Hillary can't be trusted

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You let boats and planes aggressively approach you without warning/threatening a response, then you get people bringing explosives right up to your hull.

There is a reason why we communicate and give a wide berth when approaching another country's planes/ships/ troops.

Respect and safety.

Smh. Welcome Ugly American. Willing to start a war over your pride?

Just imbeciles. No problem with being manipulated by a malignant leader of a necrotic country. Some day i hope you realize what you have become - a horrible, shrill Russian puppet. Go wrap yourself in a flag and find deep water.
actual doctors are saying it looks like a textbook case of walking pneumonia. just FYI

haha you really are a numb skull,if that hag had walking pneumonia she'd be running a fever of around 102 & be sweating like a crackhead looking at an empty pipe,or sweating like you on the street side of a playground fence .

pneumonia doesn't cause head wobble,or rubber neck,or amazed like a 4 yr old over a sparkler,or needing a doctor following her around with a tranqulizer pen,or cause brain freeze where her doctor has to rush the stage & give her directions to talk through it.

that hag is a worn out crack head & the decades of dope have caught up to her,but u keep believing because elected or not that hag will be wearing a safety helmet within 6 months & a wheel chair within a year,I personally can't wait
haha you really are a numb skull,if that hag had walking pneumonia she'd be running a fever of around 102 & be sweating like a crackhead looking at an empty pipe,or sweating like you on the street side of a playground fence .

pneumonia doesn't cause head wobble,or rubber neck,or amazed like a 4 yr old over a sparkler,or needing a doctor following her around with a tranqulizer pen,or cause brain freeze where her doctor has to rush the stage & give her directions to talk through it.

that hag is a worn out crack head & the decades of dope have caught up to her,but u keep believing because elected or not that hag will be wearing a safety helmet within 6 months & a wheel chair within a year,I personally can't wait
Lol. You are so bad at this. Go back to Breitbarts comments section. You will get more love.
haha you really are a numb skull,if that hag had walking pneumonia she'd be running a fever of around 102 & be sweating like a crackhead looking at an empty pipe

those aren't the symptoms of walking pneumonia, at all. walking pneumonia might seem like just a cold, which is why you'd be out there 'walking' around. dumbass. hence why a person who has it might not see a doctor right away, or go too hard and end up passing out like hillary did today.

i take it you have experience to know what a crackhead looking at an empty pipe feels like. i also have no doubts that you sell meth to children.
so you can't show me how you are going to win every single toss up, including the ones hillary leads, plus flip one state where her lead is 6+ points currently?

i might just go back to my 420 EV map for you. you delicate thing.

I would have never thought Trump had a shot of winning ANY of those grey states 6 months ago, now i bet he wins at least a couple. The point i am making is he has come a long way and there are still 2 months to go. I am not a Trump supporter, just a conservative that hates Hillary. And i think even a lot of lib/dem think shes a snake.
those aren't the symptoms of walking pneumonia, at all. walking pneumonia might seem like just a cold, which is why you'd be out there 'walking' around. dumbass. hence why a person who has it might not see a doctor right away, or go too hard and end up passing out like hillary did today.

i take it you have experience to know what a crackhead looking at an empty pipe feels like. i also have no doubts that you sell meth to children.

its the fence peekers like yourself I worry about
I would have never thought Trump had a shot of winning ANY of those grey states 6 months ago, now i bet he wins at least a couple. The point i am making is he has come a long way and there are still 2 months to go. I am not a Trump supporter, just a conservative that hates Hillary. And i think even a lot of lib/dem think shes a snake.

welcome to the club,I'm a democrat who hates Hillary now that I know she's the most corrupt politician of the 20th century,I'll take my chances with Donald Trump before I vote for a woman who's entire political career is based on how much she can make off of america,weather its selling secrets to China in the 90's or influence for sale in the 2k's its a pattern of non stop espionage,the 57 dead Clinton associates tells a story as well

Two weeks ago, a different U.S. Navy patrol craft was forced to fire three warning shots at a fast-approaching Iranian ship. Just days before, the destroyer USS Nitze reported an unsafe and unprofessional encounter with multiple Iranian craft that came as close as 300 yards from the ship despite repeated warnings and communications from the Nitze.

warning shots, pie.

not "shot out of the water".

stop being stupid. it is hurting my feelings.
those aren't the symptoms of walking pneumonia, at all. walking pneumonia might seem like just a cold, which is why you'd be out there 'walking' around. dumbass. hence why a person who has it might not see a doctor right away, or go too hard and end up passing out like hillary did today.

i take it you have experience to know what a crackhead looking at an empty pipe feels like. i also have no doubts that you sell meth to children.

Cough cough Ritalin
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