What is foliage?


Active Member
As time goes on, the amount of salts produced by the breakdown of fertilizers in the soil causes the soil to become increasingly acidic and eventually the concentration of these salts in the soil will stunt the plant and cause browning out of the foliage. Also, as the plant gets older its roots become less effective in bringing food to the leaves. To avoid the accumulation of these salts in your soil and to ensure that your plant is getting all of the food it needs you can begin leaf feeding your plant at the age of about 1.5 months. Dissolve the fertilizer in worm water and spray the mixture directly onto the foliage. The leaves absorb the fertilizer into their veins. If you want to continue to put fertilizer into the soil as well as leaf feeding, be sure not to overdose your plants.
What is foliage and is this a good idea? The site also said:
During the first three months or so, fertilize your plants every few days.

Is that alright?

Marijuana Fertilizer


Well-Known Member
What is foliage and is this a good idea? The site also said:
During the first three months or so, fertilize your plants every few days.

Is that alright?

no. don;t fertilize seedling for at least a couple of weeks.


Well-Known Member
foliage = leaf
Fertilizing depends on a huge amount of factors, Grow technique ( Soil vs. Hydro), type of ferts (Chemical or organic), age of plant, strain of plant etc etc etc. very difficult to just make an overall statement of fert every 3 days. In general using plain soil you do not need to fertilize for the first 3 weeks, then you start out very gradually(1/4 to 1/8 normal) and only every other watering. This means you may only be fertilizing 1/week or even as much as 3 x/week.