best OGKB in seed form

It depends on who you're ordering from. Some breeders on there will sell you beans. But they do have some scammers too. Shoe is legit, Ali G is legit, inclama is legit, heirloom genetics is legit. If you wanted to know who's the best I'll say Shoe all day. Dude is legit as they come him and thinktank.

I placed my first order with incanlama last week, hopefully he comes through. Always feels sketchy sending blank money orders through the mail.
I placed my first order with incanlama last week, hopefully he comes through. Always feels sketchy sending blank money orders through the mail.

I hear incanlama is a very reliable well respected guy, you should have nothing to worry about. I wish he would respond to my dm but my blank page probably freaks him out and I can't blame him really. Thankfully there are other options but it would be nice to be able to go thru him as well.
If you're in a legal state you can post pics. If not just make your page private and monitor who you let follow you. And never turn your location on.
i dont know if i will ever post any pics of myself or any identifying feature where i live man? im just so paranoid if my account is hacked & my ID compromised? full prohibition where i am & the uniforms still nail peoples asses to a wall for even small amounts, i know its living like a fugitive really but its the toll that is taken when we grow here, it aint an easy option for sure, so its just plant pics from me bro...with as little else as possible
i dont know if i will ever post any pics of myself or any identifying feature where i live man? im just so paranoid if my account is hacked & my ID compromised? full prohibition where i am & the uniforms still nail peoples asses to a wall for even small amounts, i know its living like a fugitive really but its the toll that is taken when we grow here, it aint an easy option for sure, so its just plant pics from me bro...with as little else as possible
You gotta be in the south
Pugsbreath, Afterglow, and Freshbreath are all mendobreath f3s, all being crosses of mendobreath f2 x mendobreath f2. Gromer described the pugsbreath to me as basically an ogkb bx because it throws out mostly ogkb dominant phenos, and the mom is norcals mendobreath cut. The Afterglow mom is one of two phenos gromer selected from multiple pack seed runs of mendobreath f2s and is more mendo dominant. The freshbreath mom is the other pheno he kept out of his seed run, which he says is more of a mix between the two parents.

This info is what gromer told me directly.

So of the 3 mendobreath f2 moms, the only cut he sourced was norcals cut, the other two were ones he selected from seed from gage green packs.
*repost of kkeyser from thugpug thread for easy find future reference