Trump is leading the polls finally!

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dude, you have no credibility. The history you claim is neither as I remember or what is available from multiple credible sources. I don't dispute the assertion that petro-dollars are the largest driver of US interventionism in the Middle East. Your story line about the Libyan rebellion however is false.

Sorry bro, facts are facts and you don't have them. And if you think that these "freedom fighters" weren't assured they would receive massive assistance before embarking on their campaign then you aren't really thinking.

The State Department initially approved a weapons shipment from a California company to Libyans seeking to oust Moammar Gadhafi in 2011 even though a United Nations arms ban was in place, according to memos recovered from the burned-out compound in Benghazi.

The documents, obtained by The Washington Times, show U.S. diplomats at the Benghazi compound were keeping track of several potential U.S.-sanctioned shipments to allies, one or more of which were destined for the Transitional National Council, the Libyan movement that was seeking to oust Gadhafi and form a new government.
Sorry bro, facts are facts and you don't have them. And if you think that these "freedom fighters" weren't assured they would receive massive assistance before embarking on their campaign then you aren't really thinking.
What a dipshit. You said foreign fighters came to Libya armed by the US with approval by the State Department.

This article says it was Libyans that were armed by the US. And that is the truth. It was also a classic mistake to give very high tech arms to the group and is how those same arms ended up in the hands of ISIS. The article you linked said:

"The State Department initially approved a weapons shipment from a California company to Libyans seeking to oust Moammar Gadhafi in 2011"

If this is your contention then we agree that the US supported the Libyan rebel army. I never said the US didn't intervene in Libya. They/we most certainly did. Once again, the concept of intervention in the Middle East or anywhere else for that matter turns out to be the wrong course of action.
Then evidently you have no idea what you are talking about, how many states speak polish? and if you start counting from 9/11 far more Americans have been killed by religious radicals than Europeans
What does that have to do with anything? How many Americans speak Spanish? How about Chinese? Or even Arabic? In the EU a Polish man can move to France. In America a Native American can move to NYC or Texas. Is the North East the same as the southeast or Midwest or California? Fuck no! We have blue states and red states we are very much like the European Union just been at it a few hundred years longer. Utah is full of Mormons the Bible belt Baptist or evangelist. States where intended to be sovereign why do you think Texas wants to leave the USA?

And just because 9/11 was the worst attack does not mean we have more attacks than EU who has a lot more Syrian refugees than America. Not to mention their is most certainly more than airplanes involved in 9/11 building 7 did not free fall because of fire.
What does that have to do with anything? How many Americans speak Spanish? How about Chinese? Or even Arabic? In the EU a Polish man can move to France. In America a Native American can move to NYC or Texas. Is the North East the same as the southeast or Midwest or California? Fuck no! We have blue states and red states we are very much like the European Union just been at it a few hundred years longer. Utah is full of Mormons the Bible belt Baptist or evangelist. States where intended to be sovereign why do you think Texas wants to leave the USA?

And just because 9/11 was the worst attack does not mean we have more attacks than EU who has a lot more Syrian refugees than America. Not to mention their is most certainly more than airplanes involved in 9/11 building 7 did not free fall because of fire.

Cool story, derp.

You have no credibility. All you're doing is spewing make believe. We've all caught and called you on it. Repetition only confirms your stupidity.

Must be a byproduct of watching too much Faux Spews.
the one poll that had trump up by two points also had republicans as a +4 majority. republicans have not been a majority of the electorate since 1980. the poll relied on non college educated white males coming out in numbers not seen since the 1960s.

in other words, it was not a good indicator of reality.

the media wants this race to be tighter than it is. that is all.

So why oh why is Trump winning the RIU poll? I was under the impression this was a liberal forum but in reality all I see is a gang of liberals who add nothing to the conversation besides to call us retards or say we have small dicks.

So nobody bothers to post but according to the big bold text at top name calling is not allowed so why do people get to shit on people just because they prefer Trump @sunni ? Are they just buddy buddy with mods? Or can I call everyone I disagree with a retard and tell them they have a tiny dick? I truly would love to know Sunni.
So why oh why is Trump winning the RIU poll? I was under the impression this was a liberal forum but in reality all I see is a gang of liberals who add nothing to the conversation besides to call us retards or say we have small dicks.

So nobody bothers to post but according to the big bold text at top name calling is not allowed so why do people get to shit on people just because they prefer Trump @sunni ? Are they just buddy buddy with mods? Or can I call everyone I disagree with a retard and tell them they have a tiny dick? I truly would love to know Sunni.
Because you have so many sock puppet accounts. You have a retarded dick and your brain is tiny.
Cool story, derp.

You have no credibility. All you're doing is spewing make believe. We've all caught and called you on it. Repetition only confirms your stupidity.

Must be a byproduct of watching too much Faux Spews.
So why bother to quote me? Just to talk shit? Is that how this site works? Just sling shit at each other?

Your vertical buds look fluffy ass fuck and you sound like a miserable old man who can't get a woman. How did I do?
And i can see that you have gotten a massive 63 likes since 2013. Nice job sock-boy. You are clearly pathetic trumpee.

I am going to give you some likes because you are stupid and it will egg you on.
Well I think I got a decent amount of likes for less than 300 posts.