Open Show n' Tell 2016

Botrytis is kicking the shit out of my BDs. They got a month or so to go...not going to be much of it to harvest if any.
That sucks, brutha.
As soon as the problem showed up on my Afghani(which if you remember, had thick full terminal sites by early august) I started treating the garden every few days with Serenade. Tomorrow, I'm about to back off of that while I run Actinovate for a couple weeks. Hopefully this two-sided approach will help keep it at bay for the rest of the season. Actinovate is supposed to be awesome shit brutha.
Good luck, bro

Hard to tell but it looks like it is shedding, molting if that's the right description. Probably tight in a bud for protection. Got another bushy bud to put it back on?
I hatched out 3 sacs and had at least a hundred to start in the garden/yard. I think the local sparrow family got a of of them. They are hard to find now that everything is so thick. Was sweeping the patio the other day and one scurried out of the way, it was probably 3" long. Wasn't sure they would live thru all my neem sprayings. Here's the one.
Yeah, I do have another bud to drop her on. Gotta wait till tomorrow to get her there. I want her back out there. Especially if shes a girl. I want her laying eggs out there.
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So does Serenade really prevent Botrytis?
I cant find it locally, and will have to pay shipping, but I ill if its gonna work.

I cant speak for everyone but I can say this...
Last year, I used it once a week, starting as soon as pistils started showing(July) and had VERY LITTLE botrytis issues. So, as a preventative, yes, Id say it worked for me.
This year, I forgot it and had a little Purple Afghan get racked with rot. When I cut the rot out and applied the serenade to her it seemed to do absolutely nothing to even slow it down. I've now been running Serenade on my remaining plants for the past few weeks, but am now switching over to a product called Actinovate. It's supposed to work better than Serenade.
Good luck.
@Larry {the} Gardener
You figure out what is wrong with that plant? I got one doing exact same thing. It's dying in a hurry. I'm guessing something down in the root system. Getting ready to hit it with a root drench of Botanigard.
And the relentless humidity is wreacking havoc. It's suppose to subside tomorrow but the damage is done. Going to have to cut out a bunch of Black D.O.G. flowers. Some are worse than others ain't looking good.:wall:
Botrytis is kicking the shit out of my BDs. They got a month or so to go...not going to be much of it to harvest if any.
I am having issues too middler,the humidity just won't let up.
I am having issues too middler,the humidity just won't let up.
Hate to hear that man. I could still end up with a descent harvest but it looks like I'm going to take a beating with my my BDs. Plus I've got an Incredible Bulk dying. It's like I told my fiance, I need to be grateful for what ever I get. Growing in the humid prone Midwest is always a gamble and this year has been the worse I've ever dealt with here. Record rainfall in July and August. That was a good thing in July but bit me in the ass this month. At least it looks like the first few days of September are going to be perfect conditions and hopefully the rest of it. @Smidge34 has had the shorter end of the stick this month.
I cant speak for everyone but I can say this...
Last year, I used it once a week, starting as soon as pistils started showing(July) and had VERY LITTLE botrytis issues. So, as a preventative, yes, Id say it worked for me.
This year, I forgot it and had a little Purple Afghan get racked with rot. When I cut the rot out and applied the serenade to her it seemed to do absolutely nothing to even slow it down. I've now been running Serenade on my remaining plants for the past few weeks, but am now switching over to a product called Actinovate. It's supposed to work better than Serenade.
Good luck.
Actinovate doesnt seem to directly specify Botrytis, but I assume all fungus forms are treated similarly.
I am 4 weeks nto budding on my BD hopefully I am not too late. I dont see any problems yet, but I have to wait for it to come in the mail.
Seems Lowes and HD dont carry anything except copper
Hey yo RIU I was wondering I'm having a couple spots of pm pop up any weed nerds know what the best organic shiz to use ?!!!
you need to change the ph of the leaf/plant surface...look up lemon water mixture or milk water mixture. I have used both successfully with a number of plants. You have to keep on it
you need to change the ph of the leaf/plant surface...look up lemon water mixture or milk water mixture. I have used both successfully with a number of plants. You have to keep on it
For sure I will check that out I just picked up some stuff called organicbliss gonna try to run that and take your advice
Looks nice. Tried getting them through attitude and the vault but was unable to get them . nice pics btw

Hi bobqp and thank you. A little backstory:

May 7 procured 4 GG#4 clones from Progressive Options now in North Hollywood

Vegged 24/0 in LED veg closet until being put out on roof at start of June

Transplanted into 5 gal Smart Pots. Use LA tap water, Botanicare CalMag, and Maxsea all purpose and bloom. Water twice a day and feed every other day. No training just put on roof and let em be.

Started to flower in early July I reckon. LA June gloom? I dunnoknow.
Harvest soon. Yay!
