Tired of Being Patient

What happend to the original OP of this thread ......that was a weird read didn't realize it got hijacked until this second page had to go back and look at who the op was to make sure ....and it's not nerd ...that mixed me up ...hijackers will do that I guess
What type of cfls? 2700k?
Are you sure you have the lights set propertly and there are no light leaks, none of those look like plants that have been 12/12 for 3 weeks.

I forget what type cfl but you can check my thread "Bagseed Grow log" it's all there.. and my timer says on 12:00 pm (noon) To ll:59 pm (midnight).. I might switch to 7a to 7p but if I switch the times wouldn't it stress my plant? and that's wy I was thinkin about switching because I'm growing in in a bookcase there is no "door" so I got cardboard up but I think when the sun comes up maybe a tiny bit of light seeps in.. but trust me I've been in flower for 3 weeks, like its said check the other thread "Bagseed Gr..... kno what I'll jus post the link...
I apologise if I have offended any of you :) I wanted answers and people were answering here so...
No offense just confused that's all ...if you read through the thread you can easily see how I got confused ...the original poster never replied but then you slipped in there .....don't take me calling you a hi jacket personal that's just the term used when people do that ....no big deal the OP obviously wasn't real worried about the thread anyway as far as I know he never replied ....GL
No offense just confused that's all ...if you read through the thread you can easily see how I got confused ...the original poster never replied but then you slipped in there .....don't take me calling you a hi jacket personal that's just the term used when people do that ....no big deal the OP obviously wasn't real worried about the thread anyway as far as I know he never replied ....GL
I replied a few times... Just look