Hillary can't be trusted

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Lol. Nothing more dangerous than a person with a little bit of understanding of international trade. Sorry Pie, your understanding of international trade is on par with a community college freshman.

Your flat tariffs are a laughable, pathetic "America" First idea that has been run up the flagpole by scoundrels and idiots for decades. It is a laughable stone club in any post industrial economic world.

Global trade has brought this country huge gains. Those gains have been concentrated into the hands of a tiny sliver of people. If you really wanted to "protect the economy" you would realize the Republicans have opted out of the second side of the equation - The "what do we do about everybody that gets fucked by international trade" part? - by not allowing higher taxes to pay for so call "free things".

So you admit that everyone gets fucked by free trade.

You'd rather deal with the symptoms instead of the problem.

I never mentioned flat tariffs. I was simply pointing out that trump is not a globalist.

Hillary is a globalist shill.
The worst cities in our nation have been run by democrats for 50+ years and the blacks have been disproportionately affected by liberal policies. Chicago, milwaukie, and detroit are liberal wastelands. Unemployment, single mothers, poverty, and death all up for black people under democrat policies.

you'd almost have a point if liberal mayors had more power than republican governors, republican state legislators, a republican controlled congress, or republican presidents.

but they do not.

you are exceedingly not bright.
correct,american goods sold abroad are already at " tit ",meaning highly tarrifed,so now its past time american politicians protect american businesses by applying the same restrictive regulations against those country's.

Actually most American goods are only taxed at the standard rate of tax applied to all goods in the destination country.

In the EU this is VAT and is a different rate in nearly every member state.

Have you ever been outside America?
Actually most American goods are only taxed at the standard rate of tax applied to all goods in the destination country.

In the EU this is VAT and is a different rate in nearly every member state.

Have you ever been outside America?
China has a 17% vat while the usa has none. China puts up to 30% tariffs on usa imports while we have 5% on them.

Do you think if we say we will match what they have, that they will lower their vat/tariffs?
OK now were getting someplace,so you'd then be able to show where all these modern day senators have joined the KKK, like we have actual proof of the democrat senators belonging to the Klan ?
The states with senators that voted against the 1965 voting rights bill were from AL, AR, FL, GA, LA, MS, TX, VA; 8 states, 16 senators in all. Today, those states are represented by 4-Democratic party Senators, 12-Republican Senators. Every one of those Republican Senators support laws that restrict access to the ballot in ways that suppress minority voters.

The Klan loves them some Trump. I don't know why you are hung up on what happened more than 50 years ago. Maybe it's because the recent actions of the GOP are anti-democratic?
Actually most American goods are only taxed at the standard rate of tax applied to all goods in the destination country.

In the EU this is VAT and is a different rate in nearly every member state.

Have you ever been outside America?

nope i never left my baby crib :clap:,yes I've been out of america but I havent bought a Buick in Japan & neither have you Mr air miles lol

some of the nonsense that fly's out of peoples mouths here is amazing,your " trips" to wherever you visit don't magically make you a global economist :lol:

the social justice warrior mentality has destroyed your ability to apply common sense
China has a 17% vat while the usa has none. China puts up to 30% tariffs on usa imports while we have 5% on them.

Do you think if we say we will match what they have, that they will lower their vat/tariffs?
China isn't the one with the massive trade deficit, we are.

Protectionism will result in counter measures in Europe (one of our largest consumer goods markets) and only damage what's left of our exports and make imports more expensive for ordinary Americans.
China has a 17% vat while the usa has none. China puts up to 30% tariffs on usa imports while we have 5% on them.

Do you think if we say we will match what they have, that they will lower their vat/tariffs?

all true facts where US trade takes it in the shitter but the social justice warriors are terrified the evil " murica " might assert itself & demand equal fair trade you evil Nazi you :lol:

all valid facts you posted & facts are bad lol
The states with senators that voted against the 1965 voting rights bill were from AL, AR, FL, GA, LA, MS, TX, VA; 8 states, 16 senators in all. Today, those states are represented by 4-Democratic party Senators, 12-Republican Senators. Every one of those Republican Senators support laws that restrict access to the ballot in ways that suppress minority voters.

The Klan loves them some Trump. I don't know why you are hung up on what happened more than 50 years ago. Maybe it's because the recent actions of the GOP are anti-democratic?

its OK you can admit it,just say it once cause we all know

the voter ID dodge is 100% invalid & discredited,the same people who were "inconvienced" by being made to present picture ID have to present picture ID to get welfare,obamacare,food stamps or a job & managed just fine,oh such horrible racism having to show a fukin $20 ID,how can u live with yourself knowing such horrible injustices are taking place :lol:

you can't show where republicans suddenly joined the KKK after the civil rights act 85% of them voted FOR ,so more nonsense about Trump lol
China isn't the one with the massive trade deficit, we are.

Protectionism will result in counter measures in Europe (one of our largest consumer goods markets) and only damage what's left of our exports and make imports more expensive for ordinary Americans.
A trade deficit happens when China buys less from us than we buy from them. They buy less from us because of the large chinese import taxes that makes our goods more expensive by far than local chinese goods.
Protectionism will result in counter measures in Europe (one of our largest consumer goods markets) and only damage what's left of our exports and make imports more expensive for ordinary Americans.

copied nearly word for word from the mouth of the remain camp in the UK,trade will come to a screeching halt,mass unemployment,stock market will crash if the UK bolts from the EU

and here we are now,all nonsense proven false & the UK doing better than it has in years,its those pesky facts that keep getting in the way of progress
copied nearly word for word from the mouth of the remain camp in the UK,trade will come to a screeching halt,mass unemployment,stock market will crash if the UK bolts from the EU

and here we are now,all nonsense proven false & the UK doing better than it has in years,its those pesky facts that keep getting in the way of progress
They're doing ok cos their currency crashed which helps their exports...

