Hillary can't be trusted

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The worst cities in our nation have been run by democrats for 50+ years and the blacks have been disproportionately affected by liberal policies. Chicago, milwaukie, and detroit are liberal wastelands. Unemployment, single mothers, poverty, and death all up for black people under democrat policies.
Rather humorous watching the usual suspects flailing and failing as they battle you and their own cognitive dissonance.
Yes, the southern democrats used states rights to try to continue slavery.
They did not join the republicans. The republicans were for equal rights of blacks and women.
You are dumb beyond belief. Try Googling " Democrats and Republicans Switched Platforms ".
Talking the way you talk makes you look dumb, stupid, ignorant, unschooled, slow-minded, foolish, and obtuse.
You are a mother. educate yourself
You are dumb beyond belief. Try Googling " Democrats and Republicans Switched Platforms ".
Talking the way you talk makes you look dumb, stupid, ignorant, unschooled, slow-minded, foolish, and obtuse.
You are a mother. educate yourself
Actually, YOU are the ignorant puke here. Your party sucks and always has.
Actually, YOU are the ignorant puke here. Your party sucks and always has.
Another idiot that does not realize that Dems and Republicans have switched platforms. Oh by the way I'm registered as a Republican so you are correct in saying that my party sucks.
Another idiot that does not realize that Dems and Republicans have switched platforms. Oh by the way I'm registered as a Republican so you are correct in saying that my party sucks.
They never switched platforms. The democrats used a republican ideal of state rights. To resist the end of slavery, to stop black voting rights through unfair tests, and keep blacks from sharing public spaces with whites.

That was all democrats.
The worst cities in our nation have been run by democrats for 50+ years and the blacks have been disproportionately affected by liberal policies. Chicago, milwaukie, and detroit are liberal wastelands. Unemployment, single mothers, poverty, and death all up for black people under democrat policies.
Isnt there a saying: "what have you done for me lately?" The US Congress has been controlled by Republicans for most of the past 20 years. They are the ones that held power during the burgeoning imprisonment of black men. They also are the ones most active in rolling back voting rights for minorities.

Chicago, Milwaukee, Detroit all slammed hard by globalization beloved by the GOP.

And you focus on what happened more than 50 years ago, as if it were as important as the GOP's cuts in financial assistance, SNAP and rental assistance over more recent times.

You are quoting what happened fifty or more years ago because the party you support would rather not talk about what happened recently. Why do you support a party that hates democracy?
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Isnt there a saying: "what have you done for me lately?" The US Congress has been controlled by Republicans for most of the past 20 years. They are the ones that held power during the burgeoning imprisonment of black men. They also are the ones most active in rolling back voting rights for minorities.

Chicago, Milwaukee, Detroit all slammed hard by globalization beloved by the GOP.

And you focos on what happened more than 50 years ago, as if it were as important as the GOP's cuts in financial assistance, SNAP and rental assistance over more recent times.

You are quoting what happened fifty or more years ago because the party you support would rather not talk about what happened recently. Why do you support a party that hates democracy?
Imprisonment of blacks is largely bill Clinton's fault.
Imprisonment of blacks is largely bill Clinton's fault.
The bill was drafted and passed by a Congress controlled by Republicans. All three branches of government were controlled by Republicans under GW Bush. It was during that time the prison populations exploded.

Completely understandable you want to run away from recent history. Because the GOP has made a total mess of things.
Yes, the southern democrats used states rights to try to continue slavery.
They did not join the republicans. The republicans were for equal rights of blacks and women.
Rather humorous watching the usual suspects flailing and failing as they battle you and their own cognitive dissonance.
Actually, YOU are the ignorant puke here. Your party sucks and always has.
They never switched platforms. The democrats used a republican ideal of state rights. To resist the end of slavery, to stop black voting rights through unfair tests, and keep blacks from sharing public spaces with whites.

That was all democrats.
Imprisonment of blacks is largely bill Clinton's fault.
Do these clowns ever get anything right?

Are you trying to convince anyone of your ideas? You aren't doing a very good job of it.

It's really too bad reality does not support your assertions. But if living in your fantasy world helps you get by in life, you keep at it, kiddos.

You keep saying what you say enough, eventually you'll convince yourself you're right.
You are dumb beyond belief. Try Googling " Democrats and Republicans Switched Platforms ".
Talking the way you talk makes you look dumb, stupid, ignorant, unschooled, slow-minded, foolish, and obtuse.
You are a mother. educate yourself

your telling somebody to " google" and get educated :lol:

from the mouths of drooling zombies come the greatest claims of intelligence:dunce:

how about "reading" a book !
Are you trying to convince anyone of your ideas? You aren't doing a very good job of it.

It's really too bad reality does not support your assertions. But if living in your fantasy world helps you get by in life, you keep at it, kiddos.

You keep saying what you say enough, eventually you'll convince yourself you're right.

actually bro flamingpie is spot on,unless you or any other can provide the list showing the racist Dixiecrats turning control of their military wing ,the"KKK" over to republicans ownership,than the KKK stands with its creators the democratic party.

I also challenge the narrative of " the big switch" ,the only switch that took place was blacks leaving the party that abolished slavery,Jim crow & dozens of other insane laws to opress them to join the party of their enemy,the democrats,blacks who were enticed away from their political heritage by promises of "the new deal" made by a single man.

I'd say flamingpie is doing a spectacular job reporting an unaltered historical record of democratic politicians & their methods of plantation politics
actually bro flamingpie is spot on,unless you or any other can provide the list showing the racist Dixiecrats turning control of their military wing "KKK" over to republicans ownership of the KKK stands with its creators the democratic party.

I also challenge the narrative of " the big switch" ,the only switch that took place was blacks leaving the party that abolished slavery,Jim crow & dozens of other insane laws to opress them to join the party of their enemy,the democrats,blacks who were enticed away from their political heritage by promises of "the new deal" made by a single man.

I'd say flamingpie is doing a spectacular job reporting an unaltered historical record of democratic politicians & their methods of plantation politics
your telling somebody to " google" and get educated :lol:

from the mouths of drooling zombies come the greatest claims of intelligence:dunce:

how about "reading" a book !
You talking to an avid book reader. I'm currently reading If He Hollers Let Him Go. I enjoy going to the library with my kids and picking out novels, reading magazines, doing old school research.
Now do you have anything of substance to add to the conversation ? We were taking about the Dems and Repukes changing platform.
actually bro flamingpie is spot on,unless you or any other can provide the list showing the racist Dixiecrats turning control of their military wing "KKK" over to republicans ownership of the KKK stands with its creators the democratic party.

I also challenge the narrative of " the big switch" ,the only switch that took place was blacks leaving the party that abolished slavery,Jim crow & dozens of other insane laws to opress them to join the party of their enemy,the democrats,blacks who were enticed away from their political heritage by promises of "the new deal" made by a single man.

I'd say flamingpie is doing a spectacular job reporting an unaltered historical record of democratic politicians & their methods of plantation politics
oh my
You truly are an ignorant one.
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