autos do not like to be transplanted that's for sure. Every time I transplant is because setting up the small pots are easier and I'm crunched for time.


Big smo

Well-Known Member
Have to say I hope the rest of the mephisto strains aren't this sensitive. I noticed they are super sensitive to nutes and light. Granted they are fast growers but this is a huge learning curve.
Amares are raised as high as they can go and I'm still getting a little bleaching. No options but to run them as they are. I actually mentioned a dimmer possibly on the newer panels. It would help a lot, especially when first flipping the cobs. Damn autos get shocked a little with the 18 cobs


Well-Known Member
Have to say I hope the rest of the mephisto strains aren't this sensitive. I noticed they are super sensitive to nutes and light. Granted they are fast growers but this is a huge learning curve.
Amares are raised as high as they can go and I'm still getting a little bleaching. No options but to run them as they are. I actually mentioned a dimmer possibly on the newer panels. It would help a lot, especially when first flipping the cobs. Damn autos get shocked a little with the 18 cobs
I'm really surprised they don't have a dimmer.............

Big smo

Well-Known Member
image.jpeg The Amare is doing a helluva job up top but the bushes aren't letting much light down low. Finally got my 7 foot bar added yesterday. It's nothing to be super excited about. Cheap Cree 2530's cost 8 bucks each with holders and the drivers were yanked from an old Mars hydro. So $48 in parts and 100 for the frame. It's only around 125 watts since the cobs are driven at 650ma.

Big smo

Well-Known Member
That was yesterday and this is a full shot of today. image.jpeg
Had to cut power of the non essentials. Walked into my room tonight and it was 87 degrees when the Ac was set at 80. It's been acting up even being 4 weeks old. I'm really thinking I need a minisplit again but winter is close. Just checked I dropped the seeds 8-1 so they are day 49 now. Kinda scary that they are advertised as 80 day seed to chop and I don't even have any buds formed yet.