Rooftop SE Asia


Well-Known Member
Since some people read only the last page.....
I have a 'GoFundMe' page; another something I would have never even thought about 6 months ago, but there aint no shame in what I do, fucking necessities. If you are familiar with me, you are likely familiar with the situation I have been in for the last year, unemployed. Thats changing very soon, but I still could use some help until then. If anyone wants the link, let me know and I'll message it to you. Im not going to post my name up here unless someone asks for it by pm. Thanks all

ruby fruit

Well-Known Member
Maybe a thread dedicated to the go fund me to...strangers doing well are gd saviours sometimes
Bet the hierarchy wouldnt allow it though ???


Well-Known Member
Up potted a few plants today and watered all the veges with a bit of bs molasses; cannabis was water only. Did some maintenance on the gourd plant. Nothing much to report, everything growing.


Well-Known Member
Just listened to Hash Church 102 in a few different sittings. Brett Maverick seems like a fukn moron, not really seems I guess, Ive got him pegged. Some good info on there anyhow.


Well-Known Member
Because humans see $$$ as the end prize that empowers them above all, they also see everything as a money making venture (business). With such a flawed system in the front of us our thinking is flawed from the beginning.


Well-Known Member
Because humans see $$$ as the end prize that empowers them above all, they also see everything as a money making venture (business). With such a flawed system in the front of us our thinking is flawed from the beginning.
I hear you man it'll change eventually though humanity has a long way to go, that or we destroy ourselves