The Holocaust


Well-Known Member
This seems to be a much more prevalent belief than I was aware of with different degrees of disbelief

You have the people who believe the Holocaust happened, but the number of those killed is slightly exaggerated, to widely exaggerated, to those who deny it ever happened wholeheartedly despite the evidence

I hope this thread can serve as a point of reference for all the evidence that supports the idea that the Holocaust happened and show, using historical evidence, that the numbers are not fabricated

So, I encourage you to post your evidence both IN SUPPORT OF and AGAINST the Holocaust. Let us all examine and discuss it here, openly and freely of any censorship or discrimination
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List of Nazi concentration camps;

  1. Auschwitz-Birkenau
  2. Belzec
  3. Bergen-Belsen
  4. Buchenwald
  5. Chelmno
  6. Dachau
  7. Ebensee
  8. Flossenbürg
  9. Gross-Rosen
  10. Janowska
  11. Kaiserwald
  12. Majdanek
  13. Mauthausen-Gusen
  14. Natzweiler-Struthof
  15. Neuengamme
  16. Nordhausen (Dora-Mittelbau)
  17. Sachsenhausen (Oranienburg)
  18. Plaszow
  19. Ravensbrück
  20. Sobibor
  21. Stutthof
  22. Terezin (Theresienstadt)
  23. Treblinka
  24. Westerbork

"Follow-up letter from SS-Obergruppenführer Reinhard Heydrich to Ministerialdirektor Martin Luther asking for administrative assistance in the implementation of the Final Solution to the Jewish Question, 26 February 1942"
"The Wannsee Conference was a meeting of senior officials of Nazi Germany, held in the Berlin suburb of Wannsee on 20 January 1942 during World War II. The purpose of the conference was to ensure the cooperation of administrative leaders of various departments in the implementation of the final solution to the Jewish question. The conference, called by Chief of the Reich Main Security Office (RSHA) Reinhard Heydrich, was attended by representatives from several government ministries, including state secretaries from the Foreign Office, the justice, interior, and state ministries, and representatives from the Schutzstaffel (SS).

In the course of the meeting, Heydrich outlined the proposal of final extermination of European Jews in German-occupied Europe under the pretext of resettlement. The plan called for removing them from their home environment and deporting them by train to extermination camps in the General Government territory of occupied Poland, where they would be murdered out of sight primarily by gassing.

Soon after the invasion of Poland in September 1939, the persecution of European Jewry was raised to unprecedented levels, but indiscriminate killing of men, women and children began in June 1941 after the onset of Operation Barbarossa against the Soviets. On 31 July 1941 Hermann Göring gave written authorization to Heydrich to prepare and submit a plan for a "total solution of the Jewish question" in territories under German control and to coordinate the participation of all involved government organisations. At Wannsee, Heydrich emphasized that once the mass deportation was complete, the SS would take complete charge of the exterminations. A secondary goal was to arrive at a definition of who was formally Jewish and thus determine the scope of the genocide.

One copy of the Protocol with circulated minutes of the meeting survived the war. It was found by the Allies in March 1947 among files that had been seized from the German Foreign Office. It was used as evidence in the Subsequent Nuremberg Trials. The Wannsee House, site of the conference, is now a Holocaust memorial."

Wannsee Conference
One hundred, one million, six million- the number does no justice to the crime.

The idea that somehow it's all a lie just because the number might be slightly off is denial at its most extreme. Those who would use such justification to deny the holocaust deserve nothing but contempt and ostracism.
One hundred, one million, six million- the number does no justice to the crime.

The idea that somehow it's all a lie just because the number might be slightly off is denial at its most extreme. Those who would use such justification to deny the holocaust deserve nothing but contempt and ostracism.
"It's just that they have a different opinion." Flat earth syndrome. If they feel like it didn't happen it didn't. I am sure that Pie can use her google-wizard talent to find some youtube videos proving it didn't. Maybe some of the Jews, gypsies, gays or intellectuals didn't look sufficiently sad in a photograph - which would discredit the whole holocaust. If the holocaust happened, how come so many people on youtube say it didn't, huh?

Why? Because we are getting stupider and stupider. Also, i do think there is a foreign provacateur angle to it. My guess is that at least a third of the recent upswing in right-wing activity is from overseas. And not just Zeddd, either. Somebody cut a deal and the troll patrol got rrleased. Apparently somebody thinks they can eat away at the electorate by throwing enough shit on the wall.

