What Is Aleppo?

And for all those who are freaking out thinking Trump is anywhere near Clinton electorally, he's not.

The truth of the matter is Clinton is ahead and will most linkely win by a landslide but that doesn't sell advertising space nor would you be glued to their channels if 'it were over'..think about it.

Oligarchial media is manufacturing a cliff hanger..and you guys buy it.

Bernie Sanders 2016...
"Where hast thou been, sister?"
"Killing Swine"
"A sailor's wife had chestnuts in her lap, and munched and munched and munched. 'Give me' quoth I.
"Aroint thee witch " the rump fed runnian cried. Her husband's to Allepo gone, master o th Tiger
But in a sieve I'll tither sail
And like a rat without a tail, I'll do I'll do and I'll do"

Macbeth seems quite appropriate considering HRC models herself on lady Macbeth
And she dresses exactly like Lady Macbeth would have if she had been on the cast of Babylon 5.
Wanna bet, Baldrick? Avi choice for a month? I say the media is playing with the numbers to create cliffhanger in order to sell advertising..she wins by landslide.

Landslide Definition
There is no legal or constitutional definition of what a landslide election is, or how wide an electoral victory margin must be in order for a candidate to have won in a landslide.

But many modern-day political commentators and media pundits use the term landslide election freely to describe campaigns in which the victor was a clear favorite during the campaign and goes on to win with relative ease.

"It usually means exceeding expectations and being somewhat overwhelming," Gerald Hill, a political scientist and co-author of The Facts on File Dictionary of American Politics, told The Associated Press.

Defining a Landslide
One generally agreed upon measure of a landslide election is when the winning candidate beats his opponent or opponents by at least 15 percentage points in a popular votecount. Under that scenario a landslide would occur when the winning candidate in a two-way election receives 58 percent of the vote, leaving his opponent with 42 percent.

There are variations of the 15-point landslide definition. The online political-news source Politico has defined a landslide election as being on in which the winning candidate beats his opponent by at least 10 percentage points, for example. And the well known political blogger Nate Silver, of The New York Times, has defined a landslide district as being one in which a presidential vote margin deviated by at least 20 percentage points from the national result. Political scientists Hill and Kathleen Thompson Hill and say a landslide occurs when on candidate is able to win 60 percent of the popular vote.

Electoral College Landslide
Of course, the United States does not elect its presidents by popular vote. It instead uses the Electoral College system. There are 538 electoral votes up for grabs in a presidential race, so how many would a candidate have to win to achieve a landslide?

Again, there is no legal or constitutional definition of a landslide in a presidential election. But political journalists have offered their own suggested guidelines for determining a landslide victory over the years. One generally agreed upon definition of an Electoral College landslide is a presidential election in which the winning candidate secures at least 375 or 70 percent of the electoral votes.

I agree with this assessment the electoral college votes for Hillary has her on her way to to handing the dumpster a crushing defeat by even a larger margin than Obama did over Romney 126 electoral college votes ... Electoral college votes (that's what counts).

All this talk of the dumpster having a good chance of winning this election is pure fantasy. Trump is not doing any better than Romney and is actually on pace to turn several red states blue, so I definitely see an electoral vote landslide victory for Hillary on November 8th. I think he already knows this that's why he is talking about a rigged system or at the very least his campaign manager should be telling him.image.png

I agree with this assessment the electoral college votes for Hillary has her on her way to to handing the dumpster a crushing defeat by even a larger margin than Obama did over Romney 126 electoral college votes ... Electoral college votes (that's what counts).

All this talk of the dumpster having a good chance of winning this election is pure fantasy. Trump is not doing any better than Romney and is actually on pace to turn several red states blue, so I definitely see an electoral vote landslide victory for Hillary on November 8th. I think he already knows this that's why he is talking about a rigged system or at the very least his campaign manager should be telling him.View attachment 3777160


And this is why they (both Parties) keep the Electoral College. There is nothing fair and square about the Electoral College.

Hillary is at the top of this corruption.
I agree with this assessment the electoral college votes for Hillary has her on her way to to handing the dumpster a crushing defeat by even a larger margin than Obama did over Romney 126 electoral college votes ... Electoral college votes (that's what counts).

All this talk of the dumpster having a good chance of winning this election is pure fantasy. Trump is not doing any better than Romney and is actually on pace to turn several red states blue, so I definitely see an electoral vote landslide victory for Hillary on November 8th. I think he already knows this that's why he is talking about a rigged system or at the very least his campaign manager should be telling him.View attachment 3777160


Trump is about to turn TEXAS blue.. @Uncle Ben must be rolling in his grave about now.

No swing in Florida this cycle..it's blue.
I agree with this assessment the electoral college votes for Hillary has her on her way to to handing the dumpster a crushing defeat by even a larger margin than Obama did over Romney 126 electoral college votes ... Electoral college votes (that's what counts).

All this talk of the dumpster having a good chance of winning this election is pure fantasy. Trump is not doing any better than Romney and is actually on pace to turn several red states blue, so I definitely see an electoral vote landslide victory for Hillary on November 8th. I think he already knows this that's why he is talking about a rigged system or at the very least his campaign manager should be telling him.View attachment 3777160


There's no way electoral college is going to let Trump win..that's what having it is all about, to counteract insanity of popular vote.
There's no way electoral college is going to let Trump win..that's what having it is all about, to counteract insanity of popular vote.

Bullshit. If the people want Roger Rabbit as their president, I say fuck the electoral college and the horse it rode in on, even if it destroys everything.

Land of the free my ass.