Hillary can't be trusted

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so much desperation. and i know why.

if the election were held today:

You are just reality signalling. I saw a cbsnews.honestly.ru live poll where Hillary only had 8%. They had to take it down.
i'd love to hear bravedave and pie's "better" financial/economic/rebuildig plans for Haiti since Hillary is doing it all wrong according to them.

You are a moron.

Hillary and bill are largely responsible for the way the aid was distributed in Haiti.

Hillary says black people are doing great in america and haiti.

Meanwhile trump is trying to keep black families safe and employed in america.
And that is why the African American vote for TRUMP! will not exceed 3%? Or is it because (as your butt buddies will explain on Breitbart)black people have lower IQs than white people so they vote against their interests? Or is it rigged? "You tell me".
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