Oregon Elite Seeds


Well-Known Member
Yeah not much info on that one I asked but no response ,TP. sounds delish too
No pix of those that I could find JP & TP I did see a single JP but wasn't impressed
Yeah I couldn't find much info either. I tried looking at pics on IG of jet pack but no lineage markings I could see. That black gorrila looks really flame tho. The pic i saw was really pretty with purple hues.


Well-Known Member
:mrgreen: he's got about 4-5 shots of Blk Gorilla :bigjoint: on IG each is mouth-watering & frosty from different growers too .
I can't afford to buy blind so i'm picky & do my research , but sometimes ya gotta take a dip on the unknown .
that :hug: BigWorm forbidden space fruit is a :sleep: sleeper that will produce some wild fire I have a inkling :P
it's got Alien Rift as a parent , me likey that Alien gene gives a robust lineage to breeding lines from what i've seem :clap:


Well-Known Member
Hazeman gear ? I want the Elephant Stomper and the 88 G13 Hashplant .
I ran a pack of hazeman elephant stomper awhile back. It was ok. Nice grape smell but it left me and my people asking where's the frost. I guess that's all part of the game cause I've seen some killer elephant stomper, just wasn't any in my pack. So nothing against hazeman seeds.


Well-Known Member
First time I tried them. 1 of 7 germinated. No love from OES. I will not be ordering again.
That sucks brother..

What also sucks is having no credibility with just one post, and on your first day using the forum (using this identity anyway), then trying to bad mouth a well respected vendor around here. Good luck.

I have no stake in the vendor either way (just placed my first order with them)


Well-Known Member
I am just trying to share my experience. I am a 58 year old cancer patient and I do appreciate being attacked, Perhaps this forum is not for me.
I am terribly sorry for your condition. I also tried to edit the post to make it more obvious I wasn't some arrogant shill.

It's just hard to take a first time poster seriously when the first thing they do is leave bad feedback (though it's completely justified signing up to warn others). Perhaps if there was more detail and such? The seeds were duds and you reached out to OES and they were unresponsive? That's the disconnect.