Hillary can't be trusted

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Well-Known Member

How would you have liked for Hillary to have destroyed her old phones? Perhaps she should have mailed the phone intact to Russia?

You and the Trump campaign are trying to make a mountain out of a molehill. And the intelligent demographic part of the United States don't care and are not buying it.
You were pegged at "dumbass". Isn't destroying evidence under subpoena a bit more than a molehill? Does it not possibly clue you in to some sort of impropriety or are you such a fucking tool that you choose to be complicit by your ignorance?


Well-Known Member
tool three here dave. man what kind of coffee you drinkin? I'm pacing myself, I may be fighting the whores of evil for the next 365 days.
The choices are stupidity, ignorance, or complicity. Which one are you? If you are just fine with the destruction of evidence by a government official under subpoena then welcome to the tool box.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member

She has very little sympathy in that room. Every military person there understands the implications of her unsecured server and multiple unsecured devices.

Did anyone else notice she kept standing up? To appear stronger or more engaging? It looked defensive to me.


Well-Known Member

She has very little sympathy in that room. Every military person there understands the implications of her unsecured server and multiple unsecured devices.

Now she is saying she used a "separate secure server". Puhleeeese.

Did anyone else notice she kept standing up? To appear stronger or more engaging? It looked defensive to me.
What a joke you are.


Well-Known Member
@Flaming Pie @bravedave form a clot of obtuse ignorance. Trump is a loser, he's been losing, he continues to lose. His grovelling followers, confused by the world changing before their eyes, are lost.

trump, a hideous oaf whose support is built upon the hate, fear and ignorance of idiots who dont care about the fact of his preposterous birther genesis. Trump supporters are folks who cant be bothered to question how a guy who played sports while getting a Vietnam wartime deferment mocked a man who actually has military service and a successful political career. Besides being a laughable buffoon with a new scandal every week he has never led in the polls and never will. He will never be potus but he may be the newest asshole for the going extinct class to latch onto as a nightly talking (pus) head.


Well-Known Member
@Flaming Pie @bravedave form a clot of obtuse ignorance. Trump is a loser, he's been losing, he continues to lose. His grovelling followers, confused by the world changing before their eyes, are lost.

trump, a hideous oaf whose support is built upon the hate, fear and ignorance of idiots who dont care about the fact of his preposterous birther genesis. Trump supporters are folks who cant be bothered to question how a guy who played sports while getting a Vietnam wartime deferment mocked a man who actually has military service and a successful political career. Besides being a laughable buffoon with a new scandal every week he has never led in the polls and never will. He will never be potus but he may be the newest asshole for the going extinct class to latch onto as a nightly talking (pus) head.
Again, Tiny T., we are discussing Hillary here. Do you wish to extol her virtues?

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
It seems there is ignored content.

On another note, look at the crowd of reporters in her "press conference" and much wow for answering 4 softballs!

Part of me wonders if this is the press that has been flying with her..

Maybe if they roll her some more oranges they can get more than 3 minutes of her time.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
CLINTON: Like the hat.

QUESTION: Appreciate that.

CLINTON: Is this a new look?

QUESTION: No, its kind of an old look, now.

CLINTON: Oh, you’re bringing it back?

QUESTION: I’m bringing it back.

CLINTON: Went shopping in your closet?

QUESTION: You got it.

CLINTON: Yeah. I do a lot of that.




Well-Known Member
It seems there is ignored content.

On another note, look at the crowd of reporters in her "press conference" and much wow for answering 4 softballs!

View attachment 3776066
Part of me wonders if this is the press that has been flying with her..

Maybe if they roll her some more oranges they can get more than 3 minutes of her time.
Talk about softballs. Sounds a lot like a Trump supporter trying to talk politics. No substance, just fluff. Not to mention repeatedly chanting made up shit. And then giving a pass to the real fraudster, Benedict Donald's acts of fraud, deception, treason and rape.

Flaming Pie can't be trusted.


Well-Known Member
Talk about softballs. Sounds a lot like a Trump supporter trying to talk politics. No substance, just fluff. Not to mention repeatedly chanting made up shit. And then giving a pass to the real fraudster, Benedict Donald's acts of fraud, deception, treason and rape.

Flaming Pie can't be trusted.
Fogfraud, do you know reason the Donald statutory rape case got no traction?
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