First outdoor 2016

Larry {the} Gardener

Well-Known Member
My shit got jacked this morning bunch of ass holes whoever did it
Sorry to hear that. Did you go past the trash? If you see Coke cans and candy wrappers on the way to your grow, you need to go deeper into the woods. I also spread mine out. The patches and the plants in each patch. If you spot one, it doesn't mean you will see the others.

Larry {the} Gardener

Well-Known Member
I had them secluded but I have a nosey neighbor has been since we moved in and I should've just been a step ahead, it's disappointing...but what can I do?
I've got a neighbor like that too. Mine is about four miles away from the house, but near one of my patches. One of my best strains is in that patch, so I hope they don't do too much woods walking.