Mold during curing HELP!


I harvested my Barneys Pineapple Chunk I'd say like 1-2 weeks ago. Let it hang dry for around 6 days and then placed it in mason jars. Once a day I let it breathe for around a hour. I forgot to open the jars Sunday so yesterday (Monday) night I checked the jars (3 of them). Two of the jars were fine but I noticed in one jar that there was a little mold on the bottom of the jar. It looked like cotton candy and probably the size of a dime. I then noticed a little on the actual bud itself. It wasn't much, and it came right off when I picked it off. I threw out the piece of bud it was attached to and I didn't notice it anywhere else.

This happened to the top bud which I never separated (it weighed 30g and I liked that I had a bud that big so just put in the mason jar like that).

I guess I caught it before it really spread and I even checked the rest of what was in the jar with my jewelers loupe and I couldn't find anymore but now I am SO PARANOID!!!!!

I am scared to smoke any of it now and I don't know what to do. My logical side says it is good to smoke and even if there is mold anywhere else that it is so small that it wont matter but the germaphobe part of me thinks that I will die if I smoke it lol.

Help please.


Active Member
Same thing happened to my buddy once, he was too impatient drying the main cola and about a week into cure I noticed he had white/fluffy mold growing between the nugs.

He hung it back up to dry for another 3-ish days until it was a little on the dry side of ideal, and the mold disappeared. Never came back either. I never smoked any of it but I know him and his roommates did and they're all perfectly healthy still...

Smoking mold could theoretically lead to a lung infection though, or so I hear. It's really up to you... honestly anyone that's smoked black market weed has probably consumed a ridiculous quantity of bugs, powdery mildew, and mold...


Yeah I have to agree with you. Mine was even less severe than what you describe because the mold on mine wasn't even in-between the nugs. It was literally just stuck to the bottom of the jar (nickel sized cotton) and then on the outside of one of the buds towards the bottom which I was able to pick off no problem. It was almost like cotton got stuck to the outside and I picked it off easily.


Active Member
Yeah man just hang it up for another day or two and you'll be golden :hump: Even though you picked off the mold there's definitely still spores/active mold hanging out in there, so if you don't do something quick to dry that bud out a little it'll take off again... I would err on the side of caution and let it hang till it seems a bit too dry. You can always throw a boveda pack in there to help keep it in the "zone". Good luck! :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
Do you think by starting the same thread again youre going to get different answers? Your weed is moldy. If you want to smoke the moldy weed go ahead your probably not going to get sick... but there are alot of people who have gotten sick from smoking moldy weed. I used to smoke moldy weed when i was young, it didnt kill me. But i did get a respiratory infection. If ur ammune system isnt strong be prepared to possibly get a respiratory infection.

A.K.A. Overgrowem

Well-Known Member
6 days drying? I generally go 7 or 8 days with plastic bag start method, 9 or 10 days with straight dry. I live in a high humid. area, adjustments may be needed.
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A.K.A. Overgrowem

Well-Known Member
Yeah man just hang it up for another day or two and you'll be golden :hump: Even though you picked off the mold there's definitely still spores/active mold hanging out in there, so if you don't do something quick to dry that bud out a little it'll take off again... I would err on the side of caution and let it hang till it seems a bit too dry. You can always throw a boveda pack in there to help keep it in the "zone". Good luck! :eyesmoke:
There are some posts on RIU about soaking moldy weed in hydrogen peroxide. If U can find them they may be of help. If it is not a lot of weed write it off to experience.


I actually just spotted it on more of the plant. It is really hard to see but when I used my jewelers loupe, I noticed areas on certain buds where the trichomes are pure white and little microscopic spider webs linking them


This Is one nug. I can hardly tell without a scope but in the middle is a white cluster and when I use a scope it looks like spiderweb-cotton ish


A.K.A. Overgrowem

Well-Known Member
honestly it is a lot of bud and I am beyond pissed and sad because I feel like it is all contaminated now
George Cervantes talked about mold on the Russ Bellvil show today. His cure is. Buy 3% Hydrogen Peroxide. Mix that 20 to 1 with water (5% solution). Rinse the buds with this solution and soak them for about 30 seconds. set out to dry. When dried resume curing. I think a key here is to make sure the bud is dry when you resume curing. Take it for what it's worth. Good luck.