Well-Known Member
LOL. Yep. Youtube. Must be true.Of course it is. It has been an issue, or have you not felt the Bern? People have been caught and put up on YouTube.
LOL. Yep. Youtube. Must be true.Of course it is. It has been an issue, or have you not felt the Bern? People have been caught and put up on YouTube.
You mean when he disenfranchised 25,000 military votes?Didn`t Gore take it all the way to the judges ?
Two political wonks represent the entire Republican Party? Your pun citation says existing studies fail to demonstrate a link , yet some members of Congress analysis say differant. Yawn...You can't read and so I'll post a couple of videos showing GOP leadership bragging how voter ID will help their candidate win with some text to fill in your gaps of understanding this issue::
The really revealing thing about that (last) clip and the clip of what Congressman Grothman said last night is the fact that neither the Congressman nor Representative Turzai even bothered to mention voter fraud as the so-called reason for passing voter ID laws.
They just went straight ahead and said that voter suppression laws are about winning elections.
The reason they did this, of course, is that voter fraud is just a canard.
It's a lie made up by Republicans to justify their unconstitutional and undemocratic war on democracy.
In fact, a recent study out of Loyola University found just 31 credible cases of voter fraud out of more than a billion ballots cast in the decade-and-a-half between 2000 and 2014.
You're more than 100 times more likely to get struck by lightning than you are to see voter fraud in the wild.
And here's the thing -- while voter fraud itself is for all intents and purposes a myth, the effects of voter suppression are quite real.
A new study out of the University of California at San Diego, for example, found that the turnout gap between Republicans and Democrats in states with voter ID suppression laws jumped from 2.3 to 5.6 percentage points after those voter ID laws went into effect.
There is no debate.
Voter ID suppression laws are about one thing and one thing alone: keeping Democrats away from the polls so Republicans can win. And, in that regard, they work.
Even Republicans will admit that when you catch them on the right day.
Here is a link to a the published UC San Diego study:
Abstract The proliferation of increasingly strict voter identification laws around the country has raised concerns about voter suppression and inequality. Although there are lots of reasons to suspect that these laws could harm groups like racial minorities and the poor, existing studies have generally failed to demonstrate a link between voter ID laws and voter turnout among these groups. We question these null effects. We argue that because most of the studies occurred before states enacted the strictest photo identification requirements, they tend to uncover few effects. Focusing on the validated vote in recent elections using the Cooperative Congressional Election Study we are able to offer a more definitive test. The analysis shows that strict photo identification laws have a differentially negative impact on the turnout of Hispanics, Blacks, and mixed-race Americans in primaries and general elections. Voter ID laws skew democracy in favor of whites and those on the political right.
Yeah, l'm ignorant of why it's OK to promote voter fraud while making shit up about vote suppression. Vote suppression on the scale you guys purport didn't happen but you must have heard it somewhere, maybe when you farted? Because you are talking out your ass.
Two political wonks represent the entire Republican Party? Your pun citation says existing studies fail to demonstrate a link , yet some members of Congress analysis say differant. Yawn...
Didn't you say it was 0.07% a few pages back? I think you're just making shit up. You're claiming actual convictions in either case. Something nearly impossible to prove without ID anyway. "Party leaders" as in two wonks I never heard of. You always claim every lie you spout is "documented and verified", yet never show any of this documentation or verification. There are hundreds of people bragging about committing voter fraud on YouTube. Frankly, any retard incapable of obtaining ID shouldn't be voting snyway. Yet they somehow manage to draw welfare, Social Security, whatever. Wonder how how that worked.derp
You have difficulty with numbers. The rate of voter fraud is 0.0000031% over years of polling data. Nobody is promoting voter fraud. Suppression of voting, however is very a very effective tactic that the Republican party leaders freely brag about. They suppressed about 2% of the electorate's vote in those states that they controlled. This is a documented and verified as fact, unlike the unreal claim of an effort to commit voter fraud of any kind.
You have difficulty with numbers. The rate of voter fraud is 0.0000031% over years of polling data. Nobody is promoting voter fraud. Suppression of voting, however is very a very effective tactic that the Republican party leaders freely brag about. They suppressed about 2% of the electorate's vote in those states that they controlled. This is a documented and verified as fact, unlike the unreal claim of an effort to commit voter fraud of any kind.
Must have been swamp gas, right?LOL. Yep. Youtube. Must be true.
Honestly, if you're too incompetent to get a fucking I.D. card, then your opinion is shit, and no one cares for your vote. The progression of a country shouldn't hinge upon the lazy and ignorant.
sorry, but the supreme court disagrees with you. so you lose. cry some more and gnash your teeth in anger, because that is all you have left.
btw, no one is surprised that a holocaust denying racist shitbag like you wants a law that disenfranchises black voters "with surgical precision". given that we can guess your opinion on this one, there is no need for you to voice your stupid opinion.
go iron your white sheets for the next klan BBQ, loser. you lost.
You label blacks as incompetent and ignorant and yet I'm somehow the racist...
no, i quoted the court's well-researched decision. they said the law you are supporting targeted black voters for disenfranchisement "with surgical precision".
then you put that nasty, racist label forth.
what is up with you KKK-loving trump supporters and endless amounts of projection?
Bro stop with the fronting as a political forensics guy and just start wearing your fucking robe and hood already.Didn't you say it was 0.07% a few pages back? I think you're just making shit up. You're claiming actual convictions in either case. Something nearly impossible to prove without ID anyway. "Party leaders" as in two wonks I never heard of. You always claim every lie you spout is "documented and verified", yet never show any of this documentation or verification. There are hundreds of people bragging about committing voter fraud on YouTube. Frankly, any retard incapable of obtaining ID shouldn't be voting snyway. Yet they somehow manage to draw welfare, Social Security, whatever. Wonder how how that worked.
A law hurts lazy and incompetent people, and then you claim that narrows down the demographic "with laser precision" to black people. Back peddle more, please.
You mean when he disenfranchised 25,000 military votes?
So when I point out you use numbers that keep changing, that makes me a racist? Coulda swore it made you a liar.Bro stop with the fronting as a political forensics guy and just start wearing your fucking robe and hood already.
It never worked for him, but it did for Al FrankinHe did that too ? Wow. I remember he wanted re-counts til he won.
The thing you "pointed out" is your commitment to vile bigotry and willful ignorance.So when I point out you use numbers that keep changing, that makes me a racist? Coulda swore it made you a liar.
He didn't claim you made that label in your quote. Seemed clear to me HE was making that label. A pretty accurate one at that. So you are claiming a federal court is implying blacks are "lazy and incompetent"?no. you are so very wrong, in so many ways.
let's get to work on correcting your mounds of stupidity.
i did not claim that the law narrows down the demographic "with laser precision" to black people. a federal court studied the manner in which this law was crafted. they found out that the republican lawmakers did lots of research on demographics, race, etcetera.
the conclusion of their research was that the law was designed to disenfranchise black voters "with surgical precision". that is the claim of the federal court who studied the issue, not my claim.
the case went to the supreme court and they agreed. those harvard educated lawyers reviewed the case and agreed that north carolina lawmakers tried to disenfranchise black voters "with surgical precision".
then you came along and said that it only targets the "lazy and incompetent". then you tried to claim that i made that label. i did not. you did.'then you made that label again, and again, and again. and kept trying to claim that i said it. i did not.
you are remarkably stupid, even by the lower standards that i hold klansmen to.
i would second amendment you, but it would be horrible.
don't commit suicide.
Is the liars rally being held at your house again this week?Hustle youre gonna be late for the rally.
Cringe worthy imbecile type wit.Is the liars rally being held at your house again this week?