If you think the Bills in the House, passed by the Senate last week, will preserve your personal MM right to grow.
You are all deluded!
I fought this in hearings at the Senate level months ago! My shop got raided all my operations shut down and agreements from local DA's ignored! Schutte came after me because I testified against these bills. I TOLD THE TRUTH and it got me busted!
There will be NO, let me repeat this again. There will be NO legal growing outside of the big (can you say prairie farms?) 500 to 1500 plant growers.
ALL MM patients WILL have to go to APPROVED MM disp.! Your not getting the writing on the wall! IF the police come to your house or catch you in possession - any time any where, with MM that does NOT have a way to be tracked back to the LEGAL source! YOUR BUSTED! That legal source MUST BE A STATE LICENSED GROWING operation! HOME GROWING will have NO way to be licensed or traceable back to your exact grow! IN EFFECT - ALL PERSONAL GROWING WILL BE ILLEGAL! You won't have that "seed to sale"
REQUIRED PROOF of ORIGIN! You WILL be busted as having unregistered and therefor illegal weed!
They may have changed some words BUT, the meaning as it was INTENDED back when it was written. IS still the same!
MI is about to go NO PERSONAL GROWING - even if they don't "officially" change the law to say so!
As per this crap -
I don't give a SHIT what the writer of that non-informative piece of newsless trash said.....ALL dispensaries are ILLEGAL under STATE LAW! I should know! I WAS BUSTED FOR MINE and HAD THE "OFFICIAL OK" to operate under what Schutte him self said as to local enforcement choosing to or not! I was told directly, that the word to raid me came directly from Bill Schutte himself!
It was passed to a multi county drug enforcement team and not "local" authorities whom I had the blessing from! I was not the only place targeted for owners/operators testifying!
They word it so you THINK it's ok. THEN SCREW YOU WITH THE DETAILS!
REMEMBER THE DETAILS ARE NO NON RECORDED POSSESSION! (They ain't "recording" your home med grow - so your a no-no!) This will open the door for you to loose your kids and home! They have made the new possession laws FELONY'S !!!! HUGE fines and mandatory jail times (for second offence and above)!
Today was the House vote - It got cancelled as some Rep died on his motorcycle.....Sad for him - good for us,,,,,,CALL/EMAIL YOUR HOUSE REP and say VOTE NO!
This bill is slated to pass by what I'm told by insiders - SO START CALLING/EMAILING THE GOV. AND TELL HIM TO NOT SIGN IT!