Rooftop SE Asia

I reckon I could ride a tractor for a living. Easy money, and have done much much worse duties. I enjoyed cutting hay when I was younger
I'm something of a tractor-aholic. I have three of them that don't get used very often. And if I saw one that was in my price range, I'd buy it. I like tractor work for a while. But with my old bones, 8 hours every day would not work for me anymore.
I like the ability to daydream aspect, plus it's nice to be outdoors. Some jobs require full concentration.
Things like cutting hay or bushhogging are great mindless chores. But even with that you can get too high to work. I remember when I was a kid, I was bushhogging the old corn stalks before discing. I had a tobacco pipe filled with bud that I was smoking on. At one point I had made two rounds without lowering the mower.
Doesnt bug me at all. I sleep like a fucking baby, when Im not waking up all gd night worry about when these fucks are going to email a contract ;). Thats only been happening recently. I usually sleep like a rock for 3.5-4 hrs then I wake up refreshed as fck
Shoulda clarified, she wakes up talking non stop about her dreams..bugs the fuck outta me.
The last dream I can remember was some time ago and I woke up just before I got to stick it in...:(