
The Irish

Active Member
BigD, I was wondering.bongsmilie When you finish fine tuning everything, and you are receiving the right desire amount of bud each week, are you going to put up a very detail "how to" description of your 12/12+CFL+HB perpetual Micro Grow. bongsmilieI have read all of the pages of your journal so far and found it very interesting, but I would like a detail outline without comments from everyone else.:eyesmoke: I am ready to learn if your ready to teach.:dunce:


Well-Known Member
that is exactly my plan I will keep the journal going in its current format but plan to post a complete write up of the experiment, so anyone that wants too can follow along and give it a shot..............things are really going better than I anticipated, it took some work but I am on the brink of something here I think


Well-Known Member
Last update for the week probably, I decided to do a little cloning today..... first i have a seedling thats a bit over 3 weeks old no balls yet so I toped it and will use the top as a clone....secondly one of the clones I took on 08-15, is growing really fast it is a known female the original mom is budding the clone hasnt shown its sex yet.........so off with her head, and another clone so that is 3 girls from one seed....................pictures below show before and after and everything back into the box
hey bigd wuz up? i come in peace but i must say my friend the way you are explaing your cloning experience to us sound as if your very shocked and suprised with the results your getting.....well if you dont remember, i guess i'll remind you. when u clone the plants tend to "grow at amazing rates" thats bcuz the plant really believes its the same age as the mommie it came from so it grows "faster and stronger" then a seed..and you dont have to worry about the sex of the new clones your taking bcuz they will be the same as the ones u took them from so as long as your sure the one u took them from were girls then your ok forever just keep going off with their heads, you should even take of the heads of the new heads that grow in to replace the original which is now a clone of course(not to mention they grow way better then seeds)and i promise you that there is no way in gods beautiful earth that anybody can even try to determine a plants sex at 3 weeks old i promise i promise please i am not trying to be mean or disrespectful in any way but even though i dont know how to grow a micro set up i can still help u get more bud from those lil soldiers wit just a few pointers here and there and maybe you can even show me a thing or two but i promise to u guys and gals that i love growing and it is a great hobby and i've learned all my info from experience.i promise you that once you master the art of your micro grow set up, your gonna wanna do what everybody else did? they went bigger bcuz you'll be at that point where you feel it isn't enough n e more. it happened to me.


Well-Known Member
no you cant "determine" sex at 3 weeks but a male shows itself 95% of the time at about 3 weeks IME , so after that point the chances of getting a female is high....and I am surprised because most people think you need 24 hours of light or something close too it to clone, but you dont, not even to root a clone...and I wouldnt say the clones gorw better or faster than the seed, I was just expecting them to stay pretty tiny but they are as big as the mom...I have gwon using an entire closet before and grew 2-3 foot tall plants,I enjoy this more


Well-Known Member
well thats cool dude but be careful wit those seeds cuz you never know?when i started growing from seeds (Hindu Kush) the most sadest part i had was when i found out that i had to throw away the four strongest looking plants and i only had seven seeds to begin with....i hate the fact that i actually killed the poor fellas....may they rest in peace...but ne ways dont be suprised if the clones give u bigger popsicles then their mommies....good luck hope it all works out to the best!


Well-Known Member
well thats cool dude but be careful wit those seeds cuz you never know?when i started growing from seeds (Hindu Kush) the most sadest part i had was when i found out that i had to throw away the four strongest looking plants and i only had seven seeds to begin with....i hate the fact that i actually killed the poor fellas....may they rest in peace...but ne ways dont be suprised if the clones give u bigger popsicles then their mommies....good luck hope it all works out to the best!
last count I had over 500 seeds, and I got 10 that are supposed to be some sort of purps gited too me today,and makin seeds is pretty easy, and my males dont go to waste I use them for Iso hash waste not want not.......


Active Member
So I planted a few seeds about a week or so ago. They all came up and I have 9 at the moment. I'm definitely going 12/12 perpetual w/ a mother to clone from eventually. It just makes sense with the amount of space I have and I like the idea that I could harvest about 4 plants a week w/ 32 plants total. Anyways, just wanted to say thanks for all the info on micro growing and 12/12 perpetual. I'll try to get a journal going soon if I ever find the time. Have you smoked any of your harvest yet? I'm curious to see how it is?


