Rooftop SE Asia

Mason Jar 92705

Well-Known Member
So, I ran out of hash day before yesterday and I felt my mood shift to too much thinking, hence I took down a bit early 2 of the flowering Garlic Bud 98 x Vortex plants @Mason Jar 92705 . There is still the largest 1 flowering with some time to go. The 2 I took down were identical plants single cola dominant, but the buds were dreaded out, pretty nice stuff. I had cut tops a week ago and gave 1 to a friend who shares hash; he's a 62 yr old dude from N. Cali who has been in Asia for a long minute. Anyway, he said he loves the smoke as it reminds him of old school. I agree with him as the taste is sort of spicy (garlic?) with sandalwood maybe. Its very smoothe for zero cure and it gets you pretty high. I have been vaping a little today but I had a pinner joint 4 or 5 days ago and I felt it for a few hours which is awesome for me
Did you come across any late term nanners? A couple phenos threw 'em late but never seeded itself, indoors. The mom outdoors was even more spicy/peppery/ I'm sure those traits have been passed on...maybe not as strong but it's definitely there, with the phenos I ran. I bet a cut of the mom grown on your patio would kill it, in Vietnam.


Well-Known Member
Did you come across any late term nanners? A couple phenos threw 'em late but never seeded itself, indoors. The mom outdoors was even more spicy/peppery/ I'm sure those traits have been passed on...maybe not as strong but it's definitely there, with the phenos I ran. I bet a cut of the mom grown on your patio would kill it, in Vietnam.
No nanners :)

Larry {the} Gardener

Well-Known Member
We HAVE destroyed ourselves before, and in fact science knows a fair bit about how it happened right in your neck of the woods. The Mayans overpopulated, exceeded the carrying capacity of the land, and then fought themselves into oblivion over the scraps that were left.

Turns out the same story has played out many times in the past, in many places around the world.

Read "Collapse", by Dr Jared Diamond, who also wrote "Guns, Germs & Steel".

I'm quite sure it will be the latter, which is why I'm spending my career developing a box that grows food efficiently enough to live on.

I believe that only by thinking inside this box will we have the freedom to leave oppressive or dangerous places and/or live in otherwise uninhabitable areas, underground, or even in space.

Otherwise, we end up like the Mayans, or the Easter Islanders- the biggest difference between us and them being that those civilizations and their contemporaries only had control over local or regional empires, while today's global technological reach will enable us to strip and ruin our entire planet, leaving no place and no one to start over.

The only way I can see the human race escaping this fate is through a box that grows everything from cannabis to cabbage, cheaply and most of all, reliably. And there isn't much time left.
Years ago when I was still in the Navy {early 80's} I read as Sci-Fi thriller called "The Mote in God's Eye" by Larry Niven and Jerry Pournelle. Really good read. The Crazy Eddy Point in that novel is what my CE patch was named after.

Larry {the} Gardener

Well-Known Member
Dammit- I know I read that, what was it about again? Lol

You know you're getting old when. ..
There was a star cluster with the brightest star called God's Eye. Over time, people could see a spot on the star. They sent up a ship to check it out, and it was a capsule with a solar sail pulling it. There was life forms inside with two small right arms for fine work, and one big left arm for heavy lifting. They talked the humans into going back to their home planet. The trip was only a few months, but the humans noticed there were a lot more of the creatures than there had been. When asked about them using birth control. the leader said that if they didn't want to reproduce, they would just refrain from sex. What she didn't tell them was if they did that, they would die.

Once they got back to their planet, it was just crazy overcrowded, and getting worse all the time. There was a zoo like place that was really just a seed bank. Everything on the planet was there for when the Crazy Eddy point was reached. That is when they had to start fighting over food and other resources. Once all the fighting was over and almost everything on the planet was dead, they would open up the zoo for them to repopulate the planet.

35 years ago I read it, and I can remember the damn plot. So why can't I remember what I'm looking for in the fridge?


Well-Known Member
There was a star cluster with the brightest star called God's Eye. Over time, people could see a spot on the star. They sent up a ship to check it out, and it was a capsule with a solar sail pulling it. There was life forms inside with two small right arms for fine work, and one big left arm for heavy lifting. They talked the humans into going back to their home planet. The trip was only a few months, but the humans noticed there were a lot more of the creatures than there had been. When asked about them using birth control. the leader said that if they didn't want to reproduce, they would just refrain from sex. What she didn't tell them was if they did that, they would die.

Once they got back to their planet, it was just crazy overcrowded, and getting worse all the time. There was a zoo like place that was really just a seed bank. Everything on the planet was there for when the Crazy Eddy point was reached. That is when they had to start fighting over food and other resources. Once all the fighting was over and almost everything on the planet was dead, they would open up the zoo for them to repopulate the planet.

35 years ago I read it, and I can remember the damn plot. So why can't I remember what I'm looking for in the fridge?
The mind is funny like that, and expansive


Well-Known Member
There was a star cluster with the brightest star called God's Eye. Over time, people could see a spot on the star. They sent up a ship to check it out, and it was a capsule with a solar sail pulling it. There was life forms inside with two small right arms for fine work, and one big left arm for heavy lifting. They talked the humans into going back to their home planet. The trip was only a few months, but the humans noticed there were a lot more of the creatures than there had been. When asked about them using birth control. the leader said that if they didn't want to reproduce, they would just refrain from sex. What she didn't tell them was if they did that, they would die.

Once they got back to their planet, it was just crazy overcrowded, and getting worse all the time. There was a zoo like place that was really just a seed bank. Everything on the planet was there for when the Crazy Eddy point was reached. That is when they had to start fighting over food and other resources. Once all the fighting was over and almost everything on the planet was dead, they would open up the zoo for them to repopulate the planet.

35 years ago I read it, and I can remember the damn plot. So why can't I remember what I'm looking for in the fridge?
Sounds interesting. Procreate or die.... That's what I should tell the wife.. Jk

Reminds me of Enemy Mind. Maine author.