Donald Trump

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Fuck that, if you can't see a problem with that then you're a disgrace to every man/women who put on the uniform and defend the constitution of the United States. You took an oath when you put on that uniform but you're ok with your potential leader taking private money from sworn enemies?

Why won't he release his taxes? What is he hiding?

We Borrowed from China, owe them more than a Trillion dollars and are still fighting with them today over in the S. China sea. Sworn enemies ?? We are not fighting with Russia at sea. China will be more of an enemy than Russia. Look, Donald can borrow from Russia just as you and I can, if he is not defaulting his payment, there is no issue to pursue.

The US Government is Borrowing from China and paying it back with our money. How can you compare that to Donald borrowing his money from Russia ?

I don`t give two shits who Donald borrows his personal loans from. Unless they are illegal.
We Borrowed from China, owe them more than a Trillion dollars and are still fighting with them today over in the S. China sea. Sworn enemies ?? We are not fighting with Russia at sea. China will be more of an enemy than Russia. Look, Donald can borrow from Russia just as you and I can, if he is not defaulting his payment, there is no issue to pursue.

The US Government is Borrowing from China and paying it back with our money. How can you compare that to Donald borrowing his money from Russia ?

I don`t give two shits who Donald borrows his personal loans from. Unless they are illegal.
Plus he hates blacks and Mexicans. Bonus!
Hillary going from broke to a net value of over 400 million holding only a government job don`t bother Democrats at all.

Go figure. No mention. That`s all good.....Right ?
Hillary going from broke to a net value of over 400 million holding only a government job don`t bother Democrats at all.

Go figure. No mention. That`s all good.....Right ?
Nobody was forced to buy her books. It id a damn sight better than ripping people off at TRUMP! University. Oh, but those were get rich quick types so it is ok. I eill admit, they were gullible like you TRUMP! supporters. He would never let you down.
Nobody was forced to buy her books. It id a damn sight better than ripping people off at TRUMP! University. Oh, but those were get rich quick types so it is ok. I eill admit, they were gullible like you TRUMP! supporters. He would never let you down.

Are you telling me she sold 400 million worth of books,....I think not even close.
Hillary going from broke to a net value of over 400 million holding only a government job don`t bother Democrats at all.

Go figure. No mention. That`s all good.....Right ?

She made 22 million from the 2 advances she got from the books. I remember it being a record at the time but both books sold well. I worked one of the events. She stayed for 4 hours. The line was around a city block.
Moron baldy, can`t do better than that.
Well to tell you the truth, my heart isn't in it. It is a lot like arguing with the people over in Flat Earth. It doesn't really matter what I say. I think it is a better use of my time to do volunteer work from here on out. I got 17 new voter registrations today. It will be more fun to just let you boys (and nazi-mistress Pie) air out all your new shit. It is a learning experience for me. I never thought people in this country could be so stupid and mean-spirited.
Well to tell you the truth, my heart isn't in it. It is a lot like arguing with the people over in Flat Earth. It doesn't really matter what I say. I think it is a better use of my time to do volunteer work from here on out. I got 17 new voter registrations today. It will be more fun to just let you boys (and nazi-mistress Pie) air out all your new shit. It is a learning experience for me. I never thought people in this country could be so stupid and mean-spirited.

Remember the bottom 2 colonies were debtor prisons. England sent their Shit to us down there and they just multiplied.
Where do you think we get so many uneducated crackers from? Why do you think it hurts them so much to be considered equal to black men? Even though they came from shit they still had that white skin to fall back on.
that was a damn fine meltdown, oddball.

@Illinois Enema Bandit and @MadNyeTheHydroGuy are racist high schoolers who get beat up by black kids for running their mouths. often.

So you`re fucking with my account to get a meltdown ? Can`t you earn it ? Oh, No you can`t, my bad. Now stop Zedd`s account from like`n me all the time at the same time on the clock. Can`t you frustrate me without your mod powers ?
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