i see it like the enema bandit does, the big, fat, green fan leaves are doing way more work for the plant than those tiny little sugar leaves in the buds will ever do.. so if you cut off the big fan leaves in order to get more light to the smaller, less producing sugar leaves, you really are cutting off your fans despite your bud..
a simple analogy.. you've got a house with big old soar panels on the roof, but they're blocking the much smaller, less productive smaller panels you just installed lower down on the roof. you think, hmm, those big ole solar panels up at the top of the roof are now blocking this teeny tiny solar panels i just installed at the bottom of my roof, i think it'd be a good idea to remove the big ole panels so i can get more light to the newer, smaller panels, even though simply due to size and design, it'd take 10 or more of the smaller panels to make up for the electricity the bigger panels can make.. the leaves are the solar panels of the plant, they hang out in the sun, light, and convert light energy to sugars and starches the plant needs to sustain life via photosynthesis.. the bigger, greener, the leaves, the more chlorophyl is present, the more photosynthesis that happens in that leaf.. you can not deny this as it's simply botany, the very basics on how plants work..