The Holocaust

Stop slandering me please, I never said the earth was 13 years old.
don't mistake my obloquy for slander, child. read a dictionary.
Maybe we should talk about the 60,000,000. Christians that were genocided by the Jewish Bolsheviks, how about that?

genocided? wtf is that? how about it? got any proof? like, at all? for something that ISN'T EVEN A WORD? don't worry, you'll get used to middle-school...

i'll wait for your youtube video proof... has your jewish boyfriend beaten you today?

If spurious claims are going to be made about the death of 6 million Jews I would like to see the murder weapons. Please somebody provide a photo of the gas chambers. Thanks.
don't mistake my obloquy for slander, child. read a dictionary.

genocided? wtf is that? how about it? got any proof? like, at all? for something that ISN'T EVEN A WORD? don't worry, you'll get used to middle-school...

i'll wait for your youtube video proof... has your jewish boyfriend beaten you today?

Google Holodomor, do I have to line the fucking skulls up for you to count them too?
This seems to be a much more prevalent belief than I was aware of with different degrees of disbelief

You have the people who believe the Holocaust happened, but the number of those killed is slightly exaggerated, to widely exaggerated, to those who deny it ever happened wholeheartedly despite the evidence

I hope this thread can serve as a point of reference for all the evidence that supports the idea that the Holocaust happened and show, using historical evidence, that the numbers are not fabricated

So, I encourage you to post your evidence both IN SUPPORT OF and AGAINST the Holocaust. Let us all examine and discuss it here, openly and freely of any censorship or discrimination

Great, please provide a photo of the gas chambers were these events supposedly occurred. Thanks.
This seems to be a much more prevalent belief than I was aware of with different degrees of disbelief

You have the people who believe the Holocaust happened, but the number of those killed is slightly exaggerated, to widely exaggerated, to those who deny it ever happened wholeheartedly despite the evidence

I hope this thread can serve as a point of reference for all the evidence that supports the idea that the Holocaust happened and show, using historical evidence, that the numbers are not fabricated

So, I encourage you to post your evidence both IN SUPPORT OF and AGAINST the Holocaust. Let us all examine and discuss it here, openly and freely of any censorship or discrimination

So, if there were 15000000 jews worldwide before the holohoax and 15 something million after the holohoax, where did the 6 million extra jews come from?
List of Nazi concentration camps;

  1. Auschwitz-Birkenau
  2. Belzec
  3. Bergen-Belsen
  4. Buchenwald
  5. Chelmno
  6. Dachau
  7. Ebensee
  8. Flossenbürg
  9. Gross-Rosen
  10. Janowska
  11. Kaiserwald
  12. Majdanek
  13. Mauthausen-Gusen
  14. Natzweiler-Struthof
  15. Neuengamme
  16. Nordhausen (Dora-Mittelbau)
  17. Sachsenhausen (Oranienburg)
  18. Plaszow
  19. Ravensbrück
  20. Sobibor
  21. Stutthof
  22. Terezin (Theresienstadt)
  23. Treblinka
  24. Westerbork

Wow, with all these death camps, surely you can provide a photo of a gas chamber right?
If spurious claims are going to be made about the death of 6 million Jews I would like to see the murder weapons. Please somebody provide a photo of the gas chambers. Thanks.


and here's where the gas came from...


you lose. again. please don't try again, just.... go somewhere....


and here's where the gas came from...


you lose. again. please don't try again, just.... go somewhere....

LOL, nice wooden door with a three inch gap underneath it, one of the doors even has a glass window. I think I would break it and try to get out if I was being gassed. Not to mention, the guards would be gassed with that kind of gap, the gas would escape. Gas chambers have rubbergasketed doors. Just saying.
LOL, nice wooden door with a three inch gap underneath it, one of the doors even has a glass window. I think I would break it and try to get out if I was being gassed. Not to mention, the guards would be gassed with that kind of gap, the gas would escape. Gas chambers have rubbergasketed doors. Just saying.
nice for something built in the 1920's, you're damn right. they just don't build em like they used to...

but, let me ask you this: how do gas chambers have 'rubbergasketed' (not a word, btw) doors if gas chambers didn't exist?


Lastly, the walls of that chamber have been tested for residue of Zyklon B and none was found. The Leuchter report admitted into evidence in court in Canada failed to show any Zyklon B residues. Thanks for playing you lose.
LOL, one of the doors even has a glass window. I think I would break it and try to get out if I was being gassed.
says someone who has never broken a window.

here's a test for you, strong man. lets take away the thousands of soldiers with guns, the tanks, the occupied areas... you go out to a car (any car), and with only your hands, break a window. please post pictures of the results.
Lastly, the walls of that chamber have been tested for residue of Zyklon B and none was found. The Leuchter report admitted into evidence in court in Canada failed to show any Zyklon B residues. Thanks for playing you lose.
hey retard, the gas chambers were run off the exhaust of diesel fueled armored tanks, the 'gas' was CARBON MONOXIDE. this allowed the nazi forces to kill dozens of groups of hundreds per day.

what the fuck does that have to do with zyklon b?
hey retard, the gas chambers were run off the exhaust of diesel fueled armored tanks, the 'gas' was CARBON MONOXIDE. this allowed the nazi forces to kill dozens of groups of hundreds per day.

what the fuck does that have to do with zyklon b?

So, you further show your ignorance of the ''Holocaust'', maybe you should study it before trying to defend it so vigorously. Just saying.