Bat Guano within Budswel

sorry been using budswell since early 90s,u folks r funny an that's the liquid iam talking about:bigjoint: peace
Right on! I was given some misinformation on the products. Are you familiar with the dry product? We had a seven ounce difference per 1000w light using the dry product over the liquid in the side by sides I did.
Why do ppl get butt hurt when they learn the truth that they have wasted cash & then attack the messager ?
Powders are easy && cheap plus work way way better .
Fake Organics in bottle is what I see . your only fooling yourself backtracker imo
Convenience is why people use liquid fertilizers they are easy clean and hard to fuck up, there are quality organic liquid fertilizers and budswell is one of them. Calling something fake when you don't know anything about it is disingenuous.
I never said I knew their "formula". I've used their products at the behest of someone else, liquid and dry. The dry product won.

Okay now I'll say it...I'm pretty confident I figured out their formula.

You can taste a cake and then can deconstruct what's in it and put together yourself. If you're a baker, having a good pallette comes with the territory.

And why are you always so hostile with people man? It was me on another post a while ago and now you're over here starting shit with @greasemonkeymann who's one of the most knowledgeable people on this site. It's okay to be wrong and have someone else point it out. It's happened to me a million times, probably will again. You're younger than me, it'll happen to you for longer. Get used to it! Start joking with us more and fighting with us less maybe?
You come off like some know it all pot guru but you're not, your monkey buddy twin is an arrogant bore, you both put words in peoples mouth but other than that everything is great. You don't know shit about me. You and your troll buddies are the only people on here I have ever had a problem with.
Right on! I was given some misinformation on the products. Are you familiar with the dry product? We had a seven ounce difference per 1000w light using the dry product over the liquid in the side by sides I did.
I have used dry and liquid budswell. After many j's and bong rips... I've come to the conclusion that the quality of ur liquid budswell is most likely going to depend on how long it's been sitting at the store. Did they store it in a cool place w/out exposure to uv light before it sat on their shelf; being exposed to more light. The bottle is clear. Light isn't going to ruin your budswell tea, but it will definitely change it from its original state.

The dry is stored in a brown light proof bag. So when u mix it up fresh; it is or should be exactly as budswell intended. Vs what may or may not be the original recipe. If your store buys in bulk who knows how many pallets of budswell they've been sitting on.
Right on! I was given some misinformation on the products. Are you familiar with the dry product? We had a seven ounce difference per 1000w light using the dry product over the liquid in the side by sides I did.
I havnt bought the watered down stuff long time,not that its bad I prefer the dry more bang for ya buck ,its been around long time used to get it for 12.95 per gal back then LOL
Not classified as for Organic use in California is not what I'd call a quality Organic product
You're the expert but not very knowledgeable about how to get a product certified organic in California. Every single product has to be certified organic it has to be tested it costs thousands to get each product certified so if a co has 20 products that would be $40.000 so small companies don't do it even though their products are 100% organic. Feel better?. Certified organic growers have too use certified organic products our they lose their certification .
Again California has the gold standard for Organic in the nation ,that shit has been around for decade's .it can't & never will pass as Organic in Cali .That's a BS line "we can't afford the fees" More like banned preservatives than any fee for certification of Organics
. your fooling no one but yourself that your Organic bottled nutes are truly what the mfger claims
Again California has the gold standard for Organic in the nation ,that shit has been around for decade's .it can't & never will pass as Organic in Cali .That's a BS line "we can't afford the fees" More like banned preservatives than any fee for certification of Organics
. your fooling no one but yourself that your Organic bottled nutes are truly what the mfger claims
You don't know shit about California I live here. Bat & bird guano, kelp and worm castings hell ya that shit is pure poison oh I forgot about that U-225 they put in their stuff to make the buds glow at night . Come on you can do better than that.
Again California has the gold standard for Organic in the nation ,that shit has been around for decade's .it can't & never will pass as Organic in Cali .That's a BS line "we can't afford the fees" More like banned preservatives than any fee for certification of Organics
. your fooling no one but yourself that your Organic bottled nutes are truly what the mfger claims
Oh you were trying to tell @backtracker something? Dont you know???

Oh you were trying to tell @backtracker something? Dont you know???

When all you got is bullshit you post childish shit like this. When you are wrong there's nothing wrong with admitting it but narcissists just can't do it, you and your troll buddies started this bullshit by telling the OP that budswell is crap I called bullshit then you tap dance around saying well it's shit but I used it, you are so fucking dizzy how do you keep from falling over. One more time sparky budswell is a quality product that is all the fuck I said.
I can still see his stuff, maybe he blocked you?
Get a life man you seem to be attracted to me for some reason hey I'm not gay not that there's any thing wrong with being gay just not my thing so you and the monkey and slappy can get together and have some fun and leave me the fuck alone.
Ditto. You pretend to be the god of grow and everyone else is below you so you talk down to them in a condescending way that just pisses people off. You are an immature little brat always trying to show everyone how fucking smart you are but what you show is how childish you are. Stop fucking trolling me.
Hmmm, well since this is a public forum and you are doing a perfectly fine job of making yourself look like an idiot.
i'll just let you carry on.
You don't need my help in looking reaaaaally foolish.
and you'll know it if I troll you.
Not worth the time and effort.

Yea... we are ALL trolling you man...
OR maybe you are simply a....... ready for it?
a dumbshit.
Bdswl.JPG M.20.JPG Hello,
Here again with another elixir, der Budswel. They'll tell ya' how much Bud per 5-gal. of H2o (1 to 2 cups mixed with 5-gal water for soil), but not how much for a single gallon. I don't do so well at math. I can grow something ok though. Anyone know how many tablspns of Bud, per gallon of H2o? I'm 4-weeks out till chop (Sep 30.) Thank you!
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I haven't used it for years I do my own. Convenience comes at a cost that is why liquid cost more. These guys don't just throw shit in a bottle they brewed it up using a formula they've worked out. Ever wonder why fert mixes have different npk ratios and ingredients, why does one work for roses but not for artichokes that is what these guys did they figured out what makes pot happy now they sell it to people who haven't.
go check out my thread where the oregon ag tested other bottled/bagged shit and laugh at the results!
View attachment 3768798 View attachment 3768797 Hello,
Here again with another elixir, der Budswel. They'll tell ya' how much Bud per 5-gal. of H2o (1 to 2 cups mixed with 5-gal water for soil), but not how much for a single gallon. I don't do so well at math. I can grow something ok though. Anyone know how many tablspns of Bud, per gallon of H2o? I'm 4-weeks out till chop (Sep 30.) Thank you!
1 cup is 16 tablespoons or so, so that'd be 3 tbsp per gallon, or 6 tbsp per gallon if you went with the higher end 2 cup feeding per 5 gallons.