They're also still in the EU...

The states with senators that voted against the 1965 voting rights bill were from AL, AR, FL, GA, LA, MS, TX, VA; 8 states, 16 senators in all.

Quit trying to blame america for the evil shit you regressive fake liberals do, the monsters your democratic party is made up of continued well past the 1956 mark you like to call " the big switch" , what it is is the big lie,let's look at some Klan history,the civil rights act only became law after 85% of the republican senate forced the senate to pass the legislation ,fought tooth n nail by democrats.
( quote below cite included )

Its estimated 3,446 blacks and 1,297 whites died at the end of KKK ropes from 1882 to 1964.

The documentation has been assembled by David Barton of Wallbu More..ilders and published in his book "Setting the Record Straight: American History in Black & White," which reveals that not only did the Democrats work hand-in-glove with the Ku Klux Klan for generations, they started the KKK and endorsed its mayhem.

"Of all forms of violent intimidation, lynchings were by far the most effective," Barton said in his book. "Republicans led the efforts to pass federal anti-lynching laws and their platforms consistently called for a ban on lynching. Democrats successfully blocked those bills and their platforms never did condemn lynchings."

Further, the first grand wizard of the KKK was honored at the 1868 Democratic National Convention, no Democrats voted for the 14th Amendment to grant citizenship to former slaves and, to this day, the party website ignores those decades of racism.

end quote.

POW ! there's them pesky facts again getting in the way of regressive democrats lies :lol:
Quit trying to blame america for the evil shit you regressive fake liberals do, the monsters your democratic party is made up of continued well past the 1956 mark you like to call " the big switch" , what it is is the big lie,let's look at some Klan history,the civil rights act only became law after 85% of the republican senate forced the senate to pass the legislation ,fought tooth n nail by democrats.
( quote below cite included )

Its estimated 3,446 blacks and 1,297 whites died at the end of KKK ropes from 1882 to 1964.

The documentation has been assembled by David Barton of Wallbu More..ilders and published in his book "Setting the Record Straight: American History in Black & White," which reveals that not only did the Democrats work hand-in-glove with the Ku Klux Klan for generations, they started the KKK and endorsed its mayhem.

"Of all forms of violent intimidation, lynchings were by far the most effective," Barton said in his book. "Republicans led the efforts to pass federal anti-lynching laws and their platforms consistently called for a ban on lynching. Democrats successfully blocked those bills and their platforms never did condemn lynchings."

Further, the first grand wizard of the KKK was honored at the 1868 Democratic National Convention, no Democrats voted for the 14th Amendment to grant citizenship to former slaves and, to this day, the party website ignores those decades of racism.

end quote.

POW ! there's them pesky facts again getting in the way of regressive democrats lies :lol:

so then why is avowed racist and unrepentant KKK leader david duke running as a republican and endorsing trump?

why did you say that "liberalism is a disease" if you are trying to portray republicans as the party of progressives and liberals who do things like free slaves and pass civil rights?

speaking of civil rights, if republicans love civil rights so much, why are they trying to make it legal to deny service to people because they are gay? or make it legal to fire people just because they are gay?

obviously, you were too busy re-taking 7th grade mathematics to notice that mike pence tried to do just that in order to deny civil rights to gay people in indiana before he became the running mate to an orange fascist racist.

can you reconcile any of this with your patently false claim that republicans are the party of civil rights?
so then why is avowed racist and unrepentant KKK leader david duke running as a republican and endorsing trump?

why did you say that "liberalism is a disease" if you are trying to portray republicans as the party of progressives and liberals who do things like free slaves and pass civil rights?

speaking of civil rights, if republicans love civil rights so much, why are they trying to make it legal to deny service to people because they are gay? or make it legal to fire people just because they are gay?

obviously, you were too busy re-taking 7th grade mathematics to notice that mike pence tried to do just that in order to deny civil rights to gay people in indiana before he became the running mate to an orange fascist racist.

can you reconcile any of this with your patently false claim that republicans are the party of civil rights?

Duh da da duh and right on time its RIU Captain Planet to the rescue,your social justice super powers suck,
I especially like the end where you slit your wrist:bigjoint:

Duh da da duh and right on time its RIU Captain Planet to the rescue,your social justice super powers suck,
I especially like the end where you slit your wrist:bigjoint:

so you can't explain away any of those massive contradictions between the bullshit you are spewing and what reality actually is?

i guess you are just an unoriginal witless child who is universally hated by literally any and every member here who is not a pariah or avowed piece of shit.

i guess i'll just repeat what i asked before since you failed to answer any of it. but then again, failure is kind of your area of expertise, kiddo.

why is avowed racist and unrepentant KKK leader david duke running as a republican and endorsing trump?

why did you say that "liberalism is a disease" if you are trying to portray republicans as the party of progressives and liberals who do things like free slaves and pass civil rights?

speaking of civil rights, if republicans love civil rights so much, why are they trying to make it legal to deny service to people because they are gay? or make it legal to fire people just because they are gay?

obviously, you were too busy re-taking 7th grade mathematics to notice that mike pence tried to do just that in order to deny civil rights to gay people in indiana before he became the running mate to an orange fascist racist.

can you reconcile any of this with your patently false claim that republicans are the party of civil rights?
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