Well-Known Member
holy shit u know how make hash? teach me please cuz i too have to dispose off alot leaves and branches, like almost a whole garbage bag, what matrials does it require? how much do u think ill spend to get this going? is it complicated? peace hope 2 hear from u soon,, oh n 1 more thing if u do have some sort of purps seeds then u should really consider breeding them or clonig them trust me u wanna keep that strain around, good luck dude.


Well-Known Member
So I planted a few seeds about a week or so ago. They all came up and I have 9 at the moment. I'm definitely going 12/12 perpetual w/ a mother to clone from eventually. It just makes sense with the amount of space I have and I like the idea that I could harvest about 4 plants a week w/ 32 plants total. Anyways, just wanted to say thanks for all the info on micro growing and 12/12 perpetual. I'll try to get a journal going soon if I ever find the time. Have you smoked any of your harvest yet? I'm curious to see how it is?
hey glad I can help make sure you start a journal and post a link to it here.... I normally sample everything as soon as I dry it in my box, and then I let it cure for 3 weeks or so, all I can say is there is no better feeling than having you own sticky seed free buds to smoke, my samples right out of the box taste surprisingly good for having no cure time, but they do taste and smell bettr after some time to cure.........


Well-Known Member
holy shit u know how make hash? teach me please cuz i too have to dispose off alot leaves and branches, like almost a whole garbage bag, what matrials does it require? how much do u think ill spend to get this going? is it complicated? peace hope 2 hear from u soon,, oh n 1 more thing if u do have some sort of purps seeds then u should really consider breeding them or clonig them trust me u wanna keep that strain around, good luck dude.

oh the iso hash is super easy, I will type how I do it and I will take pics my next run..........just take your plant material ( I use males, leaves from when I harvest, stems, shake, anything that might have a thrich) put it all in a jar, then pour in 91% isopropyl alchohol, enough to cover all the material ( I have used the 70%, the 91% works better) put on the top and shake for 20-25 seconds, then I strain thru a metal coffee filter( the normal paper ones work, but I bought one for this purpose) I strain it into a glass baking dish. the liquid will be green or maybe brown in color, you can then just let it sit for about 36 hours so the alchohol evaporates, or I personally use my wifes blow dryer,takes about 20 minutes, once all the liquid has evaporated you will be left with a brownish film on the bottom of the dish, use a razor blade to scrape it all up and form it into a ball, and there you have it, there is a running thread on the method on icmag if I find the link i will post it for you..........as far as the purps I thought about building a veg chamber, but the only true way to keep the genetics forever is with seed, so I will probably start some and whatever females I get I will leave them to flower until they seed.........:hump:


Well-Known Member
Well I just finished reading your journal and I'm going to tell you this is a God-Send. I have very limited space, no connects which = no smoke, and I live in a very small mountain town that has no Hydroponic stores, and I can't afford expensive HPS lights or nutrients. This town does have a Wal-Mart and a Lowes so I think I can obtain the materials required. I ordered some WW from cannabisseeds.com so if they show up, I am definitely going to give this a try. Thank you for being so thorough and willing to give information so freely.


Well-Known Member
Well I just finished reading your journal and I'm going to tell you this is a God-Send. I have very limited space, no connects which = no smoke, and I live in a very small mountain town that has no Hydroponic stores, and I can't afford expensive HPS lights or nutrients. This town does have a Wal-Mart and a Lowes so I think I can obtain the materials required. I ordered some WW from cannabisseeds.com so if they show up, I am definitely going to give this a try. Thank you for being so thorough and willing to give information so freely.

my pleasure brother, thats waht we are all supposed to be here for to help keep the world green :weed:


