abe supercro
Well-Known Member
who wouldn't wear that t-shirt, even the non neckbeard crowd will advertise they're stoned off their nuts.Check out our free t-shirt competition.
who wouldn't wear that t-shirt, even the non neckbeard crowd will advertise they're stoned off their nuts.Check out our free t-shirt competition.
I've got my finger on the murdle button lad, just keep it up.
He's doing well man, got his shit together clean phone so no drama for anyone else, opsec top notch imotell the lad am asking after him for me man.
not ready. the heads aren't fully developed and everything's clear. you want cloudy trichs. and look at all the white hairs, that's newer growth.is it ready for harvest or do i wait
thankyounot ready. the heads aren't fully developed and everything's clear. you want cloudy trichs. and look at all the white hairs, that's newer growth.
Looks like you flowered them just in time. I reckon that space will be filled perfectly.
Authoritarianism is the last refuge of theFair enough Sunni. Ain't worth the aggro.
I ban sock puppets all the time no matter where they post
dont take this the wrong way but
we can make up whatever rules we want, we own the website, its a private website, thats how it works. lol
we are the admins, we make the rules, who did you expect to make the rules some random person?
clearly you didnt read the post written by rollitup in 2008 saying no multiple accountsYes you do make the rules.
But you're not supposed to make them up as you go along or as you see fit without telling us.
Otherwise it's unfair and one rule for one and one for another, just like R1b3n4 was trying to tell you before you misread his post and took it out of context.
How can a man break a law if you don't tell him it exists? Or if you make that law up AFTER he's broken it?![]()
and yet somehow primabudda is bannedNo Sunni you don't.
You might as well admit that you didn't even read my posts before you deleted them did you?
Or you would have realised that I outed 'Primabudda' as a known troll after he gave the thread grief for 3 days, I outed him in 2 days from information he sent me via PM from one of his first accounts.
The account name is 'Bradburry' and you banned him 2 years ago in December 2014!
Unlucky for him I still had the PM's and sussed it was the same person after he repeated the same info and tripped himself up.
'Bradburry', 'Mailiner', 'Primabudda' among many others but they are all still all the same person.
You obviously didn't ban him properly (IP?) 2 years ago in December 2014 or he would be able to keep coming back and troll the forum like he does, every time he gets outed he makes another account and comes back for more, he's simply a a bane on the forum intent to troll and stir (this is not only my opinion, go ask in Toke n Talk where he's well known)
If you did ban him properly 2 years ago in December 2014 (IP?) then he's using some other way to come back and troll.
Regardless, I still outed his newest account named 'Primabudda' that is only about a month old.
And I get turtled for doing your job because you (or somebody instructing you) just 'assumed' and jumped in with both feet, rather than having the common decency to approach me about it and ask what the problem was first?
But no, I've got to explain myself from behind this stupid 'go slow' feature like a child on the naughty step rather than face to face (or PM to PM) like adults do?
As for not explaining to people why they've had their posts deleted because........
1) "You get nothing but abuse".
2) "You don't have to".
1) Just go ahead and tar everybody with the same brush why don't you!
2) Is an ethical cop out.
clearly you didnt read the post written by rollitup in 2008 saying no multiple accounts
and yet somehow primabudda is banned
you dont know the ins and out, you just speculate, i didnt put you on slow down, again speculation.
if you dont like how the forum is run,feel free to walk out the door mate
I understood perfectly but time will tell if you get any satisfactory answers.Clearly you didn't read my post properly just then, or wildly misunderstood it either way I thought it quite simple and self explanatory but obviously you're having trouble with it.
The 2008 post about multiple accounts is irrelevant, I was referring to ME.
How can a man (me) break a law if you don't tell him it exists? Or if you make that law up AFTER he's (me) broken it?
Primabudda may well be banned, NOW.
Days afterwards (days for which he continued to troll), and days after I've been turtled for outing him!
You're right I don't know the ins and outs, because nobody has the decency to tell me the ins and outs!
We're conversing about this and I still don't know what I did wrong and why it was wrong, like I said......
How can a man break a law if you don't tell him that it exists? Or if you make that law up AFTER he's broken it?
I never said you put me on slow down so no I did not speculate, I said......."I've got to explain myself from behind this stupid 'go slow' feature like a child on the naughty step rather than face to face (or PM to PM) like adults do?"
Why don't you read what is written rather than what you THINK has been written and at least make the effort to comprehend it before you post?
What do you mean "if you don't like the way the site is run, feel free to walk out the door mate"?
I don't know how the site is run because you won't tell us and it seems to change with the seasons!
I have no problem with rules, as long as I know what those rules are.
Non of us are mind readers but that's exactly what you're expecting us to be, 'like it or lump it' as we say in Britain.
By your own volition you seem to be advocating an oppressive authoritarian dictatorship Sunni.
Not just "following orders" (like the SS claimed at Nuremberg before they were all lined up and shot for not acting on their own personal moral compass) but actually advocating it!
Would you deem that to be fair if you weren't an Admin but just a regular site member?
Like a member of that community family that Rolli would have us believe we are all members of?
Something seems seriously wrong here, not just to me but to the majority of the UK thread over several years.
The general vibe is there Sunni, even noobs are noticing it and commenting (as above), but you are either blind to it or choose to ignore it.
From the half arsed effort at even reading and understanding posts before replying to the general condescension and disdain shown towards not just me but us as a whole I'd be inclined to think it the latter.
Like I say, I don't have a problem with rules as long as I know what they are.
I don't have a problem with the staff either, I've never fallen out with either you or Rolli.
(We've never crossed paths until this incident and I've been here a while).
The general attitude however can hardly be called........lets say........'professional'.
I've said my bit, I hope you at least TRY to understand.
we can make up whatever rules we want, we own the website, its a private website, thats how it works. Lol