Finding a girlfriend who's 420 friendly

Not sure if this is against the rules or not, but I'll ask anyways.

I'm open and honest when it comes to dating. And I feel sharing that I smoke is important. I've had girls I've been seeing for several weeks break it off when I tell them. I've cut to the chase and told them before I spend a bit of money (last time I told her over coffee and she wasn't interested after) which was done, I was out my time and $8.

Any advice for finding a lady who is 420 friendly? I'm totally in the closet about smoking! I don't wear cheech & Chong shirts, 420 hats, etc. I work very hard to maintain the look of someone who doesn't smoke.
Maybe it has nothing to do with smoking, could just be an excuse. Here's a tip

Being open and honest sharing your feelings, it's a bad way to start any relationship. People always think they want the truth until they hear it, it's bullshit don't fall for it. Fake it until you make it. Next time a girl you're dating asks if you wanna meet my family? Give her an honest answer and see what happens. Keep your business your business, if they find out and want to end it who cares? Chances are they're boring as fuck anyway, tell em you have herpes on your way out the door and to enjoy the burn. My theory on people like that is "fuck em"

Recommend spraying your junk with Spider Mite killer or a pyrethrum.
Wear 4 condoms and gargle with Azamax. Just saying.
Trump's sister looks sketchy but loves the weed ......

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Look at the shiner on her sometimes they just need a little convincing.
A friend of mine was a weedhead when he asked his wife for that first date, a weedhead the first time she slept with him, and a weedhead the day they got married. She knew all about it.

Then they had a kid, and all of a sudden it's a big focking deal.

You never know what people are gonna do. Good luck.
I've never had that issue, but besides meeting them smoking there isn't really a way . I mean you could always go for a less attractive female and just tell her to deal with it your a catch for her.. Where's the fun in that
She's not fat damn you she's big boned ....oh wait nevermind sorry for the outburst
If a girl likes you she wont give a shit if you smoke weed.

On another note are you finding that your using a lot of online dating sites, staying in ordering pizza and masturbating lots...?
I hope he answers yes to the second half of that so you can supply him with more friendly advice that's super amusing ...I mean important for the OP and all us serious members helping him out in this matter ....
I hope he answers yes to the second half of that so you can supply him with more friendly advice that's super amusing ...I mean important for the OP and all us serious members helping him out in this matter ....

I was having a 'serious member moment' when i wrote the first half of the post....
I was having a 'serious member moment' when i wrote the first half of the post....
I could tell....but rite when you spaced it out and said on another note I figured the plot was guna twist and it did ....and I was obviously only interested in the second half
Not sure if this is against the rules or not, but I'll ask anyways.

I'm open and honest when it comes to dating. And I feel sharing that I smoke is important. I've had girls I've been seeing for several weeks break it off when I tell them. I've cut to the chase and told them before I spend a bit of money (last time I told her over coffee and she wasn't interested after) which was done, I was out my time and $8.

Any advice for finding a lady who is 420 friendly? I'm totally in the closet about smoking! I don't wear cheech & Chong shirts, 420 hats, etc. I work very hard to maintain the look of someone who doesn't smoke.

I don't look like a stoner, either- and neither do most of my friends. But if it's any consolation, I have found the older you get, the more accepting women tend to be.
I don't look like a stoner, either- and neither do most of my friends. But if it's any consolation, I have found the older you get, the more accepting women tend to be.
alright illactually postamore serious comment.

you know, i mthe kinda guy where it goes either way, pharm d- not just any, land owner-oil, cattle ranch,limestone quarry

but also drug dealer, and trap staaaaar. who wouldnt deny doing everything from crack xanax xo china etc.

with that said, one of my main bitches is 28, she lives in one of my houses,been a couole yrs blah blah...

hates that i do drugs. weve gad an on off again. ok we date then we just fuck..relationship.

hates that i do drugs...but she wants me and moves past, i just cant be high when im with her. solution, i havent seen that girl in a minute lol.
look,i know it can seem shitty making weed seem like such a bigvpart odlf your life but frankly if it is it is.
imo though you gotta move past eventually, she may want that kid and life. a hubby smokin weed all the time is fine, so long as it aint limiting your career or putting anything in jeopardy, say a roadside drug test. at some point you gotta sit back and think about what you really want

but what would i know, im higj drunk and rambling so hard i dont know why i quoted or posted this
Not sure if this is against the rules or not, but I'll ask anyways.

I'm open and honest when it comes to dating. And I feel sharing that I smoke is important. I've had girls I've been seeing for several weeks break it off when I tell them. I've cut to the chase and told them before I spend a bit of money (last time I told her over coffee and she wasn't interested after) which was done, I was out my time and $8.

Any advice for finding a lady who is 420 friendly? I'm totally in the closet about smoking! I don't wear cheech & Chong shirts, 420 hats, etc. I work very hard to maintain the look of someone who doesn't smoke.
Bottom Line: it shouldn't be an issue

mouthing off your good and bad points on a first date is noob in the extreme

..its her you want to mouth off, ....get her talking

from my own self centered and extensive years of experience in this subject

you have but 2 choices

you tell her the truth and meet miss 5 fingers every saturday night ..or you lie

Lying is good, ...then later seduce her into it

just as most pedophiles would GROOM their target must you

My last several relationships have never toked ...THANK GOD

and see my frequent use as 'SELF MEDICATION' for various and incidental reasons

who after too many wines many nibble one of my cookies by mistake

...only to never look back

..good luck