Well-Known Member
what up guys a few quick updates, first off another thing not too due DONT MIX YOUR NUTES WHEN HIGH:wall:....I fucked up and really burned some leaves, everyone will survive...........otherwise everything is working fine:clap:...I dont have much to report the system seems to be working so its just about waiting for the harvest now, but even with the nute burn it is looking very good, I plan to add a wolfman type carbon filter to the dryer/airscrubber, oh one other thing my most recent batch of seedlings (fastly aproaching 3 weeks old stretched alot more than all of the previous ones, so I am wondering if its time to buy some new bulbs, how often do you guys change yours?...........

anyway the pics below are of a mom and her clone I still cant get why people say you need 24 hours of light to clone, as you can see the clone is as tall as the mom, and has bud sites all the way down to the soil line they are both about 12-14 inches tall.... this clone was taken on 08/15 so less than 30 days ago and already as tall as the mom and budding:weed:


Wolfman Zen

Well-Known Member
lol... yea.. Ihave already learned the "don't trim while your high" rule.. lol
So what kind of nutes are you giving them?.. and in your mini hempycups.. it's just pure perlite right?

As for the lights ... I'm planning to change the flowering cfl's every other harvest... with about 8 weeks of flowering each harvest.. then every 16 weeks I will change out the cfl's... but they won't go to waist.. I will be replacing the normal bulbs around the house with the used cfl's.. waist not want not ;-)

The best DIY EZ walmart DWC CLONER for MICRO grows. Zen style
The BEST DIY EZ walmart carbon filter for MICRO grows Zen style
Micro ebb/flow (NOW DWC), all CFL ScrOG, perpetual Stealth locker



Well-Known Member
lol... yea.. Ihave already learned the "don't trim while your high" rule.. lol
So what kind of nutes are you giving them?.. and in your mini hempycups.. it's just pure perlite right?

As for the lights ... I'm planning to change the flowering cfl's every other harvest... with about 8 weeks of flowering each harvest.. then every 16 weeks I will change out the cfl's... but they won't go to waist.. I will be replacing the normal bulbs around the house with the used cfl's.. waist not want not ;-)

The best DIY EZ walmart DWC CLONER for MICRO grows. Zen style
The BEST DIY EZ walmart carbon filter for MICRO grows Zen style
Micro ebb/flow (NOW DWC), all CFL ScrOG, perpetual Stealth locker
lol I just told my wife I needed new bulbs for the grow so I was going to replace all the ones in the house lol great minds think alike.......I will probably swap them out this weekend.......When I started I was 100% perlite and using hydro nutes, I am now using a mixture that is 4 parts perlite 1 part seedling soil, and I use the dr bud walmart nute mix......per gallon 4 dropperfulls of schultz 10-15-10 1 tablspn alaskan fish emulsions 5-1-1 drop of superthrive...........

The Irish

Active Member
How do you dispose of your soil when your done with it? I am assuming that when you get this perpetual grow into full swing you will be disposing a lot of soil. I am conflicted with the fact I like what you are doing, and would love to do this, but I like what wolfman is doing with his dwc seems to be less of a problem because you have no soil to dispose of. Maybe Wolfman or you BigD can tell me, would it be possible to keep the plants small like your grow(BigD) with a dwc like Wolfman. Then again i do like your hempybuckets. I am so conflicted.


Well-Known Member
lol I just dump my soil in my backyard garden blends right in, I have grown dwc before and its going gre8 for wolf but my experience was not so good, thats why i ended up in hempy buckets, and if you go 12/12 from seed and you top like i do i think you will get similar results regardless of rather you do dwc or pots like mine......


Well-Known Member
well these are the next 3 that will be chopped, then there will 3-4 more 3 weeks later etc... please excuse the burns on the fan leaves they did get a little nute burn and grew into some bulbs plus they are dying as the plant flower.....I think these will go another 3 weeks or so and then we will see......


The Irish

Active Member
I just reread you journal again. I thought I noticed you had eight light bulbs in there. Then I saw somewhere you wrote 3 26w 6500k, 1 26w 2700k, 3 42w 2700k. What is the Eighth Bulb? Or did I miss something. Could you clear this up for me and tell me what your lights are. Thanks.(I hate asking stupid questions, but I really don't wish to reread your journal again to find an answer that you could simply answer.)