hmmm go to college for botany???


Well-Known Member
Is that what I should do? I love to grow things.... that sounds like the perfect career for me! But would I be any good at it????:joint:


Active Member
Sounds like an incredibly (no pun intended) down to earth and chill career choice. I have always wished I could have that kind of life... you know just stress free. I envy anyone who is getting paid to do something they love, that is something most people spend an entire lifetime without achieving.


Well-Known Member
I've thought about doing the same thing actually. But I want to make a lot of money, and I don't think I would by studying botany. :(
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Well-Known Member
naah, I like growing too but better as a a hobby, actuallly learning about all the functions of the plants and names of the tissues and chemical reactions and all that would just be boring...theres much more interesting fields to pursue


Well-Known Member
Have any of you guys considered growing as a career? I haven't looked into it much, but the thought has crossed my mind.


Well-Known Member
lol.... my Dad is a botanist.... I know what goes into it.... and love growing more than just pot... once some things get cleared up I will start posting threads in the regular gardening section as well...


Well-Known Member
Have any of you guys considered growing as a career? I haven't looked into it much, but the thought has crossed my mind.
I definitely plan on doing it for extra income, seeing as I live here in california and you can drive down ventura blvd and sell 5 lbs within an hour to clubs at like 4 grtand a piece


Well-Known Member
youd probly would trn into some crazy weed mob guy...... grow ganj that cost 100 dollars a gram..... that would be some scientifical gourmet kushnugs...nice choice.


Well-Known Member
sounds like an aweosme job, you could do botanical research during the day (which no joke sounds pretty interesting, im something of a science geek) and grow weed in your spare time


Well-Known Member
Well... here I go, back to school, plant science, advanced plant bio., gen bio. and applied sciences..... on my way to a B.A. in Botany! :P


Well-Known Member
Is that what I should do? I love to grow things.... that sounds like the perfect career for me! But would I be any good at it????:joint:
It sounds like one of those majors where people graduate and end up working at the mall, because they can't find a job.

My advice, major in software engineering. It's the easiest job and you can potentionally make alot of money.


Well-Known Member
I Hate Money With a Passion met By Fewer Creeds! I Know of quite a few jobs that pay fairly well that I could apply this and my multiple other degrees to. LOL...


Active Member
Id go after a horticulture would be a lot more practical than a botany one. As horticulture focuses more on the actual growing. I am in a botany class at the moment, its very interesting though. Might not directly contributed to my growing but will give me a better understanding of the plants and how they work. Give a little more respect and admiration to ole mary jane. Thats just my opinion though, I am kinda into the deep science stuff too. Major used to be Nuclear engineering.


Well-Known Member
English, Teaching, Business, Botany, and maybe Horticulture (I will look into it, or a cert., or a combo Degree) are my majors. I love all plants, trees, and just nature itself. I would like to think that I have a well rounded education. I know I want to excel in these areas though, so I chose them.