What's up with Hillary Clinton's health?

did you know that david duke endorsed trump, they refuse to call him deplorable, and david duke is praising them for it?

did u know KK Kliilary Klinton is seriously I'll with a brain or nerve disease .

before the election her disease will be announced,and not as pneomonia,it'll be an in your face time for great sadness for you & the Kilintoistas,a great moment for me lol
i'm surprised he's allowed to repost the exact same videos across multiple threads. that's always been spam around here and grounds for a ban or a turtle.

you mean like that GIANT stupid fucking map you've spammed every last post with for a month,or testicules 17 inch signature full of spam babble :bigjoint:

people who live in glass houses shouldn't shit on the floor :dunce:
did u know KK Kliilary Klinton is seriously I'll with a brain or nerve disease .

before the election her disease will be announced,and not as pneomonia,it'll be an in your face time for great sadness for you & the Kilintoistas,a great moment for me lol

you'll be banned for spamming before election day.
So what will they say about the ammonia claim ? It was in a video or some shit ? They always have to cover a lie for Hillary scenario.
Shit, Is she leaking it yet ?

I'm calling this in advance,her staff will claim her fake pneumonia was brought on by her blistering 2 appearance a week schedule,against doctors orders due to her love of america she struggled on,now the pneumonia related stress led to her symptoms from the 2012 concussion to come back and its all Trumps fault .
I'm calling this in advance,her staff will claim her fake pneumonia was brought on by her blistering 2 appearance a week schedule,against doctors orders due to her love of america she struggled on,now the pneumonia related stress led to her symptoms from the 2012 concussion to come back and its all Trumps fault .

life is tough when you are 6 points behind in the most critical swing states, and barely clinging to a lead in utah while david duke praises your campaign.
life is tough when you are 6 points behind in the most critical swing states, and barely clinging to a lead in utah while david duke praises your campaign.

yeah but not as tough as November 8th will b for you when KK Klinton loses because she is walking dead ,another few weeks she'll have the dropsies lol