Emergency! Snapping gone bad


Well-Known Member
I've snapped (sorry, I meant bending, not snapping) most of the plants already. I'm basically taking the plant and snapping them 90 degrees to lower them from the lights and at the same time cover more horizontal area.

It's supposed to be low stress training to my understanding, but few of them are reacting quite badly to be honest. They look like they're dying. All other plants reacted well to this. I don't know why these ones take it so badly.

I really hope they will recover from this.

What could I do to help them heal? Is there some kind of emergency act to boost their metabolism?
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Well-Known Member
Pics? Lst is supposed to be a slight bend not 90° snap.... i believe you've supercropped them but im not 100 cuz i LST.


Well-Known Member
Unfortunately I don't have pictures to snow at the moment.

Okay, I didn't know that. I've done this before once and the plants have taken it without difficulties.

Just imagine a 5-6 feet tall plant and its upper half being bent down horizontally and held in place with a garden tape.

Maybe garden tape kind of closed the ''veins'' in the stem?


Well-Known Member
Have anyone had a plant turning extremely droopy after supercropping and then recovered later?


Well-Known Member
Isn't bending and supercropping the same?

It sounds like "SNAP" when I do it. At first I squeeze the stem tightly between my fingers and then "snap" comes from the stem. Then I bend the plant. Slowly. It bends right from where I squeezed with my fingers.

Did I make myself more clear now?


Well-Known Member
It is a bit tricky to do. I kind of mash the stem between my thumb and pointer finger. I then bend and snap the limb with both hands as not to damage it to much.

As long as there is still some of the limb still attached it will heal. If you have to tape the break up if it is real bad.

It will grow a big knuckle where the limb broke.

Raise your light or dim it if possible for a few days until they recover.

This is one of the few times I reccomend a b vitamin for plants like super thrive.

One or two drops per gallon. It speeds recovery.


Well-Known Member
I think the best thing you could do at this point is get some small stakes, and pull the branches up above 90deg and tie them to the stakes and hope they heal. I did this in the spring with a branch I broke badly enough that it fell over just about 180deg and it survived. Can't tell the difference now when you look at the plant.