What's up with Hillary Clinton's health?


Well-Known Member
sorry about the avvi being in your dreamscape, HRC is not at all well, in fact she is dying
I saw her in the blue glasses and i had to find out what they were, too odd looking to be a fashion statement. They are a German made blue lens made to help people suffering from photosensitive seizures! Zeiss Z1 is the brand name, look them up, they are a German made lens specially made to combat seizures. It appears pneumonia now comes with seizures.....at least according to Hilldog's camp.



Well-Known Member
HRC is not at all well, in fact she is dying
I wonder if she is even stable enough to survive the next couple months.
she might not be able to walk by November.
Hopefully this is the nail in her coffin!
her contract with the devil is about to be hit its termination date.
worst doctors ever.

pneumonia is treatable, being an unhinged racist shitstain isn't.


Well-Known Member
Gotta love reading the news reports on Dr Drew's show being canceled after he stated her ailments. Not one of the news articles ever stated that what he said was false or that he was being punished for not telling the truth, he was just fired for making the statement, though it is 100% true. Scary the strangle hold the left has on our media.

PS your avatar haunts my dreams
You're badly misinformed if you think the left has a stranglehold on American media; the same majority shareholders also own big stakes in America's Fortune 500 and they're mostly right wingers, with political views even more extreme than working class conservatives.

Every one of those are assertions I've read in several places, backed up by studied and interviews.

The sad fact is that the vast majority of righties in this country don't do shit for political homework; those who do generally stop voting for conservative candidates.


Well-Known Member
You're badly misinformed if you think the left has a stranglehold on American media; the same majority shareholders also own big stakes in America's Fortune 500 and they're mostly right wingers, with political views even more extreme than working class conservatives.

Every one of those are assertions I've read in several places, backed up by studied and interviews.

The sad fact is that the vast majority of righties in this country don't do shit for political homework; those who do generally stop voting for conservative candidates.
His show was canceled, all because he truthfully spoke about Hilldogs poor health, pretty clear left wing control. No coverage of her seizure glasses or her dissapearing act. In todays media if u are not Fox News you are off the air if u badmouth Hilldog.


Well-Known Member
His show was canceled, all because he truthfully spoke about Hilldogs poor health, pretty clear left wing control. No coverage of her seizure glasses or her dissapearing act. In todays media if u are not Fox News you are off the air if u badmouth Hilldog.
So stop thinking about this in terms of republican vs democrat, because you're missing the real fight;

Rich vs poor.

Mrs Clinton is the pick of the oligarchs and anyone who speaks ill of her is attacked not because of a liberal lean- she's more conservative than any other democrat I can think of- but because they want power.

Don't believe me? Follow the money. It will lead you to the truth, every time.


Well-Known Member
So stop thinking about this in terms of republican vs democrat, because you're missing the real fight;

Rich vs poor.

Mrs Clinton is the pick of the oligarchs and anyone who speaks ill of her is attacked not because of a liberal lean- she's more conservative than any other democrat I can think of- but because they want power.

Don't believe me? Follow the money. It will lead you to the truth, every time.
everything u say to me always sounds like soemthing out of a bad acid trip. COme back to earth man.


Well-Known Member
that's a funny name for a medical school.
So coincidentally shes wearing blue glasses identical to seizure prevention glasses and then has what appears to be a seizure on video while weariung the glasses, but hey im not a doctor. If you can honestly believe that you really should go SEE A DOCTOR.


Well-Known Member
everything u say to me always sounds like soemthing out of a bad acid trip. COme back to earth man.
Derp. How many of your family members work for State Department?

If you'd like to remain uninformed, carry on. Just don't expect me or other informed people to listen to any of your drivel.


Well-Known Member
So coincidentally shes wearing seizure prevention glasses and then has what appears to be a seizure on video while weariung the glasses, but hey im not a doctor. If you can honestly believe that you really should go SEE A DOCTOR.
Yet here you are making diagnoses.



Well-Known Member
Derp. How many of your family members work for State Department?

If you'd like to remain uninformed, carry on. Just don't expect me or other informed people to listen to any of your drivel.
lol i dont have any family members that work for the State Dept or even the government at all for that matter. Well my aunt is a public school teacher. If you think im some believer in the government you have gotten me way wrong. I believe the government is troo big and has too much control and needs to be reigned in. I believe people that work for the goverment work their for one of two reasons, power or lazyness.