Heatsinks for DIY LED lamps

If you ran it too fast it would go through the radiator with out cooling as much so there would probably be an optimal flow. How well the fan on the radiator pulled/pushed air through would have a factor as well.
It's like fine tuning fan speed vs flow rate...A reservoir would act like a buffer for pressures and heat.

Lol this will not be a problem.
Well you have to know what the radiator fin count and thickness is before picking out fans.
You're right, I know there's a ton of details i haven't tackled yet, it may even turn out that with the size system I'm eventually planning on getting to that I might have to install a chiller even, idk, but I'll get it nailed down as soon as I build this first one and find out what works.
Yeah, agree on the ambient air temp. although a bigger fan or doubling up on the radiators/fans, but that goes against trying to keep the cost of the system down. I have to keep reminding myself that that is one of the main points to switching to an LED system, to lower how much I have to pay the thieving power company, lol.

I'll have to consider the res idea and how to incorporate that into the design, I'm sure there's ways I'm not thinking of at the moment ;?)

You want to save money, put that radiator indoors and use that heat for your house all winter.
You want to save money, put that radiator indoors and use that heat for your house all winter.
Yeah, that's one reason to keep it upstairs, BUT come next summer I'll need a different solution, maybe piping it out the window (it's a spare room so could be done).
You want to save money, put that radiator indoors and use that heat for your house all winter.

He'd have to most likely sacrifice potentially huge efficiency gains for his grow to do that though. I guess it comes down to where ever your priorities lie...
It may turn out that a reservoir is a better fit for this system, need to do some more research. In the meantime, when I build my first fixture, I'll go with a small fountain pump in a res just to find out what kind of heat build up I can expect, then try to extrapolate the numbers from there.
You want to save money, put that radiator indoors and use that heat for your house all winter.
BTW, last winter I disconnected the exhaust hose from the basement window exhaust and let it blow inside, and basically cut my heating bill in half ;?D, I believe in utilizing the waste heat when possible, I had even consider trying to hook it to a heat exchanger to preheat the cold water going into the water heater, but just couldn't justify the added cost per savings benefit.