In my lifetime, i have known thousands of people with direct holocaust experience. Their stories tend to add up. Somehow the idea of all of them lying in a coordinated way seems plausible today to a ridiculously hihh number of people. I see a lot of similarities between this and flat earth - which pretty much demands that many thousands of people are pulling the wool over our eyes.i recently hesrd a snippet of radio that said it might be an archaic brain feature more adapted to our pre-civilization days. The ability to believe anything was a good thing to have in the bush when any twig snap might mean a predator.
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No doubt that many many Jews were imprisoned in concentration camps by German/Nazi's in the late 1930's and early 1940's. Also, there is no doubt there was a mass death of Jews at these camps while they were captive there.

From what I have learned, traditional Holocaust historians agree that there was mass extermination of Jews, in various gas chambers and ovens later to burn the remains, and put the total number of deaths around 6 million Jews. The "Holocaust deniers" question the method of the deaths and will deny planned gassing/poison, will instead point to typhus and disease/lack of food, also will claim the total death numbers of Jews is far less than 6 million and will claim that many Jews in Germany fled to other parts of the world or Israel.

Also, why is this in politics thread? Doesn't seem political at all, more like historical.
No doubt that many many Jews were imprisoned in concentration camps by German/Nazi's in the late 1930's and early 1940's. Also, there is no doubt there was a mass death of Jews at these camps while they were captive there.

From what I have learned, traditional Holocaust historians agree that there was mass extermination of Jews, in various gas chambers and ovens later to burn the remains, and put the total number of deaths around 6 million Jews. The "Holocaust deniers" question the method of the deaths and will deny planned gassing/poison, will instead point to typhus and disease/lack of food, also will claim the total death numbers of Jews is far less than 6 million and will claim that many Jews in Germany fled to other parts of the world or Israel.

Also, why is this in politics thread? Doesn't seem political at all, more like historical.

Murdering people by the millions for nothing more than their religious beliefs is definitely politics. When right wing fascist wannabes start trying to deny history while taking Nazism as a social model, that's political.

The first step is disenfranchisement. Voter suppression, anyone?

The second step is vilification based on things a person cannot change about themselves, like race, religious background, etc.

The third step is ginning up hatred for these groups of people as justification for further abuse of their personal and civil rights.

The next step is placing law enforcement above accountability.

I see LOTS of parallels between how America is being run today, the racist right, the Chump and how the Jewish pogroms began. It cannot be allowed to stand.

I'm not Jewish. That's irrelevant; any group we allow the fascists to single out will not be the last, just the first. So I stand with the targeted minorities because no one deserves to be treated so badly in a FREE COUNTRY.

So the question I have for you is, how is this NOT political?
God I'm getting tired of seeing posts like this. I'm not sure if it's because of the young user-base or what it is, but seeing a new "The earth is flat/god is real/the holocaust might not have happened etc etc" thread so often is frustrating.

inside Auschwitz gas chamber

"The gold teeth extracted from the corpses were melted down on the spot in a special melting pot installed in crematorium III and in some periods the daily haul came to as much as 12 kilograms. The crematorium roofs, warmed by the ovens below, were used for drying the hair of the murdered victims". - Filip Muller a member of the Sonderkommando - Auschwitz

oral histories and first person testimonies of inmates and liberators:
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"Memory of the Camps", here:

And if you’re able to find copies, Singer’s: “Night Will Fall” (about 113 minutes) and the restored Ministry of Information documentary: “German Concentration Camps Factual Survey” (about 70 minutes) are excellent and were compiled from the miles of film taken by British and Soviet cameramen that accompanied the liberators as they entered the camps. Most of what’s on YouTube are fake or only a couple of minutes long. Majority of the raw footage has never been converted to digital.

I can't see how anybody could have doubts after viewing these three films.
don't worry, @Mellowman2112 has plenty of youtube videos to prove that it's fake, and that the earth is only 13 years old, and flat, and gravity doesn't exist.

so relax... @Mellowman2112 can explain it all and make everyone feel better, including the 6 million jews he says didn't die, but should have because he hates them (even though he dates one)

Stop slandering me please, I never said the earth was 13 years old.